
function Invoke-ElvUiCheck {
    Updates / Installs / Checks for latest ElvUI version
    This function will check for / install the latest ElvUI version
    .PARAMETER InstallIfDoesntExist
    If specified, will install ElvUI if it is not found
    .PARAMETER OnlyCheck
    If specified, will only check to see if a newer version is available, but do nothing else
    .PARAMETER WowEdition
    You can specify Classic to install/update ElvUI for WoW classic. Defaults to Retail.
    (check for latest version/update if found)
    (check for latest version/do nothing if found)
    Invoke-ElvUICheck -OnlyCheck
    (check for latest version/install if not installed)
    Invoke-ElvUICheck -InstallIfDoesntExist
    (check for latest version/install if not installed for Classic WoW)
    Invoke-ElvUICheck -WowEdition Classic -InstallIfDoesntExist -Verbose



        $WowEdition = 'Retail'

    begin {
        #Variable setup
        if ($IsLinux) {
            if (!(Test-Path -Path $defaultPSElvUIDir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
                Write-Verbose "Creating directory [$($defaultPSElvUIDir)]..."
                New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $defaultPSElvUIDir
                New-Item -ItemType File -Path $defaultPSElvUIDir -Name 'config.json'
            $script:config = Get-Content -Path "$($defaultPSElvUIDir)$($separator)config.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
            $dlfolder = $defaultPSElvUIDir
        } else {
            $dlfolder = $env:TEMP

        $wowInfo = Get-WowInstallPath -WowEdition $WowEdition
        $remoteElvUiInfo = Get-RemoteElvUiVersion -WowEdition $WowEdition
        $localDlPath = "$dlfolder$($separator)$($remoteElvUiInfo.FileName)"

    process {

        try {
            switch ($WowEdition) {
                'Classic' {

                    $localVersion = Get-LocalElvUiVersion -AddonsFolder $wowInfo.AddonsFolder -ErrorAction Stop

                'Retail' {

                    $localVersion = Get-LocalElvUiVersion -AddonsFolder $wowInfo.AddonsFolder -ErrorAction Stop

        catch {
            if ($InstallIfDoesntExist -and $_.Exception.Message -eq 'ElvUI addon not found!') {
                Write-Host `n"Installing ElvUI..."`n
            } else {
                $errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message 
                throw "Error determining local version of ElvUI -> [$errorMessage]!"


        if ($remoteElvUiInfo.Version -gt $localVersion) {
            Write-Host `n"New version of ElvUI found! (you have [$localVersion], latest is [$($remoteElvUiInfo.Version)])"`n
            if (!$OnlyCheck) {
                Write-Host `n"Downloading file from [$($remoteElvUiInfo.DownloadLink)]... to [$localDlPath]"`n        
                Write-Host `n"Verifying local version has been updated..."`n
                $localVersion = $null
                $localVersion = Get-LocalElvUiVersion -AddonsFolder $wowInfo.AddonsFolder
                if ($localVersion -eq $remoteElvUiInfo.Version) {
                    Write-Host `n"Local version is now the latest [$localVersion]"`n
                Write-Host `n"Cleaning up..."`n
                Invoke-ElvCleanUp -CleanupPath $localDlPath
            } else {
                Write-Host "Run without -OnlyCheck to update!"
        } else {
            Write-Host "ElvUI is already up to date (local [$localVersion]) (remote[$($remoteElvUiInfo.Version)])"

    end {
