
function New-Five9InboundCampaign
        Function used to create a new inbound campaign in Five9
        Only FTP can be enabled using API. SFTP must be enabled using GUI
        New-Five9InboundCampaign -Name "Cold-Calls" -IvrScriptName "Cold-Calls-IVR" -MaxNumOfLines 10
        # Creates new inbound campaign with minimum number of required parameters
        New-Five9InboundCampaign -Name "Cold-Calls" -Mode: ADVANCED -ProfileName "Cold-Calls-Profile" -IvrScriptName "Cold-Calls-IVR" -MaxNumOfLines 50 `
                                 -CallWrapupEnabled $true -WrapupAgentNotReady $true -WrapupTimerMinutes 2 -WrapupTimerSeconds 30
        # Creates new inbound campaign in advanced mode, and enables call wrap up timer

        # Name of new campaign
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$Name,

        # Description of new campaign

        Mode of new campaign. If not specified, default set to BASIC.
        Options are:
            • BASIC (Default) - Campaign with default settings, without a campaign profile
            • ADVANCED - Campaign with a campaign profile specified in the profileName parameter

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet('BASIC', 'ADVANCED')][string]$Mode = 'BASIC',

        # Campaign profile name. Applies only to the advanced campaign mode

        # Name of IVR script to be used on new campaign

        # Maximum number of simultaneous calls. Cannot exceed the number of provisioned inbound lines for the domain.

        # Whether the campaign is in training mode

        # Whether to record all calls of the campaign

        # Whether to use FTP to transfer recordings.
        # NOTE: SFTP must be enabled in the Java Admin console

        # For FTP transfer, whether to use the session ID as the recording name

        # Host name of the FTP server

        # Username of the FTP server

        # Password of the FTP server

        # Enables the "After Call Work Time Limit" setting on the campaign

        Whether to automatically place agents who reach a call timeout in a Not Ready state
        Options are:
            • True: Set agents to Not Ready state
            • False: Do not set agents to Not Ready state


        # Name of disposition automatically set for the call if the timeout is reached

        # Not Ready reason code for agents who are automatically placed in Not Ready state after reaching the timeout

        # Number of Days used on wrap up timer

        # Number of Hours used on wrap up timer

        # Number of Minutes used on wrap up timer

        # Number of Seconds used on wrap up timer


        Test-Five9Connection -ErrorAction: Stop

        $inboundCampaign = New-Object PSFive9Admin.inboundCampaign

        $inboundCampaign.type = "INBOUND"
        $inboundCampaign.typeSpecified = $true

        $ = $Name

        $inboundCampaign.mode = $Mode
        $inboundCampaign.modeSpecified = $true

        $inboundCampaign.defaultIvrSchedule = New-Object PSFive9Admin.inboundIvrScriptSchedule
        $inboundCampaign.defaultIvrSchedule.ivrSchedule = New-Object PSFive9Admin.ivrScriptSchedule
        $inboundCampaign.defaultIvrSchedule.ivrSchedule.scriptName = $IvrScriptName

        if ($Mode -eq 'ADVANCED')
            # if type is advanced, must also provide a campaign profile name
            if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -notcontains 'ProfileName')
                throw "Campaign Mode set as ""ADVANCED"", but no profile name was provided. Try again including the -ProfileName parameter."

            $inboundCampaign.profileName = $ProfileName


        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'AutoRecord')
            $inboundCampaign.autoRecord = $AutoRecord
            $inboundCampaign.autoRecordSpecified = $true

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'MaxNumOfLines')
            $inboundCampaign.MaxNumOfLines = $MaxNumOfLines
            $inboundCampaign.maxNumOfLinesSpecified = $true

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'Description')
            $inboundCampaign.description = $Description

        if ($CallWrapupEnabled -eq $true)
            $inboundCampaign.callWrapup = New-Object PSFive9Admin.campaignCallWrapup
            $inboundCampaign.callWrapup.enabled = $true
            $inboundCampaign.callWrapup.enabledSpecified = $true

            if ($WrapupAgentNotReady -eq $true)
                $inboundCampaign.callWrapup.agentNotReady = $true
                $inboundCampaign.callWrapup.agentNotReadySpecified = $true

            if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'WrapupDispositionName')
                $inboundCampaign.callWrapup.dispostionName = $WrapupDispositionName

            if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'WrapupReasonCodeName')
                $inboundCampaign.callWrapup.reasonCodeName = $WrapupReasonCodeName

            $inboundCampaign.callWrapup.timeout = New-Object PSFive9Admin.timer
            $inboundCampaign.callWrapup.timeout.days = $WrapupTimerDays
            $inboundCampaign.callWrapup.timeout.hours = $WrapupTimerHours
            $inboundCampaign.callWrapup.timeout.minutes = $WrapupTimerMinutes
            $inboundCampaign.callWrapup.timeout.seconds = $WrapupTimerSeconds


        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'TrainingMode')
            $inboundCampaign.trainingMode = $TrainingMode
            $inboundCampaign.trainingModeSpecified = $true

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'AutoRecord')
            $inboundCampaign.autoRecord = $AutoRecord
            $inboundCampaign.autoRecordSpecified = $true

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'RecordingNameAsSid')
            $inboundCampaign.recordingNameAsSid = $RecordingNameAsSid
            $inboundCampaign.recordingNameAsSidSpecified = $true

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'UseFtp')
            $inboundCampaign.useFtp = $UseFtp
            $inboundCampaign.useFtpSpecified = $true

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'FtpHost')
            $inboundCampaign.ftpHost = $FtpHost
        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'FtpUser')
            $inboundCampaign.ftpUser = $FtpUser

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'FtpPassword')
            $inboundCampaign.ftpPassword = $FtpPassword

        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): Creating new inbound campaign '$Name'." 
        $response = $global:DefaultFive9AdminClient.createInboundCampaign($inboundCampaign)

        return $response
        $_ | Write-PSFive9AdminError
        $_ | Write-Error