
function Convert-PsfMessageLevel
            Processes the effective message level of a message
            Processes the effective message level of a message
            - Applies level decrements
            - Applies message level modifiers
        .PARAMETER OriginalLevel
            The level the message was originally written to
        .PARAMETER FromStopFunction
            Whether the message was passed through Stop-PSFFunction first.
            This is used to increment the automatic message level decrement counter by 1 (so it ignores the fact, that it was passed through Stop-PSFFunction).
            The automatic message level decrement functionality allows users to make nested commands' messages be less verbose.
        .PARAMETER Tags
            The tags that were added to the message
        .PARAMETER FunctionName
            The function that wrote the message.
        .PARAMETER ModuleName
            The module the function writing the message comes from.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $number = $OriginalLevel.value__
    if ([PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::NestedLevelDecrement -gt 0)
        $depth = (Get-PSCallStack).Count - 3
        if ($FromStopFunction) { $depth = $depth - 1 }
        $number = $number + $depth * ([PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::NestedLevelDecrement)
    foreach ($modifier in [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::MessageLevelModifiers.Values)
        if ($modifier.AppliesTo($FunctionName, $ModuleName, $Tags))
            $number = $number + $modifier.Modifier
    # Finalize number and return
    if ($number -lt 1) { $number = 1 }
    if ($number -gt 9) { $number = 9 }
    return ([PSFramework.Message.MessageLevel]$number)