
function Set-FreezePane {
        Set FreezePanes on a specified worksheet
        Set FreezePanes on a specified worksheet
    .PARAMETER Worksheet
        Worksheet to add FreezePanes to
        The first row with live data.
        Examples and outcomes:
            -Row 2 Freeze row 1
            -Row 5 Freeze rows 1 through 4
    .PARAMETER Column
        Examples and outcomes:
            -Column 2 Freeze column 1
            -Column 5 Freeze columns 1 through 4
    .PARAMETER Passthru
        If specified, pass the Worksheet back
        $WorkSheet | Set-FreezePane
        #Freeze the top row of $Worksheet (default parameter values handle this)
        $WorkSheet | Set-FreezePane -Row 2 -Column 4
        # Freeze the top row and top 3 columns of $Worksheet
        Thanks to Doug Finke for his example:
        Thanks to Philip Thompson for an expansive set of examples on working with EPPlus in PowerShell:

        [parameter( Mandatory=$true,

        [int]$Row = 2,

        [int]$Column = 1,

        $WorkSheet.View.FreezePanes($Row, $Column)