
function Select-PSFConfig
        Select a subset of configuration entries and return them as objects.
        Select a subset of configuration entries and return them as objects.
        This can be used to retrieve related configuration entries as a single PowerShell object.
        For example, assuming there are the following configuration entries:
        Then this line:
        Select-PSFConfig 'LoggingProvider.LogFile.*'
        Will return a PSCustomObject that looks similar to this:
        _Name : LogFile
        _FullName : LoggingProvider.LogFile
        _Depth : 1
        _Children : {}
        AutoInstall : False
        Enabled : False
        ExcludeModules : {}
        ExcludeTags : {}
        IncludeModules : {}
        IncludeTags : {}
        InstallOptional : True
        This selection is recursive:
        It will group on each part of the FullName of the selected configuration entries.
        - Entries that only have children and no straight values (In the example above, that would be the first, the "LoggingProvider" node) will not be included and only return children.
        - Entries with values AND children, will have child entries included in the _Children property.
        - Even child entries of Entries with values will be returned
    .PARAMETER FullName
        String filter to select, which configuration entries to select on.
        Use the same value on Get-PSFConfig to see what configuration entries will be processed.
    .PARAMETER Depth
        Only entries at the specified depth level will be returned.
        Depth starts at "0"
        In the name 'LoggingProvider.LogFile.AutoInstall' ...
        - "LoggingProvider" would be depth 0
        - "LogFile" would be depth 1
        - ...
    .PARAMETER Force
        Also select hidden configuration items.
        By default, only non-hidden settings are selected.
        PS C:\> Select-PSFConfig 'LoggingProvider.LogFile.*'
        Selects all configuration settings under 'LoggingProvider.LogFile.*', grouping the value ends as PSObject.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSReviewUnusedParameter", "")]
    param (

        function Group-Config
            param (
            $grouped = $Config | Group-Object { $_.FullName.Split('.')[$Depth] }
            foreach ($group in $grouped)
                if (-not $group.Name) { continue }
                $data = [ordered]@{
                    _Name = $group.Name
                    _FullName = $group.Group[0].FullName.Split('.')[0..($Depth)] -join "."
                    _Depth = $Depth
                    _Children = @()
                if ($subGroups = $group.Group | Where-Object { $_.FullName.Split(".").Count -gt ($Depth + 2) })
                    $data._Children = Group-Config -Config $subGroups -Depth ($Depth + 1)
                foreach ($cfgItem in ($group.Group | Where-Object { $_.FullName.Split(".").Count -eq ($Depth + 2) }))
                    $cfgName = $cfgItem.FullName -replace "^([^\.]+\.){0,$($Depth + 1)}"
                    $data[$cfgName] = $cfgItem.Value
                if ($data.Keys.Count -gt 4) { [PSCustomObject]$data }
        $configItems = Get-PSFConfig -FullName $FullName -Force:$Force
        Group-Config -Config $configItems -Depth 0 | ForEach-Object {
            if (-not $Depth) { return $_ }
            if ($_._Depth -in $Depth) { $_ }