
function Export-Config {
        Create an archive containing exported CrowdStrike Falcon configuration files.
        Uses various PSFalcon commands to gather and export Groups, Policies and Exclusions as a collection
        of Json files contained with in a zip archive. The exported files can be used with 'Import-FalconConfig'
        to restore configurations to your existing environment, or create copies in another environment.
        Items to export from your current CID. Leave unspecified to export the entire list.
        PS> Export-FalconConfig

        Creates '.\FalconConfig_<FileDateTime>.zip' with all available configuration files.
        PS> Export-FalconConfig -Items HostGroup, FirewallGroup, FirewallPolicy

        Creates '.\FalconConfig_<FileDateTime>.zip' with HostGroup, FirewallGroup (including Firewall Rules),
        and FirewallPolicy configuration files.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'config:Export')]
        [Parameter(Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = 'config:Export')]
        [ValidateSet('HostGroup', 'IOAGroup', 'FirewallGroup', 'DeviceControlPolicy', 'FirewallPolicy',
        'PreventionPolicy', 'ResponsePolicy', 'SensorUpdatePolicy', 'IOAExclusion', 'MLExclusion', 'SVExclusion')]
        [array] $Items
    DynamicParam {
        $Endpoints = @('config:Export')
        return (Get-Dictionary -Endpoints $Endpoints -OutVariable Dynamic)
    begin {
        # Get current location
        $CurrentPath = (Get-Location).Path
        # Set output filename
        $OutputFile = "FalconConfig_$(Get-Date -Format FileDateTime).zip"
        function Get-ItemContent ($Item) {
            # Request content using selected command
            Write-Host "Exporting '$Item'..."
            $FilePath = Join-Path -Path $CurrentPath -ChildPath "$Item.json"
            $Param = @{
                Detailed = $true
                All = $true
            $FileContent = if ($Item -match '^(DeviceControl|Firewall|Prevention|Response|SensorUpdate)Policy$') {
                # Create policy exports in 'platform_name' order to retain precedence
                    & "Get-Falcon$($Item)" @Param -Filter "platform_name:'$_'+name:!'platform_default'" 2>$null
            } else {
                & "Get-Falcon$($Item)" @Param 2>$null
            if ($FileContent -and $Item -eq 'FirewallPolicy') {
                # Export firewall settings
                Write-Host "Exporting 'FirewallSetting'..."
                $Settings = Get-FalconFirewallSetting -Ids $ 2>$null
                foreach ($Result in $Settings) {
                    ($FileContent | Where-Object { $ -eq $Result.policy_id }).PSObject.Properties.Add(
                        (New-Object PSNoteProperty('settings', $Result)))
            if ($FileContent) {
                # Export results to json file and output created file name
                ConvertTo-Json -InputObject @( $FileContent ) -Depth 16 | Out-File -FilePath $FilePath -Append
    process {
        if ($PSBoundParameters.Help) {
            Get-Help $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -Detailed
        } else {
            $Export = if ($PSBoundParameters.Items) {
                # Use specified items
            } else {
                # Use all available items
                (Get-Command $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name).ParameterSets.Where({ $_.Name -eq
                'config:Export' }).Parameters.Where({ $_.Name -eq 'Items' }).Attributes.ValidValues
            [array] $Export += switch ($Export) {
                { $_ -match '^(IOA|ML|SV)Exclusion$' -and $Export -notcontains 'HostGroup' } {
                { $_ -contains 'FirewallGroup' } {
            $JsonFiles = foreach ($Item in $Export) {
                # Retrieve results and export to Json
                ,(Get-ItemContent -Item $Item)
            if ($JsonFiles) {
                # Archive Json exports with content
                $ArchivePath = Join-Path -Path $CurrentPath -ChildPath $OutputFile
                $Param = @{
                    Path = (Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {
                        ($JsonFiles -contains $_.FullName) -and ($_.Length -gt 0) }).FullName
                    DestinationPath = $ArchivePath
                Compress-Archive @Param
    end {
        if ($OutputArchive) {
        if ($ArchivePath) {
            if (Test-Path $ArchivePath) {
                # Remove Json files and output archive
                Remove-Item -Path $JsonFiles -Force
                Get-ChildItem $ArchivePath
        } elseif ($JsonFiles) {
            if (Test-Path $JsonFiles) {
                # Output list of temporary files
                Get-ChildItem $JsonFiles
function Import-Config {
        Import configurations from a 'FalconConfig' archive into your Falcon environment.
        Creates groups, policies, exclusions and rules within a 'FalconConfig' archive within your authenticated
        Falcon environment. Anything that already exists will be ignored and no existing items will be modified.
        File path of the target 'FalconConfig' archive
        PS> Import-FalconConfig -Path .\FalconConfig_<FileDateTime>.zip

        Creates new items present in the archive, but does not assign policies or exclusions to existing groups or
        modify existing items (including 'default' policies).

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'config:Import')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = 'config:Import')]
        [string] $Path
    DynamicParam {
        $Endpoints = @('config:Import')
        return (Get-Dictionary -Endpoints $Endpoints -OutVariable Dynamic)
    begin {
        # List of fields to capture during Json import
        $ConfigFields = @{
            DeviceControlPolicy = @{
                Import = @('id', 'platform_name', 'name', 'description', 'settings', 'enabled', 'groups')
            FirewallGroup = @{
                Import = @('id', 'name', 'enabled', 'rule_ids', 'description')
            FirewallPolicy = @{
                Import = @('id', 'name', 'platform_name', 'description', 'enabled', 'groups', 'settings')
            FirewallRule = @{
                Import = @('id', 'family', 'name', 'description', 'enabled', 'platform_ids', 'direction',
                    'action', 'address_family', 'local_address', 'remote_address', 'protocol', 'local_port',
                    'remote_port', 'icmp', 'monitor', 'fields', 'rule_group')
            FirewallSetting = @{
                Import = @('policy_id', 'platform_id', 'default_inbound', 'default_outbound', 'enforce',
                    'test_mode', 'rule_group_ids', 'is_default_policy')
            HostGroup = @{
                Import = @('id', 'name', 'description', 'group_type', 'assignment_rule')
            IOAExclusion = @{
                Import = @('id', 'cl_regex', 'ifn_regex', 'name', 'pattern_id', 'pattern_name', 'groups',
                    'comment', 'description')
            IOAGroup = @{
                Import = @('id', 'platform', 'name', 'description', 'rules', 'enabled', 'version')
                Compare = @('platform', 'name')
            IOARule = @{
                Create = @('name', 'pattern_severity', 'ruletype_id', 'disposition_id', 'field_values',
                    'description', 'comment', 'enabled')
                Export = @('instance_id', 'name')
            MLExclusion = @{
                Import = @('id', 'value', 'excluded_from', 'groups', 'applied_globally')
                Compare = @('value')
                Export = @('id', 'value')
            PreventionPolicy = @{
                Import = @('id', 'platform_name', 'name', 'description', 'prevention_settings',
                    'enabled', 'groups')
            ResponsePolicy = @{
                Import = @('id', 'platform_name', 'name', 'description', 'settings', 'enabled', 'groups')
            SensorUpdatePolicy = @{
                Import = @('id', 'platform_name', 'name', 'settings', 'enabled', 'description',
            SVExclusion = @{
                Import = @('id', 'value', 'groups', 'applied_globally')
                Compare = @('value')
        function Add-Field ($Object, $Name, $Value) {
            $Object.PSObject.Properties.Add((New-Object PSNoteProperty($Name, $Value)))
        function Compress-Reference ($Object) {
            # Remove unnecessary fields from sub-objects before import
            foreach ($Item in $Object) {
                if ($Item.group_type -eq 'static' -and $Item.assignment_rule) {
                    # Remove assignment_rule values from static Host Groups
                if ($Item.groups) {
                    # Exclude fields except id and name with group info
                    $Item.groups = $Item.groups | Select-Object id, name
                if ($Item.prevention_settings.settings) {
                    # Exclude fields except id and value with prevention settings
                    $Item.prevention_settings = $Item.prevention_settings.settings | Select-Object id, value
                if ($Item.settings.classes) {
                    foreach ($Class in ($Item.settings.classes | Where-Object { $_.exceptions })) {
                        # Exclude ids for individual Device Control exceptions
                        $Class.exceptions = $Class.exceptions | ForEach-Object {
                if ($Item.rule_group) {
                    # Exclude rule_group fields except id, policy_ids and name with Firewall rules
                    $Item.rule_group = $Item.rule_group | Select-Object id, policy_ids, name
                if ($Item.settings.settings) {
                    # Exclude fields except id and value with settings
                    $Item.settings = $Item.settings.settings | Select-Object id, value
                if ($Item.field_values) {
                    # Exclude non-required fields from IOA Rules
                    $Item.field_values = $Item.field_values | Select-Object name, label, type, values
        function Get-ConfigItem ($Item, $Type, $FilterScript) {
            # Retrieve an item from 'ConfigData'
            $ConfigData.$Item.$Type | Where-Object -FilterScript $FilterScript
        function Get-ImportData ($Item) {
            if ($ConfigData.$Item.CID) {
                # Compare imported items against CID
                $Param = @{
                    ReferenceObject = $ConfigData.$Item.Import
                    DifferenceObject = $ConfigData.$Item.CID
                    Property = if ($ConfigFields.$Item.Compare) {
                        # Use defined fields for comparison
                    } elseif ($Item -match '^*.Policy$') {
                        # Use 'platform_name' and 'name' for policies
                        @('platform_name', 'name')
                    } else {
                        # Use 'name'
                foreach ($Result in (Compare-Object @Param)) {
                    $ScriptBlock = switch ($Item) {
                        { $_ -eq 'IOAGroup' } {
                            # Output IOA groups from import using 'platform' and 'name' match
                            { $_.platform -eq $Result.platform -and $ -eq $ }
                        { $_ -like '*Exclusion' } {
                            # Output exclusions from import using 'value' match
                            { $_.value -eq $Result.value }
                        { $_ -like '*Policy' } {
                            # Output policies from import using 'platform_name' and 'name'
                            { $_.platform_name -eq $Result.platform_name -and $ -eq $ }
                        default {
                            # Output using 'name'
                            { $ -eq $ }
                    $Param = @{
                        Item = $Item
                        Type = 'Import'
                        FilterScript = $ScriptBlock
                    Get-ConfigItem @Param
            } elseif ($ConfigData.$Item.Import) {
                # Output all items
        function Get-Reference ($Item) {
            try {
                # Retrieve existing configurations from CID, excluding 'platform_default'
                $Param = @{
                    Detailed = $true
                    All = $true
                if ($Item -match 'Policy') {
                    $Param['Filter'] = "name:!'platform_default'"
                Write-Host "Retrieving '$Item'..."
                Compress-Reference -Object (& "Get-Falcon$($Item)" @Param | Where-Object { $ -ne
                    'platform_default' } | Select-Object $ConfigFields.$Item.Import)
            } catch {
                throw $_
        function Import-ConfigData ($FilePath) {
            # Load configuration archive into memory, extract files and convert from Json
            $Output = @{}
            $ByteStream = if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 6) {
                Get-Content -Path $FilePath -AsByteStream
            } else {
                Get-Content -Path $FilePath -Encoding Byte -Raw
            [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.IO.Compression') | Out-Null
            $FileStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream
            $ConfigArchive = New-Object System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive($FileStream)
            foreach ($FullName in $ConfigArchive.Entries.FullName) {
                $Filename = $ConfigArchive.GetEntry($FullName)
                $Item = ($FullName | Split-Path -Leaf).Split('.')[0]
                $Output[$Item] = @{
                    Import = (New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($Filename.Open())).ReadToEnd() | ConvertFrom-Json
            if ($FileStream) {
                # Remove unnecessary fields and retrieve existing CID configuration
                $_.Value.Import = Compress-Reference -Object $_.Value.Import
                $_.Value['CID'] = [array] (Get-Reference -Item $_.Key)
        function Invoke-ConfigArray ($Item) {
            # Find non-existent items and create them in batches of 20
            $ImportData = Get-ImportData -Item $Item
            if ($ImportData) {
                $Content = if ($Item -match '^.*Policy$') {
                    $ImportData | Select-Object platform_name, name, description
                } else {
                    $ImportData | Select-Object name, group_type, description, assignment_rule | ForEach-Object {
                        if ($_.group_type -eq 'static') {
                try {
                    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Content.count; $i += 20) {
                        $Param = @{
                            Array = @($Content)[$i..($i + 19)]
                        $Request = & "New-Falcon$Item" @Param
                        if ($Request) {
                            if ($ConfigFields.$Item.Import) {
                                $Request | Select-Object $ConfigFields.$Item.Import
                            } else {
                } catch {
                    throw $_
        function Invoke-ConfigItem ($Command, $Content) {
            $Type = $Command -replace '\w+\-Falcon', $null -replace 'Setting', 'Policy'
            try {
                # Create/modify/enable item and notify host
                $Request = & $Command @Content
                if ($Request) {
                    if ($ConfigFields.$Type.Import -and $Type -ne 'FirewallGroup') {
                        # Output 'import' fields, unless creating a firewall rule group
                        $Request | Select-Object $ConfigFields.$Type.Import
                    } else {
            } catch {
                throw $_
    process {
        if ($PSBoundParameters.Help) {
            Get-Help $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -Detailed
        } else {
            # Create 'ConfigData' and import configuration files
            $ConfigData = Import-ConfigData -FilePath $PSBoundParameters.Path
            if ($ConfigData.SensorUpdatePolicy.Import) {
                $Builds = try {
                    Write-Host "Retrieving available sensor builds..."
                } catch {
                    throw "Failed to retrieve available builds for SensorUpdate policy creation."
                foreach ($Policy in $ConfigData.SensorUpdatePolicy.Import) {
                    # Update tagged builds with current tagged build versions
                    if ($ -match '^\d+\|') {
                        $Tag = ($ -split '\|', 2)[-1]
                        $CurrentBuild = ($Builds | Where-Object { ($ -like "*|$Tag") -and
                            ($_.platform -eq $Policy.platform_name) }).build
                        if ($ -ne $CurrentBuild) {
                            $ = $CurrentBuild
            if ($ConfigData.HostGroup.Import) {
                # Create Host Groups
                $Created = Invoke-ConfigArray -Item 'HostGroup'
                if ($Created) {
                    $ConfigData.HostGroup['Created'] = $Created
                    foreach ($Item in $Created) {
                        Write-Host "Created HostGroup '$($'."
            if ($ConfigData.FirewallGroup.Import) {
                # Create Firewall Rule Groups
                $ImportData = Get-ImportData -Item 'FirewallGroup'
                if ($ImportData) {
                    $ConfigData.FirewallGroup['Created'] = foreach ($Import in $ImportData) {
                        # Set required fields
                        $Content = @{
                            Name = $
                            Enabled = $Import.enabled
                        switch ($Import) {
                            # Add optional fields
                            { $_.description } { $Content['Description'] = $_.description }
                            { $_.comment }     { $Content['Comment'] = $_.comment }
                        if ($Import.rule_ids) {
                            # Select required fields for each individual rule
                            $CreateFields = $ConfigFields.FirewallRule.Import | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'id' -and
                                $_ -ne 'family' }
                            $Rules = $ConfigData.FirewallRule.Import | Where-Object {
                                $Import.rule_ids -contains $ } | Select-Object $CreateFields
                            $Rules | ForEach-Object {
                                if ($ -gt 64) {
                                    # Trim rule names to 64 characters
                                    $ = ($,63)
                            $Content['Rules'] = $Rules
                        $Param = @{
                            Command = 'New-FalconFirewallGroup'
                            Content = $Content
                        $NewGroup = Invoke-ConfigItem @Param
                        if ($NewGroup) {
                            # Output object with 'id' and 'name'
                            [PSCustomObject] @{
                                id = $NewGroup
                                name = $
                            $Message = "Created FirewallGroup '$($'"
                            if ($Rules) {
                                $Message += " with $($Rules.count) rules"
                            Write-Host "$Message."
            if ($ConfigData.IOAGroup.Import) {
                # Create IOA Rule groups
                $ImportData = Get-ImportData -Item 'IOAGroup'
                if ($ImportData) {
                    $ConfigData.IOAGroup['Created'] = foreach ($Import in $ImportData) {
                        # Set required fields
                        $Content = @{
                            Platform = $Import.platform
                            Name = $
                        switch ($Import) {
                            # Add optional fields
                            { $_.description } { $Content['Description'] = $_.description }
                            { $_.comment }     { $Content['Comment'] = $_.comment }
                        $Param = @{
                            Command = 'New-FalconIOAGroup'
                            Content = $Content
                        $NewGroup = Invoke-ConfigItem @Param
                        if ($NewGroup) {
                            Write-Host "Created $($NewGroup.platform) IOAGroup '$($'."
                            # Get date for adding 'comment' fields
                            $FileDate = Get-Date -Format FileDate
                            if ($Import.rules) {
                                $NewRules = Compress-Reference -Object $Import.rules |
                                    Select-Object $ConfigFields.IOARule.Create
                                if ($NewRules) {
                                    $NewGroup.rules = foreach ($Rule in $NewRules) {
                                        # Create IOA Rule within IOA Group
                                        $Content = @{
                                            RulegroupId = $
                                            Name = $
                                            PatternSeverity = $Rule.pattern_severity
                                            RuletypeId = $Rule.ruletype_id
                                            DispositionId = $Rule.disposition_id
                                            FieldValues = $Rule.field_values
                                        @('description', 'comment').foreach{
                                            if ($Rule.$_) {
                                                $Content[$_] = $Rule.$_
                                        $Param = @{
                                            Command = 'New-FalconIOARule'
                                            Content = $Content
                                        $Created = Invoke-ConfigItem @Param
                                        if ($Created) {
                                            Write-Host "Created IOARule '$($'."
                                        $Enabled = if ($Created.enabled -eq $false -and $Rule.enabled -eq $true) {
                                            # Enable IOA Rule
                                            $Created.enabled = $true
                                            $Version = [string] (Get-FalconIOAGroup -Ids ($
                                            if ($Version) {
                                                $Param = @{
                                                    Command = 'Edit-FalconIOARule'
                                                    Content = @{
                                                        RulegroupId = $
                                                        RuleUpdates = $Created
                                                        RulegroupVersion = $Version
                                                        Comment = if ($Rule.comment) {
                                                        } else {
                                                            "Enabled $FileDate"
                                                Invoke-ConfigItem @Param
                                        if ($Enabled) {
                                            # Output enable rule request result
                                            Write-Host "Enabled IOARule '$($'."
                                        } else {
                                            # Output create rule request result
                            $Enabled = if ($Import.enabled -eq $true) {
                                # Enable IOA Group
                                $Version = [string] (Get-FalconIOAGroup -Ids $
                                if ($Version) {
                                    $Param = @{
                                        Command = 'Edit-FalconIOAGroup'
                                        Content = @{
                                            Id = $
                                            Name = $
                                            Enabled = $true
                                            RulegroupVersion = $Version
                                            Description = if ($NewGroup.description) {
                                            } else {
                                                "Imported $FileDate"
                                            Comment = if ($NewGroup.comment) {
                                            } else {
                                                "Enabled $FileDate"
                                    Invoke-ConfigItem @Param
                            if ($Enabled) {
                                # Output group enabled result
                                Write-Host "Enabled IOAGroup '$($'."
                            } else {
                                # Output group creation result
            foreach ($Pair in $ConfigData.GetEnumerator().Where({ $_.Key -match '^(ML|SV)Exclusion$' })) {
                # Create exclusions if corresponding Host Groups were created, or assigned to 'all'
                $ImportData = Get-ImportData -Item $Pair.Key
                if ($ImportData) {
                    $ConfigData.($Pair.Key)['Created'] = foreach ($Import in $ImportData) {
                        $Content = @{
                            Value = $Import.value
                        if ($Import.excluded_from) {
                            $Content['ExcludedFrom'] = $Import.excluded_from
                        $Content['GroupIds'] = if ($Import.applied_globally -eq $true) {
                        } elseif ($ {
                            foreach ($Name in $ {
                                # Get created Host Group identifiers
                                $Param = @{
                                    Item = 'HostGroup'
                                    Type = 'Created'
                                    FilterScript = { $ -eq $Name }
                                (Get-ConfigItem @Param).id
                        if ($Content.GroupIds) {
                            $Param = @{
                                Command = "New-Falcon$($Pair.Key)"
                                Content = $Content
                            $Created = Invoke-ConfigItem @Param
                            if ($Created) {
                                Write-Host "Created $($Pair.Key) '$($Created.value)'."
            foreach ($Pair in $ConfigData.GetEnumerator().Where({ $_.Key -match '^.*Policy$' })) {
                # Create Policies
                $Created = Invoke-ConfigArray -Item $Pair.Key
                if ($Created) {
                    foreach ($Item in $Created) {
                        Write-Host "Created $($Item.platform_name) $($Pair.Key) '$($'."
                    $ConfigData.($Pair.Key)['Created'] = foreach ($Policy in $Created) {
                        $Param = @{
                            Item = $Pair.Key
                            Type = 'Import'
                            FilterScript = { $_.platform_name -eq $Policy.platform_name -and $ -eq
                                $ }
                        $Import = Get-ConfigItem @Param
                        if ($Import.settings -or $Import.prevention_settings) {
                            if ($Pair.Key -eq 'FirewallPolicy') {
                                # Update Firewall policies with settings
                                $Content = @{
                                    PolicyId = $
                                    PlatformId = $Import.settings.platform_id
                                    Enforce = $Import.settings.enforce
                                    DefaultInbound = $Import.settings.default_inbound
                                    DefaultOutbound = $Import.settings.default_outbound
                                    MonitorMode = $Import.settings.test_mode
                                $RuleGroupIds = if ($Import.settings.rule_group_ids) {
                                    # Using 'rule_group_id', match 'name' of imported group to created group
                                    $Param = @{
                                        Item = 'FirewallGroup'
                                        Type = 'Import'
                                        FilterScript = { $Import.settings.rule_group_ids -contains $ }
                                    $GroupNames = (Get-ConfigItem @Param).name
                                    foreach ($Name in $GroupNames) {
                                        $Param = @{
                                            Item = 'FirewallGroup'
                                            Type = 'Created'
                                            FilterScript = { $_.Name -eq $Name }
                                        # Match 'name' to find created rule group id
                                        (Get-ConfigItem @Param).id
                                if ($RuleGroupIds) {
                                    # Add created Rule Groups
                                    $Content['RuleGroupIds'] = $RuleGroupIds
                                $Param = @{
                                    Command = 'Edit-FalconFirewallSetting'
                                    Content = $Content
                                $Request = Invoke-ConfigItem @Param
                                if ($Request.resources_affected -eq 1) {
                                    # Append 'settings' to policy
                                    Add-Field -Object $Policy -Name 'settings' -Value $Import.settings
                            } else {
                                # Update other policies with settings
                                $Param = @{
                                    Command = "Edit-Falcon$($Pair.Key)"
                                    Content = @{
                                        Id = $
                                        Settings = if ($Import.prevention_settings) {
                                        } else {
                                $Request = Invoke-ConfigItem @Param
                                @('settings', 'prevention_settings').foreach{
                                    if ($Request.$_) {
                                        # Update 'settings' on policy
                                        $Policy.$_ = $Request.$_
                            if ($Request) {
                                Write-Host "Applied settings to $($Pair.Key) '$($'."
                        foreach ($Group in $Import.groups) {
                            $Param = @{
                                Item = 'HostGroup'
                                Type = 'Created'
                                FilterScript = { $ -eq $ }
                            $GroupId = (Get-ConfigItem @Param).id
                            if ($GroupId) {
                                # Assign group to policy
                                $Param = @{
                                    Command = "Invoke-Falcon$($Pair.Key)Action"
                                    Content = @{
                                        Name = "add-host-group"
                                        Id = $
                                        GroupId = $GroupId
                                $Request = Invoke-ConfigItem @Param
                                if ($Request.groups) {
                                    # Update 'group' on policy
                                    $Policy.groups = $Request.groups
                                    Write-Host ("Assigned HostGroup '$($' to $($Pair.Key) " +
                        <# Future code for assigning custom IOA Rule Groups to Prevention policies
                        foreach ($Group in $Import.unknown_property) {
                            # Assign IOA Rule Groups to Prevention policies
                            $Param = @{
                                Item = 'IOAGroup'
                                Type = 'Created'
                                FilterScript = { $ -eq $ }
                            $GroupId = (Get-ConfigItem @Param).id
                            if ($GroupId) {
                                # Assign group to policy
                                $Param = @{
                                    Command = "Invoke-Falcon$($Pair.Key)Action"
                                    Content = @{
                                        Name = "add-rule-group"
                                        Id = $
                                        GroupId = $GroupId
                                $Request = Invoke-ConfigItem @Param
                                if ($Request.unknown_property) {
                                    # Update 'group' on policy
                                    $Policy.unknown_property = $Request.unknown_property

                        if ($Import.enabled -eq $true -and $Policy.enabled -eq $false) {
                            $Param = @{
                                Command = "Invoke-Falcon$($Pair.Key)Action"
                                Content = @{
                                    Id = $
                                    Name = 'enable'
                            $Request = Invoke-ConfigItem @Param
                            if ($Request) {
                                # Update 'enabled' status on policy
                                $Policy.enabled = $Request.enabled
                                Write-Host "Enabled $($Pair.Key) '$($Policy.Name)'."
                        # Output updated policy
            foreach ($Pair in $ConfigData.GetEnumerator().Where({ $_.Key -match '^.*Policy$'})) {
                if ($Pair.Value.Created -and $Pair.Value.CID) {
                    Write-Warning "There were existing $($Pair.Key) items. Verify policy precedence!"
    end {
        if (!$PSBoundParameters.Help) {
            if ($ConfigData.Values.Created) {
                $Param = @{
                    Path = (Get-Location).Path
                    ChildPath = "FalconConfig_$(Get-Date -Format FileDateTime).csv"
                $OutputFile = Join-Path @Param
                foreach ($Pair in $ConfigData.GetEnumerator().Where({ $_.Value.Created })) {
                    $Pair.Value.Created | ForEach-Object {
                        # Output 'created' results to CSV
                        [PSCustomObject] @{
                            type = $Pair.Key
                            id = if ($_.instance_id) {
                            } else {
                            name = if ($_.value) {
                            } else {
                            platform_name = if ($_.platform_name) {
                            } elseif ($_.platform) {
                            } else {
                        } | Export-Csv -Path $OutputFile -NoTypeInformation -Append
                if (Test-Path $OutputFile) {
                    Get-ChildItem -Path $OutputFile
            } else {
                Write-Warning "No items created."