

# Set the key handlers for hotlist insertion
$sbInsert =
    Param ($Key,$Arg)

    If ($script:matchList)
        # Initialize variables
        $buffer             = $null
        $cursor             = $null
        $matchedItem        = $null
        $bufferLeftOfCursor = $null
        $insertText         = $null

        # Get the contents of the buffer

        # Find the buffer text to the left of the cursor
        $bufferLeftOfCursor = $buffer.Substring(0,$cursor)

        # If the buffer text to the left of the cursor matches any of the list items, set the pointer to the position of that item; prefer longer and earlier matches
        ForEach ($matchKey in $script:matchList.Keys)
            $isMatch    = $false
            $matchQuote = $null
            If ($bufferLeftOfCursor -like "*$matchKey")
                $isMatch    = $true
                $matchQuote = ''
            If ($bufferLeftOfCursor -like "*'$matchKey'")
                $isMatch    = $true
                $matchQuote = ''''
            If ($bufferLeftOfCursor -like "*`"$matchKey`"")
                $isMatch    = $true
                $matchQuote = '"'
            If ($isMatch)
                If ($Key.Key.ToString() -eq 'DownArrow') { $i =  1 }
                If ($Key.Key.ToString() -eq 'UpArrow'  ) { $i = -1 }
                $matchedItem     = "$matchQuote$matchKey$matchQuote"
                $script:listPosn = ($script:matchList[$matchKey]+$script:listItems.Length+$i)%($script:listItems.Length) # move the pointer to the next/previous item

        # Determine the text to be inserted
        $isShiftUsed = ($Key.Modifiers -band [System.ConsoleModifiers]::Shift  ) -eq [System.ConsoleModifiers]::Shift
        $isCtrlUsed  = ($Key.Modifiers -band [System.ConsoleModifiers]::Control) -eq [System.ConsoleModifiers]::Control
        If ( $isCtrlUsed -and !$isShiftUsed) { $insertQuote = ''   }
        If (!$isCtrlUsed -and  $isShiftUsed) { $insertQuote = '''' }
        If ( $isCtrlUsed -and  $isShiftUsed) { $insertQuote = '"'  }
        $insertText = "$insertQuote$($script:listItems[$script:listPosn].ToString())$insertQuote"

        # If there's a match, replace with the text of the next list item, otherwise just insert
        If ($matchedItem)