
Write-Verbose 'Importing from [D:\a\1\s\PSFPL\Private]'
# .ConvertTo-FplObject.ps1
function ConvertTo-FplObject {
        Convert an object returned from the FPL API into a more PowerShelly object with a type name
        Convert an object returned from the FPL API into a more PowerShelly object with a type name
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        A PowerShell object returned from the FPL API
        The type name to give the resulted PowerShell object
        $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing
        ConvertTo-FplObject -InputObject $Response -Type 'FplPlayer'

    Param (

        [ValidateSet('FplPlayer', 'FplGameweek', 'FplFixture', 'FplLeagueTable', 'FplTeam', 'FplLeague', 'FplTeamPlayer')]
    switch ($Type) {
        'FplPlayer' {
            $PositionHash = Get-FplElementType
            $TeamHash = Get-FplClubId
        'FplFixture' {
            $TeamHash = Get-FplClubId
            $PlayerHash = Get-FplElementId
        'FplLeagueTable' {
            $LeagueName = $InputObject[0]
            $InputObject = $InputObject.foreach{$_.standings.results}
        'FplTeam' {
            $TeamHash = Get-FplClubId
        'FplLeague' {
            $InputObject = @($InputObject.classic) + @($InputObject.h2h).where{$ -ne 'cup'}
        'FplTeamPlayer' {
            $Players = Get-FplPlayer

    $TextInfo = (Get-Culture).TextInfo
    foreach ($Object in $InputObject) {
        $Hashtable = [ordered]@{}
        $ | Foreach-Object {
            $Name = $TextInfo.ToTitleCase($_.Name) -replace '_' -replace 'Team', 'Club' -replace 'Entry', 'Team' -replace 'Event', 'Gameweek'
            $Value = if ($_.Value -is [string]) {
                $DiacriticName = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('ISO-8859-1').GetBytes($_.Value))
            else {
            $Hashtable[$Name] = $Value

        switch ($Type) {
            'FplPlayer' {
                $Hashtable['PlayerId'] = $Hashtable['Id']
                $Hashtable['Position'] = $PositionHash[$Object.element_type]
                $Hashtable['ClubId'] = $Hashtable['Club']
                $Hashtable['Club'] = $TeamHash[$Hashtable['Club']]
                $Hashtable['Price'] = $Object.now_cost / 10
            'FplGameweek' {
                $Hashtable['Gameweek'] = $Hashtable['Id']
                $Hashtable['DeadlineTime'] = Get-Date $Object.deadline_time
            'FplFixture' {
                $Hashtable['FixtureId'] = $Hashtable['Id']
                $Hashtable['DeadlineTime'] = Get-Date $Object.deadline_time
                $HashTable['KickoffTime'] = Get-Date $Object.kickoff_time
                $Hashtable['ClubA'] = $TeamHash[$Object.team_a]
                $Hashtable['ClubH'] = $TeamHash[$Object.team_h]
                $Hashtable['Stats'] = foreach ($Stat in $Hashtable['Stats']) {
                    $StatType = $TextInfo.ToTitleCase($Stat.PSObject.Properties.Name)
                    foreach ($Letter in 'a', 'h') {
                        $Club = 'Club{0}' -f $Letter.ToUpper()
                        foreach ($Item in $Stat.$StatType.$Letter) {
                                'PlayerId'   = $Item.element
                                'PlayerName' = $PlayerHash[$Item.element]
                                'StatType'   = $StatType -replace '_'
                                'StatValue'  = $Item.value
                                'ClubName'   = $Hashtable[$club]
            'FplLeagueTable' {
                $Hashtable['LeagueName'] = $LeagueName
                $Hashtable['LeagueId'] = $Hashtable['League']
                $Hashtable['TeamId'] = $Hashtable['Team']
            'FplTeam' {
                $Hashtable['Bank'] = $Hashtable['Bank'] / 10
                $Hashtable['Value'] = $Hashtable['Value'] / 10
                if ($Hashtable['FavouriteClub']) {
                    $Hashtable['FavouriteClub'] = $TeamHash[$Hashtable['FavouriteClub']]
                $Hashtable['TeamId'] = $Hashtable['Id']
                $Hashtable['PlayerId'] = $Hashtable['Player']
            'FplLeague' {
                $Hashtable['LeagueId'] = $Hashtable['Id']
                $Hashtable['LeagueType'] = switch ($Hashtable['LeagueType']) {
                    'c' {'Public'}
                    's' {'Global'}
                    'x' {'Private'}
                $Hashtable['Scoring'] = switch ($Hashtable['Scoring']) {
                    'c' {'Classic'}
                    'h' {'H2H'}
            'FplTeamPlayer' {
                $Hashtable['PlayerId'] = $Hashtable['Element']
                if ($Hashtable.position -le 11) {
                    $Hashtable['PlayingStatus'] = 'Starting'
                else {
                    $Hashtable['PlayingStatus'] = 'Substitute'

                $CurrentPlayer = $Players.Where{$_.PlayerId -eq $Hashtable['PlayerId']}
                foreach ($Property in (Get-Member -InputObject $CurrentPlayer[0] -MemberType 'NoteProperty').Name) {
                    $Hashtable[$Property] = $CurrentPlayer.$Property
                $Hashtable['Points'] = $CurrentPlayer.GameweekPoints * $Hashtable['Multiplier']

        $Hashtable['PsTypeName'] = $Type

# .Get-FplClubId.ps1
function Get-FplClubId {
        Retrieves a hashtable of club IDs to club names
        Retrieves a hashtable of club IDs to club names

    param ()
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing
    $Hashtable = @{}
    foreach ($Club in $Response) {
        $Hashtable[$] = $

# .Get-FplElementId.ps1
function Get-FplElementId {
        Retrieves a hashtable of player IDs to player names
        Retrieves a hashtable of player IDs to player names

    param ()
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing
    $Hashtable = @{}
    foreach ($Element in $Response) {
        $DiacriticName = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('ISO-8859-1').GetBytes($Element.web_name))
        $Hashtable[$] = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("Cyrillic").GetBytes($DiacriticName))

# .Get-FplElementType.ps1
function Get-FplElementType {
        Retrieves a hashtable of position IDs to position names
        Retrieves a hashtable of position IDs to position names

    param ()
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing
    $ElementHash = @{}
    foreach ($Element in $Response) {
        $ElementHash[$] = $Element.singular_name

# .Get-FplUserTeam.ps1
function Get-FplUserTeam {
        Retrieves the logged in users team
        Retrieves the logged in users team

    param ()
    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -UseDefaultCredentials -WebSession $Script:FplSession
    ConvertTo-FplObject -InputObject $Response.entry -Type 'FplTeam'

Write-Verbose 'Importing from [D:\a\1\s\PSFPL\Public]'
# .Connect-FPL.ps1
function Connect-Fpl {
        Connect to the FPL API using provided login credentials
        Connect to the FPL API using provided login credentials
        This is required for some functions which pull data related to your account
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Your FPL credentials that you use to log into
    .PARAMETER Force
        Create a connection regardless of whether there is already an existing connection
        Connect-FPL -Credential
        Connect-FPL -Credential -Force

    Param (


    if ($Script:FplSession -and -not $Force) {
        Write-Warning "A connection already exists. Use the Force parameter to connect."

    $Uri = ''
    $LoginResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -SessionVariable 'FplSession' -UseBasicParsing
    $CsrfToken = $LoginResponse.InputFields.Where{$ -eq 'csrfmiddlewaretoken'}.value

    $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -WebSession $FplSession -Method 'Post' -UseBasicParsing -Body @{
        'csrfmiddlewaretoken' = $CsrfToken
        'login'               = $Credential.UserName
        'password'            = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
        'app'                 = 'plfpl-web'
        'redirect_uri'        = ''

    if (-not ($Response.Headers.'Set-Cookie' -match 'sessionid=')) {
        Throw 'Invalid credentials'

    $Script:FplSession = $FplSession

# .Get-FplFixture.ps1
function Get-FplFixture {
        Retrieves a list of FPL fixtures
        Retrieves a list of FPL fixtures
    .PARAMETER Gameweek
        Retrieve the fixtures from a specified gameweek
        Retrieve the fixtures for a specified club
        This will list all of the fixtures throughout the season
        Get-FplFixture -Gameweek 14
        This will list the fixtures from gameweek 14
        Get-FplFixture -Club Liverpool
        This will list all of the fixtures for Liverpool FC
        Get-FplFixture -Club Chelsea -Gameweek 2
        This will get the Chelsea FC fixture in gameweek 2

    Param (

            'Arsenal', 'Bournemouth', 'Brighton', 'Burnley', 'Cardiff', 'Chelsea', 'Crystal Palace',
            'Everton', 'Fulham', 'Huddersfield', 'Leicester', 'Liverpool', 'Man City', 'Man Utd',
            'Newcastle', 'Southampton', 'Spurs', 'Watford', 'West Ham', 'Wolves'

    process {
        $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing
        if ($Response -match 'The game is being updated.') {
            Write-Warning 'The game is being updated. Please try again shortly.'
        $Fixtures = ConvertTo-FplObject -InputObject $Response -Type 'FplFixture' | Sort-Object Gameweek, KickOffTime
            ($Gameweek -eq 0 -or $_.Gameweek -eq $Gameweek) -and
            $_.ClubH + $_.ClubA -match $Club

# .Get-FplGameweek.ps1
function Get-FplGameweek {
        Retrieves a list of FPL gameweeks
        Retrieves a list of FPL gameweeks
    .PARAMETER Gameweek
        Retrieve a specific gameweek by it's number
    .Parameter Current
        Retrieves the current gameweek
        This will list all of the gameweeks
        Get-FplGameweek -Gameweek 14
        This will list only gameweek 14
        9 | Get-FplGameweek
        This will list only gameweek 9
        Get-FplGameweek -Current
        This will list only the current gameweek

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Gameweek')]
    param (
            ParameterSetName = 'Gameweek',

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Current')]

    $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing
    if ($Response -match 'The game is being updated.') {
        Write-Warning 'The game is being updated. Please try again shortly.'
    $Gameweeks = ConvertTo-FplObject -InputObject $Response -Type 'FplGameweek'

    if ($Current) {
    elseif ($Gameweek -gt 0) {
        $Gameweeks.Where{$_.Id -eq $Gameweek}
    else {

# .Get-FplLeague.ps1
function Get-FplLeague {
        Lists the leagues that a team is a member of.
        Lists the leagues that a team is a member of given a team ID.
        If no team ID is specified then it will list the leagues for your team. This requires an existing connection which can be created with Connect-Fpl.
        If there is no existing connection found it will prompt for credentials.
        The team ID of the team to list the leagues of.
        This will list the leagues that your team is in.
        Get-FplLeague -TeamId 12345
        This will list the leagues that the team with the team ID of 12345 is in.

    param (

    process {
        if ($TeamId -eq 0) {
            if (!$Script:FplSession) {
                Write-Warning 'No existing connection found'
                $Credential = Get-Credential -Message 'Please enter your FPL login details'
                Connect-Fpl -Credential $Credential

            $TeamId = (Get-FplUserTeam).TeamId

        $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$TeamId" -UseDefaultCredentials
        if ($Response -match 'The game is being updated.') {
            Write-Warning 'The game is being updated. Please try again shortly.'
        ConvertTo-FplObject -InputObject $Response.leagues -Type 'FplLeague'

# .Get-FplLeagueTable.ps1
function Get-FplLeagueTable {
        Retrieves an FPL league table
        Retrieves an FPL league table given a league ID and league type
    .PARAMETER LeagueId
        An FPL league Id
    .Parameter Type
        An FPL league type. This can either be 'Classic' or 'HeadToHead'
    .Parameter League
        This parameter allows you to pass in an FplLeague object directly which can be retrieved from Get-FplLeague
        Get-FplLeagueTable -Id 12345 -Type Classic
        This will show the league standings for the classic league of ID 12345
        Get-FplLeague | Where Name -eq 'My League' | Get-FplLeagueTable
        This will get the league standings for the league that your team is in called 'My League'

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
            ParameterSetName = 'Default'

            ParameterSetName = 'Default'
        [ValidateSet('Classic', 'H2H')]

            ParameterSetName = 'PipelineInput'

    process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'PipelineInput') {
            $Type = $League.Scoring
            $Id = $League.LeagueId
        $Results = do {
            $Page += 1
            $Url = '{0}-standings/{1}?phase=1&le-page=1&ls-page={2}' -f $Type.ToLower(), $Id, $Page
            $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Url -UseBasicParsing
            if ($Response -match 'The game is being updated.') {
                Write-Warning 'The game is being updated. Please try again shortly.'
        until (-not $Response.standings.has_next)

        ConvertTo-FplObject -InputObject $Results -Type 'FplLeagueTable'

# .Get-FplPlayer.ps1
function Get-FplPlayer {
        Retrieve a list of FPL players
        Retrieve a list of FPL players
        Filter players based on their surname
    .PARAMETER Position
        Filter players based on their position
        Filter players based on their club
    .PARAMETER MaxPrice
        Filter players based on their price
    .PARAMETER DreamTeam
        Show the current dream team
        Retrieve all of the FPL players in the game
        Get-FplPlayer -Name Hazard
        Retrieve all of the FPL players with 'Hazard' in their name
        Get-FplPlayer -Position Forward -Club 'Man City'
        Retrieve all of the forwards that play for Man City
        Get-FplPlayer -MaxPrice 5.1
        Retrieve all players priced at �5.1m or lower
        Get-FplPlayer -DreamTeam
        Retrieve the current dream team

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Filter')]
    Param (
            ParameterSetName = 'Filter',

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Filter')]
        [ValidateSet('Forward', 'Midfielder', 'Defender', 'Goalkeeper')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Filter')]
            'Arsenal', 'Bournemouth', 'Brighton', 'Burnley', 'Cardiff', 'Chelsea', 'Crystal Palace',
            'Everton', 'Fulham', 'Huddersfield', 'Leicester', 'Liverpool', 'Man City', 'Man Utd',
            'Newcastle', 'Southampton', 'Spurs', 'Watford', 'West Ham', 'Wolves'

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Filter')]
        $MaxPrice = [int]::MaxValue,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DreamTeam')]
    Begin {
        $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing
        if ($Response -match 'The game is being updated.') {
            Write-Warning 'The game is being updated. Please try again shortly.'
        $Players = ConvertTo-FplObject -InputObject $Response -Type 'FplPlayer' | Sort-Object TotalPoints, Price -Descending
    Process {
        $Output = $Players.Where{
            $_.WebName -match $Name -and
            $_.Position -match $Position -and
            $_.Club -match $Club -and
            $_.Price -le $MaxPrice
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MaxPrice')) {
            $Output = $Output | Sort-Object Price, TotalPoints -Descending
        if ($DreamTeam) {
            $SortOrder = 'Goalkeeper', 'Defender', 'Midfielder', 'Forward'
            $Output = $Players.Where{$_.InDreamClub -eq $true} | Sort-Object {$SortOrder.IndexOf($_.Position)}
    End {}

# .Get-FplTeam.ps1
function Get-FplTeam {
        Retrieve information about an FPL team
        Retrieve information about an FPL team either by a specified team ID or get your own team by logging in with Connect-FPL
        A team ID to retrieve information about
        Connect-Fpl -Email
        $MyTeam = Get-FplTeam
        Retrieves information about your own team
        Get-FplTeam -TeamId 12345
        Retrieves information about the team with the ID 12345

    param (
    process {
        if ($TeamId -gt 0) {
            $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$TeamId" -UseDefaultCredentials
            if ($Response -match 'The game is being updated.') {
                Write-Warning 'The game is being updated. Please try again shortly.'
            ConvertTo-FplObject -InputObject $Response.entry -Type 'FplTeam'
        else {
            if (!$Script:FplSession) {
                Write-Warning 'No existing connection found'
                $Credential = Get-Credential -Message 'Please enter your FPL login details'
                Connect-Fpl -Credential $Credential


# .Get-FplTeamPlayer.ps1
function Get-FplTeamPlayer {
        Retrieves the player information within a team from a certain gameweek.
        Retrieves the player information within a team from a certain gameweek.
        If no team ID or gameweek is supplied it will request to authenticate to get the users team and current gameweek.
        The ID of the team to retrieve the player information
    .PARAMETER Gameweek
        The gameweek of which to retrieve the player information from
        This will prompt the user to supply credentials and return the user's player information from the current gameweek
        Get-FplTeamPlayer -TeamID 12345
        This will get the player information for the team with ID 12345 from the current gameweek
        Get-FplTeamPlayer -TeamID 12345 -Gameweek 12
        This will get the player information for the team with ID 12345 from gameweek 12

    param (

    process {
        if ($TeamId -eq 0) {
            if (!$Script:FplSession) {
                Write-Warning 'No existing connection found'
                $Credential = Get-Credential -Message 'Please enter your FPL login details'
                Connect-Fpl -Credential $Credential

            $TeamId = (Get-FplUserTeam).TeamId

        if ($Gameweek -eq 0) {
            $Gameweek = (Get-FplGameweek -Current).Gameweek

        $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$TeamId/event/$Gameweek/picks"
        if ($Response -match 'The game is being updated.') {
            Write-Warning 'The game is being updated. Please try again shortly.'
        ConvertTo-FplObject -InputObject $Response.picks -Type 'FplTeamPlayer'