
$moduleLocation = (Get-Item (Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)).parent.FullName

$scriptRoot = "$moduleLocation\Scripts"
$scriptLocations = @(

$functionTestRoot = "$moduleLocation\Tests\functions"
$functionsTestLocations = @(

$module = 'PSElastic'

Describe "$module Module Tests" {

    Context "Module Setup" {
        It "has the root module $module.psm1" {
            "$moduleLocation\$module.psm1" | Should -Exist

        It "has the manifest file of $module.psm1" {
            "$moduleLocation\$module.psd1" | Should -Exist
            "$moduleLocation\$module.psd1" | Should -FileContentMatch "$module.psm1"

        It "$module is valid PowerShell code" {
            $psFile = Get-Content -path "$moduleLocation\$module.psm1" -ErrorAction Stop
            $errors = $null
            [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($psFile, [ref]$errors)
            $errors.Count | Should Be 0
    $testFunctions = (Get-ChildItem $functionsTestLocations).BaseName

    foreach ($scriptLocation in $scriptLocations) {
        Context "Function Tests" {
            It "has the scripts directory $scriptLocation" {
                "$scriptLocation" | Should -Exist

            $functions = (Get-ChildItem $scriptLocation).BaseName

            foreach ($function in $functions) {
                Context "Test Function $function" {
                    It "$function.ps1 should exist" {
                        "$scriptLocation\$function.ps1" | Should -Exist

                    It "$function.ps1 should contain the Elastic identifier" {
                        "$scriptLocation\$function.ps1" | Should -BeLike "*-Elastic*"

                    It "$function.ps1 should have a SYNOPSIS section in the help block" {
                        "$scriptLocation\$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch '.SYNOPSIS'

                    It "$function.ps1 should have a DESCRIPTION section in the help block" {
                        "$scriptLocation\$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch '.DESCRIPTION'

                    It "$function.ps1 should have a EXAMPLE section in the help block" {
                        "$scriptLocation\$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch '.EXAMPLE'

                    if ($scriptLocation -notmatch "helpers|utils") {
                        It "$function.ps1 should be an advanced function" {
                            "$scriptLocation\$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch 'function'
                            "$scriptLocation\$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch 'cmdletbinding'
                            "$scriptLocation\$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch 'param'
                            "$scriptLocation\$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch 'Begin'
                            "$scriptLocation\$function.ps1" | Should -FileContentMatch 'Process'

                        It "$function has an associated test function" {
                            $testFunctions | Where-Object {$_ -eq "$function.Tests"} | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty

                    It "$function.ps1 is valid PowerShell code" {
                        $psFile = Get-Content -path "$scriptLocation\$function.ps1" -ErrorAction Stop
                        $errors = $null
                        [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($psFile, [ref]$errors)
                        $errors.Count | Should Be 0

                #foreach ($functionsTestLocation in $functionsTestLocations) {
                # Context "$function has tests" {
                # It "$function.Tests.ps1 should exist" {
                # "$functionsTestLocation\$function.Tests.ps1" | Should -Exist
                # }
                # }