
function Get-Five9AgentStateByTime
        Function used to determine agent state at a specfic date and time.
        This can be useful when trying to prove that all agents were in a not ready state which caused a call to queue in a skill.
        Get-Five9AgentStateByTime -Date '7/6/2020' -Time '2:52pm' -TimeZone CST
        # Returns all agent's state at the given date and time converted to the timezone specified
        Get-Five9AgentStateByTime -Date '2020/06/10' -Time '9:57:40am' -TimeZone EST -SkillName 'MultiMedia'
        # Returns agent's state at a given time who are skilled for "MultiMedia" at that time

        # Date string to search agent availability

        # Time string to search agent availability

        Local time zone. Data pulled from Five9 will default to PST, all times will be converted to time zone specified

        Options are:
            • PST: times are not converted
            • MST: -1 hours offset
            • CST: -2 hours offset
            • EST: -3 hours offset

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateSet("PST", "MST", "CST", "EST")][string]$TimeZone,

        # Optional parameter. If specified, function will return only agents skilled for this skill


        Test-Five9Connection -ErrorAction: Stop

Add-Type @"
public struct agentState {
    public string time;
    public string agent;
    public string state;
    public string skillAvailability;
    public string previous_state;

        # time relative to PST
        # all times returned from Five9 reporting are in PST
        $timeZoneTable = @{
            PST = 0
            MST = 1
            CST = 2
            EST = 3

        [datetime]$timeInQuestion = "$($Date.ToShortDateString()) $($Time.ToLongTimeString())"

        $timeInQuestion_PST = $timeInQuestion.AddHours(-$timeZoneTable[$TimeZone])

        $id = Start-Five9Report -FolderName 'Agent Reports' -ReportName 'Agent State Details' -StartDateTime $Date -EndDateTime $timeInQuestion_PST

        $done = $false

        while ($done -ne $true)
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
                $records = Get-Five9ReportResult -Identifier $id
                $done = $true

                if ($_.Exception.Message -match 'Report is not yet finishing running')
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds 3


        if ($records.Count -lt 1)
            throw "No data was returned using date and time specified."

        $groups = $records | group AGENT

        $final = @()
        foreach ($group in $groups)
            $userObj = New-Object agentState

            $userObj.agent = $group.Name

            foreach ($record in $group.Group)
                if ( $([datetime]$record.TIME).TimeOfDay -lt $timeInQuestion_PST.TimeOfDay )
                    if ($record.STATE -eq 'Login')
                        $userObj.skillAvailability = $record.'SKILL AVAILABILITY'
                    elseif ($record.STATE -eq 'Ready')
                        $userObj.time = $record.TIME
                        $userObj.previous_state = $userObj.state
                        $userObj.state = $record.STATE

                        #$userObj.call_id = $null
                        #$userObj.call_type = $null
                    elseif ($record.STATE -eq 'Not Ready')
                        $userObj.time = $record.TIME
                        $userObj.previous_state = $userObj.state
                        $userObj.state = $record.STATE

                        #$userObj.call_id = $null
                        #$userObj.call_type = $null
                    elseif ($record.STATE -eq 'On Call')
                        $userObj.time = $record.TIME
                        $userObj.previous_state = $userObj.state
                        $userObj.state = $record.STATE

                        #$userObj.call_id = $record.'CALL ID'
                        #$userObj.call_type = $record.'CALL TYPE'

                    elseif ($record.STATE -eq 'After Call Work')
                        $userObj.time = $record.TIME
                        $userObj.state = $record.STATE

                        #$userObj.call_id = $record.'CALL ID'
                        #$userObj.call_type = $record.'CALL TYPE'

                    elseif  ($record.STATE -match 'Logout')
                        $userObj.time = $record.TIME
                        $userObj.previous_state = $userObj.state
                        $userObj.state = $record.STATE

                        #$userObj.call_id = $null
                        #$userObj.call_type = $null



            if ($userObj.state.Length -gt 1)
                if ($userObj.state -notmatch 'On Call|After Call Work')
                    #$userObj.previous_state = $null

                $userObj.time = ([datetime]$userObj.time).AddHours($timeZoneTable[$TimeZone]).ToLongTimeString()

                $final += $userObj


        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "SkillName")
            Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): Returning '$SkillName' agent states at '$timeInQuestion $TimeZone'." 
            return $final | ? {$_.state -notmatch 'Logout' -and $_.skillAvailability -match $SkillName} | sort state
            Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): Returning all agent states at '$timeInQuestion $TimeZone'." 
            return $final | ? {$_.state -notmatch 'Logout'} | sort state

        throw $_