
function Get-EmailRep {
    Query the API for a report on an email address.
    EmailRep uses hundreds of data points from social media profiles, professional networking sites,
    dark web credential leaks, data breaches, phishing kits, phishing emails, spam lists,
    open mail relays, domain age and reputation, deliverability,
    and more to predict the risk of an email address.
    .PARAMETER EmailAddress
    Email address to be queried.
    .PARAMETER Summary
    When set to $true, a summary about the email address will be returned.
    The original API response will be displayed. By default, the 'details' object is not a nested object.
    Get-EmailRep -EmailAdress
    email :
    reputation : high
    suspicious : False
    references : 79
    blacklisted : False
    malicious_activity : False
    malicious_activity_recent : False
    credentials_leaked : True
    credentials_leaked_recent : False
    data_breach : True
    first_seen : 07/01/2008
    last_seen : 05/24/2019
    domain_exists : True
    domain_reputation : high
    new_domain : False
    days_since_domain_creation : 10354
    suspicious_tld : False
    spam : False
    free_provider : False
    disposable : False
    deliverable : True
    accept_all : True
    valid_mx : True
    spoofable : False
    spf_strict : True
    dmarc_enforced : True
    profiles : {twitter, vimeo, angellist, linkedin...}
    Get-EmailRep -EmailAdress -Raw
    email :
    reputation : high
    suspicious : False
    references : 79
    details : @{blacklisted=False; malicious_activity=False; malicious_activity_recent=False; credentials_leaked=True; credentials_leaked_recent=False;
                data_breach=True; first_seen=07/01/2008; last_seen=05/24/2019; domain_exists=True; domain_reputation=high; new_domain=False;
                days_since_domain_creation=10354; suspicious_tld=False; spam=False; free_provider=False; disposable=False; deliverable=True; accept_all=True;
                valid_mx=True; spoofable=False; spf_strict=True; dmarc_enforced=True; profiles=System.Object[]}
    "" | Get-EmailRep
    "","" | Get-EmailRep | ft email,reputation,credentials_leaked
    email reputation credentials_leaked
    ----- ---------- ------------------ high True high True


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'Email address to query'

            HelpMessage = 'Return a summary property in the response'

            HelpMessage = 'Return the raw response returned by the API'

    begin {

        $baseUrl = ""

        $headers = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"


    process {

        foreach ($Email in $EmailAddress) {

            if ($summary) {
                $queryUrl = "{0}/{1}?summary=true" -f $baseUrl, $Email
            else {
                $queryUrl = "{0}/{1}" -f $baseUrl, $Email

            try {

                $r = Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -Uri $queryUrl -Headers $headers
                $j = $r.content | ConvertFrom-Json

                switch ( $r.StatusCode ) {
                    200 { $Status = 'OK' }
                    400 { $Status = 'Bad Request: Invalid email' }
                    401 { $Status = 'Unauthorized: invalid api key (for authenticated requests)' }
                    429 { $Status = 'Too Many Requests: too many requests. contact us for an api key' }

                if ($r.StatusCode -ne 200) {
                    Write-Host $Status
            catch {

            if ($raw) {
                return $j
            else {
                $report = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    email      = $
                    reputation = $j.reputation
                    suspicious = $j.suspicious
                    references = $j.references


                if ($Summary) {
                    $report | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'summary' -Value $j.summary

                foreach ($p in $ {
                    $report | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $p.Name -Value $p.Value

                return $report


