
function Find-FalconDuplicate {
Find potential duplicate hosts within your Falcon environment
Requires 'Hosts: Read'.

If the 'Hosts' parameter is not provided, all Host information will be retrieved. An error will be
displayed if required fields 'cid', 'device_id', 'first_seen', 'last_seen', 'hostname' and any defined
'filter' value are not present.

Hosts are grouped by 'cid', 'hostname' and any defined 'filter' values, then sorted by 'last_seen' time. Any
result other than the one with the most recent 'last_seen' time is considered a duplicate host and is returned
within the output.

Hosts can be hidden from the Falcon console by piping the results of 'Find-FalconDuplicate' to
'Invoke-FalconHostAction' using the action 'hide_host'.
Array of detailed Host results
Property to determine duplicate Host in addition to 'Hostname'

    begin {
        function Group-Selection ($Object,$GroupBy) {
            ($Object | Group-Object $GroupBy).Where({ $_.Count -gt 1 -and $_.Name }).foreach{
                $_.Group | Sort-Object last_seen | Select-Object -First ($_.Count - 1)
        # Comparison criteria and required properties for host results
        [string[]]$Criteria = 'cid','hostname'
        [string[]]$Required = 'cid','device_id','first_seen','last_seen','hostname'
        if ($PSBoundParameters.Filter) {
            $Criteria = $Criteria + $PSBoundParameters.Filter
            $Required = $Required + $PSBoundParameters.Filter
        # Create filter for excluding results with empty $Criteria values
        $FilterScript = "$(($Criteria).foreach{ "`$_.$($_)" } -join ' -and ')"
    process {
        [object[]]$HostArray = if (!$PSBoundParameters.Hosts) {
            # Retreive Host details
            Get-FalconHost -Detailed -All
        } else {
        if ($HostArray) {
                if (($HostArray | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name -notcontains $_) {
                    # Verify required properties are present
                    throw "Missing required property '$_'."
            # Group, sort and output result
            $Param = @{
                Object = $HostArray | Select-Object $Required | Where-Object -FilterScript {$FilterScript}
                GroupBy = $Criteria
            $Output = Group-Selection @Param
            if ($Output) { $Output } else { Write-Warning "No duplicates found." }
function Find-FalconHostname {
Find hosts using a list of hostnames
Requires 'Hosts: Read'.

Performs an exact-match hostname search in groups of 20.
An array containing one or more hostnames
Path to a plaintext file containing hostnames

            if (Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf) {
            } else {
                throw "Cannot find path '$_' because it does not exist."
    begin {
        if ($Path) {
            [string]$Path = $Script:Falcon.Api.Path($Path)
        } else {
            [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]$List = @()
    process { if ($Array) { @($Array).foreach{ $List.Add($_) }}}
    end {
        [string[]]$Hostnames = if ($List) {
            $List | Select-Object -Unique
        } else {
            (Get-Content -Path $Path).Normalize() | Select-Object -Unique
        for ($i = 0; $i -lt ($Hostnames | Measure-Object).Count; $i += 20) {
            [string[]]$TempList = $Hostnames[$i..($i + 19)]
            [string]$Filter = (@($TempList).foreach{
                if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)) { "hostname:['$_']" }
            }) -join ','
            [object[]]$HostList = Get-FalconHost -Filter $Filter -Detailed | Select-Object hostname,device_id
                if ($HostList.hostname -notcontains $_) {
                    Write-Warning "[Find-FalconHostname] No match found for '$_'."
            if ($HostList) { $HostList }