
Function Add-FTPItem
        Send file to specific ftp location.
        The Add-FTPItem cmdlet send file to specific location on ftp server.
        Specifies a path to ftp location.
    .PARAMETER LocalPath
        Specifies a local path.
    .PARAMETER BufferSize
        Specifies size of buffer. Default is 20KB.
    .PARAMETER Session
        Specifies a friendly name for the ftp session. Default session name is 'DefaultFTPSession'.
    .PARAMETER Overwrite
        Overwrite item on remote location.
        PS> Add-FTPItem -Path "/myfolder" -LocalPath "C:\myFile.txt"
        Dir : -
        Right : rw-r--r--
        Ln : 1
        User : ftp
        Group : ftp
        Size : 82033
        ModifiedDate : Aug 17 12:27
        Name : myFile.txt
        PS> Get-ChildItem "C:\Folder" | Add-FTPItem
        Author: Michal Gajda
        Blog :

        [String]$Path = "",
        [Int]$BufferSize = 20KB,
        $Session = "DefaultFTPSession",
        [Switch]$Overwrite = $false
        if($Session -isnot [String])
            $CurrentSession = $Session
            $CurrentSession = Get-Variable -Scope Global -Name $Session -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ValueOnly
        if($CurrentSession -eq $null)
            Write-Warning "Add-FTPItem: Cannot find session $Session. First use Set-FTPConnection to config FTP connection."
        if(Test-Path $LocalPath)
            $FileName = (Get-Item $LocalPath).Name
            Write-Debug "Native path: $Path"
            if($Path -match "ftp://")
                $RequestUri = $Path
                Write-Debug "Use original path: $RequestUri"
                $RequestUri = $CurrentSession.RequestUri.OriginalString+"/"+$Path
                Write-Debug "Add ftp:// at start: $RequestUri"
            $RequestUri = $RequestUri+"/"+$FileName
            $RequestUri = [regex]::Replace($RequestUri, '/$', '')
            $RequestUri = [regex]::Replace($RequestUri, '/+', '/')
            $RequestUri = [regex]::Replace($RequestUri, '^ftp:/', 'ftp://')
            Write-Debug "Remove additonal slash: $RequestUri"
            if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($RequestUri,"Send item: '$LocalPath' in ftp location")) 
                [System.Net.FtpWebRequest]$Request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($RequestUri)
                $Request.Credentials = $CurrentSession.Credentials
                $Request.EnableSsl = $CurrentSession.EnableSsl
                $Request.KeepAlive = $CurrentSession.KeepAlive
                $Request.UseBinary = $CurrentSession.UseBinary
                $Request.UsePassive = $CurrentSession.UsePassive

                    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$CurrentSession.ignoreCert}
                    $SendFlag = 1
                    if($Overwrite -eq $false)
                        if((Get-FTPChildItem -Path $RequestUri -Session $Session).Name)
                            $FileSize = Get-FTPItemSize -Path $RequestUri -Session $Session -Silent
                            $Title = "A File name: $FileName already exists in this location."
                            $Message = "What do you want to do?"

                            $ChoiceOverwrite = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Overwrite"
                            $ChoiceCancel = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Cancel"
                            if($FileSize -lt (Get-Item -Path $LocalPath).Length)
                                $ChoiceResume = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Resume"
                                $Options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($ChoiceCancel, $ChoiceOverwrite, $ChoiceResume)
                                $SendFlag = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($Title, $Message, $Options, 2) 
                                $Options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($ChoiceCancel, $ChoiceOverwrite)        
                                $SendFlag = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($Title, $Message, $Options, 1) 
                    if($SendFlag -eq 2)
                        $Request.Method = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+FTP]::AppendFile
                        $Request.Method = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+FTP]::UploadFile
                    Write-Debug "Use WebRequestMethods: $($Request.Method)"
                        $File = [IO.File]::OpenRead( (Convert-Path $LocalPath) )
                        Write-Debug "Open File: $LocalPath"
                           $Response = $Request.GetRequestStream()
                        [Byte[]]$Buffer = New-Object Byte[] $BufferSize
                        $ReadedData = 0
                        $AllReadedData = 0
                        $TotalData = (Get-Item $LocalPath).Length
                        if($SendFlag -eq 2)
                            $SeekOrigin = [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin
                            $File.Seek($FileSize,$SeekOrigin) | Out-Null
                            $AllReadedData = $FileSize
                        if($TotalData -eq 0)
                            $TotalData = 1
                        Do {
                               $ReadedData = $File.Read($Buffer, 0, $Buffer.Length)
                               $AllReadedData += $ReadedData
                               $Response.Write($Buffer, 0, $ReadedData);
                               Write-Progress -Activity "Upload File: $Path/$FileName" -Status "Uploading:" -Percentcomplete ([int]($AllReadedData/$TotalData * 100))
                        } While($ReadedData -gt 0)
                        Write-Debug "Close File: $LocalPath"
                        Return Get-FTPChildItem -Path $RequestUri -Session $Session
                    Write-Error $_.Exception.Message -ErrorAction Stop 
            Write-Error "Cannot find local path '$LocalPath' because it does not exist." -ErrorAction Stop 