
function Get-Five9ReportResult
        Function returns the data from a report generated by Start-Five9Report

        $id = Start-Five9Report -FolderName 'Call Log Reports' -ReportName 'Call Log'
        $result = Get-Five9ReportResult -Identifier $id

        # Starts the Call Log report and using the returned identifier, gets the data from the report using Get-Five9ReportResult


        # Unique identifier returned by Start-Five9Report

         # Seconds to retry report retrieval, defaults to 5 if not specified
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][int]$WaitSeconds = 5


        Test-Five9Connection -ErrorAction: Stop

        $reportIsRunning = $true

        while ($reportIsRunning -eq $true) 
            $reportStatus = $null
            $reportStatus = $DefaultFive9AdminClient.isReportRunning($Identifier, "")

            if ($reportStatus -eq $false) 
                $reportIsRunning = $false
                Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): Report is still running. Waiting $WaitSeconds seconds..."
                Start-Sleep -Seconds $WaitSeconds
        $data = $global:DefaultFive9AdminClient.getReportResultCsv($Identifier)

        $objects = $data | ConvertFrom-Csv -ErrorAction: SilentlyContinue

        if ($objects.Count -gt 0)
            Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): Returning report with $($objects.Count) rows."
            return $objects
            Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): Report did not return any data."
            return $objects

        throw $_