
#region Setting the configuration
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Logging.MaxErrorCount' -Value 128 -Initialize -Validation "integerpositive" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.LogHost]::MaxErrorCount = $args[0] } -Description "The maximum number of error records maintained in-memory. This setting is on a per-Process basis. Runspaces share, jobs or other consoles counted separately."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Logging.MaxMessageCount' -Value 1024 -Initialize -Validation "integerpositive" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.LogHost]::MaxMessageCount = $args[0] } -Description "The maximum number of messages that can be maintained in the in-memory message queue. This setting is on a per-Process basis. Runspaces share, jobs or other consoles counted separately."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Logging.MessageLogEnabled' -Value $true -Initialize -Validation "bool" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.LogHost]::MessageLogEnabled = $args[0] } -Description "Governs, whether a log of recent messages is kept in memory. This setting is on a per-Process basis. Runspaces share, jobs or other consoles counted separately."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Logging.ErrorLogEnabled' -Value $true -Initialize -Validation "bool" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.LogHost]::ErrorLogEnabled = $args[0] } -Description "Governs, whether a log of recent errors is kept in memory. This setting is on a per-Process basis. Runspaces share, jobs or other consoles counted separately."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Logging.DisableLogFlush' -Value $false -Initialize -Validation "bool" -Handler { } -Description "When shutting down the process, PSFramework will by default flush the log. This ensures that all events are properly logged. If this is not desired, it can be turned off with this setting."

Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Logging.FileSystem.MaxMessagefileBytes' -Value 5MB -Initialize -Validation "long" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.LogHost]::MaxMessagefileBytes = $args[0] } -Description "The maximum size of a given logfile. When reaching this limit, the file will be abandoned and a new log created. Set to 0 to not limit the size. This setting is on a per-Process basis. Runspaces share, jobs or other consoles counted separately."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Logging.FileSystem.MaxMessagefileCount' -Value 5 -Initialize -Validation "integerpositive" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.LogHost]::MaxMessagefileCount = $args[0] } -Description "The maximum number of logfiles maintained at a time. Exceeding this number will cause the oldest to be culled. Set to 0 to disable the limit. This setting is on a per-Process basis. Runspaces share, jobs or other consoles counted separately."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Logging.FileSystem.MaxErrorFileBytes' -Value 20MB -Initialize -Validation "long" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.LogHost]::MaxErrorFileBytes = $args[0] } -Description "The maximum size all error files combined may have. When this number is exceeded, the oldest entry is culled. This setting is on a per-Process basis. Runspaces share, jobs or other consoles counted separately."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Logging.FileSystem.MaxTotalFolderSize' -Value 100MB -Initialize -Validation "long" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.LogHost]::MaxTotalFolderSize = $args[0] } -Description "This is the upper limit of length all items in the log folder may have combined across all processes."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Logging.FileSystem.MaxLogFileAge' -Value (New-TimeSpan -Days 7) -Initialize -Validation "timespan" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.LogHost]::MaxLogFileAge = $args[0] } -Description "Any logfile older than this will automatically be cleansed. This setting is global."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Logging.FileSystem.MessageLogFileEnabled' -Value $true -Initialize -Validation "bool" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.LogHost]::MessageLogFileEnabled = $args[0] } -Description "Governs, whether a log file for the system messages is written. This setting is on a per-Process basis. Runspaces share, jobs or other consoles counted separately."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Logging.FileSystem.ErrorLogFileEnabled' -Value $true -Initialize -Validation "bool" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.LogHost]::ErrorLogFileEnabled = $args[0] } -Description "Governs, whether log files for errors are written. This setting is on a per-Process basis. Runspaces share, jobs or other consoles counted separately."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Logging.FileSystem.LogPath' -Value "$($env:APPDATA)\WindowsPowerShell\PSFramework\Logs" -Initialize -Validation "string" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.LogHost]::LoggingPath = $args[0] } -Description "The path where the PSFramework writes all its logs and debugging information."

#endregion Setting the configuration