
function New-Five9User
        Function used to create a new user
        New-Five9User -CopyRolesFromUsername '' -FirstName "Susan" -LastName "Davis" -Username -Email -Password Temp1234!
        # Creates a new user Susan Davis. Roles will be copied from existing user ""
        New-Five9User -DefaultRole Agent -FirstName "Susan" -LastName "Davis" -Username -Email -Password Temp1234!
        # Creates a new user Susan Davis. Default Agent role and permissions will be assigned
        New-Five9User -DefaultRole Agent -UserProfileName "Agent_Profile" -FirstName "Susan" -LastName "Davis" -Username -Email -Password Temp1234!
        # Creates a new user Susan Davis. Default Agent role and permissions will be assigned, but roles from User Profile "Agent_Profile" will override this role

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParametersetName='DefaultRole', PositionalBinding=$false)] 

        A new Five9 user must have at least one role, this allows you to pick one to start.
        Alternatively, use -CopyFromUsername to copy roles from another existing user.
        Options are:
            • Agent
            • Admin
            • Supervisor
            • Reporting

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='DefaultRole',Mandatory=$true)][ValidateSet("Agent", "Admin", "Supervisor", "Reporting")][string]$DefaultRole,

        # Used instead of -DefaultRole. This parameter will copy roles from another existing user

        # New user's first name

        # New user's last name

        # New user's username

        # New user's email address

        # New user's password

        # New user's federationId. Used for single-sign-on

        # Whether the account is enabled
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][bool]$Active = $true,

        # Whether the user can change their password
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][bool]$CanChangePassword = $true,

        # Requires password change at next logon
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][bool]$MustChangePassword = $true,

        # Profile assigned to user

        # Date that user stared using Five9. Used in reporting. Will use today's date if omitted.

        # User's phone extension. Will be auto-assigned if omitted

        # Phone number of the unified communication user

        # User's locale
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$Locale = 'en-US',

        # Unified communication ID, for example, a Skype for Business ID such as

        Test-Five9Connection -ErrorAction: Stop

        $newUserInfo = New-Object -TypeName PSFive9Admin.userInfo

        if ($PsCmdLet.ParameterSetName -eq "CopyRolesFrom")
            $copyFrom = $null
            $copyFrom = $global:DefaultFive9AdminClient.getUsersInfo($CopyRolesFromUsername)

            if ($copyFrom.Count -gt 1)
                throw "Error copying roles from user ""$CopyRolesFromUsername"". Multiple matches were found in Five9 using that username."

            if ($copyFrom -eq $null)
                throw "Error copying roles from user ""$CopyRolesFromUsername"". User could not be found. Remember that username is case sensitive."

            if ($copyFrom.roles.admin -ne $null)
                $copyFrom.roles.admin = $copyFrom.roles.admin | ? {$_.type -ne "AccessBillingApplication"}

            $newUserInfo.roles += $copyFrom.roles

            $userRoles = New-Object -TypeName PSFive9Admin.userRoles

            if ($DefaultRole -eq "Agent")
                $agentRole = New-Object -TypeName PSFive9Admin.agentRole
                $agentRole.permissions = @()

                $userRoles.agent = $agentRole

            elseif ($DefaultRole -eq "Admin")
                $userRoles.admin = @()
            elseif ($DefaultRole -eq "Supervisor")
                $userRoles.supervisor = @()
            elseif ($DefaultRole -eq "Reporting")
                $userRoles.reporting = @()

            $newUserInfo.roles = $userRoles


        $generalInfo = @{
            userName                    = $Username
            EMail                       = $Email
            federationId                = $FederationId
            firstName                   = $FirstName
            lastName                    = $LastName
            password                    = $Password

            activeSpecified             = $true
            active                      = $Active
            canChangePasswordSpecified  = $true
            canChangePassword           = $CanChangePassword
            mustChangePasswordSpecified = $true
            mustChangePassword          = $MustChangePassword
            startDateSpecified          = $true
            startDate                   = $([datetime]::Now)

            locale = $Locale
            unifiedCommunicationId = $UnifiedCommunicationId
            phoneNumber = $PhoneNumber

        if ($StartDate -ne $null)
            $generalInfo.startDate = $StartDate

        if ($Extension.Length -gt 0)
            $generalInfo += @{extension = $Extension}

        if ($UserProfileName.Length -gt 0)
            $generalInfo += @{userProfileName = $UserProfileName}

        $newUserInfo.generalInfo = $generalInfo

        $newUserInfo.agentGroups = $AgentGroups
        $newUserInfo.skills = $Skills

        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): Creating new user '$Username'." 
        $response = $global:DefaultFive9AdminClient.createUser($newUserInfo)

        return $response
        throw $_