
function New-Five9CallVariable
        Function used to modify existing call variable
        Set-Five9CallVariable -Name "MiddleName" -Group "CustomerVars" -ApplyToAllDispositions $true -Reporting $true
        # Modifies existing call variable named "MiddleName" within the "CustomerVars" call variable group

        # Name of existing call variable
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$Name,

        # Group name of existing call variable
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)][string]$Group,

        # Description for new call variable

        Type of data stored in this field
        Options are:
            • STRING (Default) - Letters and numbers
            • NUMBER - Numbers only
            • DATE - Date only
            • TIME - Time only
            • DATE_TIME - Date and time
            • CURRENCY - Currency
            • BOOLEAN - True or false
            • PERCENT - Percentage
            • EMAIL - Email address
            • URL - URL
            • PHONE - Phone number
            • TIME_PERIOD - Time interval (Duration)

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet('STRING', 'NUMBER', 'DATE', 'TIME', 'DATE_TIME', 'CURRENCY', 'BOOLEAN', 'PERCENT', 'EMAIL', 'URL', 'PHONE', 'TIME_PERIOD')][string]$Type = "STRING",

        # If set to $true, variable will be set for all dispositions
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][bool]$ApplyToAllDispositions = $false,

        # If -ApplyToAllDispositions is $false, this parameter lists the names of the dispositions for which to set this variable

        # Whether to add the values to reports

        # Default initial value assigned to call variable

        # Whether the variable contains personal data that identifies the customer

        # Whether the field must contain a value

        # Single string, or array of multiple strings which are the only possible values for this field to be set to

        # Whether multiple values from PredefinedList can be selected as value

        # Minimum value
        # Note: When Type is set to TIME, value must be UTC time

        # Maximum value
        # Note: When Type is set to TIME, value must be UTC time

        # Regular expression that field value must match

        # Digits before decimal point

        # Digits after decimal point

        # Time format string. i.e. yyyy-MM-dd
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet('HH:mm:ss.SSS', 'HH:mm:ss', 'HH:mm', 'hh:mm a', 'HH', 'hh a', 'H:mm', 'h:mm a')][string]$TimeFormat,

        # Time format string. i.e. HH:mm:ss.SSS
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet('yyyy-MM-dd', 'MM/dd/yyyy', 'MM-dd-yyyy', 'MM-dd-yy', 'MMM dd', 'yyyy', 'dd MMM', 'dd-MM', 'MM-dd')][string]$DateFormat,

        # Time format string. i.e. hh:mm:ss.SSS
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet('hh:mm:ss.SSS', 'hh:mm:ss', 'hh:mm', 'hh', 'mm:ss.SSS', 'mm:ss', 'mm', 'ss.SSS', 'ss', 'SSS')][string]$TimePeriodFormat,

        Type of currency
        Options are:
             • Dollar
             • Euro
             • Pound

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet('Dollar', 'Pound', 'Euro')][string]$CurrencyType

        Test-Five9Connection -ErrorAction: Stop

        $callVariable = New-Object PSFive9Admin.callVariable

        $ = $Name
        $ = $Group

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "Description")
            $callVariable.description = $Description

        $callVariable.type = $Type
        $callVariable.typeSpecified = $true

        # param is mandatory
        $callVariable.applyToAllDispositions = $ApplyToAllDispositions
        $callVariable.applyToAllDispositionsSpecified = $true
        if ($ApplyToAllDispositions -eq $true)
            $callVariable.dispositions = ($global:DefaultFive9AdminClient.getDispositions('.*')).name
            $callVariable.dispositions = $Dispositions

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "Reporting")
            $callVariable.reporting = $Reporting
            $callVariable.reportingSpecified = $true

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "SensitiveData")
            $callVariable.sensitiveData = $SensitiveData
            $callVariable.sensitiveDataSpecified = $True

        if ($Required -eq $true)
            $restriction = New-Object PSFive9Admin.callVariableRestriction
            $restriction.type = 'Required'
            $restriction.typeSpecified = $true
            $restriction.value = $true

            $callVariable.restrictions += $restriction

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'PredefinedList')
            foreach ($item in $PredefinedList)
                $restriction = New-Object PSFive9Admin.callVariableRestriction
                $restriction.typeSpecified = $true
                $restriction.value = $item

                if ($CanSelectMultiple -eq $true)
                    $restriction.type = 'Multiset'
                    $restriction.type = 'Set'

                $callVariable.restrictions += $restriction

            # unable to set defaultvalue when specifying a predefined list. seems to be a bug with the API
            if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "DefaultValue")
                $callVariable.defaultValue = $DefaultValue

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'MinValue')
            $restriction = New-Object PSFive9Admin.callVariableRestriction
            $restriction.type = 'MinValue'
            $restriction.typeSpecified = $true
            $restriction.value = $MinValue

            $callVariable.restrictions += $restriction

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'MaxValue')
            $restriction = New-Object PSFive9Admin.callVariableRestriction
            $restriction.type = 'MaxValue'
            $restriction.typeSpecified = $true
            $restriction.value = $MaxValue

            $callVariable.restrictions += $restriction

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'Regexp')
            $restriction = New-Object PSFive9Admin.callVariableRestriction
            $restriction.type = 'Regexp'
            $restriction.typeSpecified = $true
            $restriction.value = $Regexp

            $callVariable.restrictions += $restriction

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'DigitsBeforeDecimal')
            $restriction = New-Object PSFive9Admin.callVariableRestriction
            $restriction.type = 'Precision'
            $restriction.typeSpecified = $true
            $restriction.value = ($DigitsBeforeDecimal + $DigitsAfterDecimal)

            $callVariable.restrictions += $restriction

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'DigitsAfterDecimal')
            $restriction = New-Object PSFive9Admin.callVariableRestriction
            $restriction.type = 'Scale'
            $restriction.typeSpecified = $true
            $restriction.value = $DigitsAfterDecimal

            $callVariable.restrictions += $restriction

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'TimeFormat')
            $restriction = New-Object PSFive9Admin.callVariableRestriction
            $restriction.type = 'TimeFormat'
            $restriction.typeSpecified = $true
            $restriction.value = $TimeFormat

            $callVariable.restrictions += $restriction

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'DateFormat')
            $restriction = New-Object PSFive9Admin.callVariableRestriction
            $restriction.type = 'DateFormat'
            $restriction.typeSpecified = $true
            $restriction.value = $DateFormat

            $callVariable.restrictions += $restriction

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'TimePeriodFormat')
            $restriction = New-Object PSFive9Admin.callVariableRestriction
            $restriction.type = 'TimePeriodFormat'
            $restriction.typeSpecified = $true
            $restriction.value = $TimePeriodFormat

            $callVariable.restrictions += $restriction

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'CurrencyType')
            $restriction = New-Object PSFive9Admin.callVariableRestriction
            $restriction.type = 'CurrencyType'
            $restriction.typeSpecified = $true
            if ($CurrencyType -eq 'Dollar')
                $restriction.value = '$'
            elseif ($CurrencyType -eq 'Pound')
                $restriction.value = '£'
            elseif ($CurrencyType -eq 'Euro')
                $restriction.value = '€'

            $callVariable.restrictions += $restriction

        Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name): Creating new call variable '$Name' in group '$Group'." 
        $response = $global:DefaultFive9AdminClient.createCallVariable($callVariable)
        return $response

        $_ | Write-PSFive9AdminError
        $_ | Write-Error