
function Disable-PSFLoggingProvider {
        Disables the instance of a logging provider.
        Disables the instance of a logging provider.
        This ensures all logs that apply to the logging provider are flushed and the closing events are properly released.
        For example, this ensures logfiles are complete and no longer in access.
        Only works for v2+ Logging Providers, as it addresses logging provider instances, not the provider itself.
        Name of the logging provider to disable.
    .PARAMETER InstanceName
        Name of the instance of the logging provider to disable.
        Defaults to: Default
    .PARAMETER NoFinalizeWait
        Do not wait for the logging to conclude or the final events shutting down the provider instance to finish.
        By default, this command waits for all aspects of shutting down a logging instance to complete.
        Using this parameter is intended for situations where the powershell process continues and it is acceptable
        to continue while the shutting down happens in the background.
        Even with this parameter, all messages are flushed, so some waiting might be involved anyway,
        based on just how many log messages are still waiting to be processed.
        PS C:\> Disable-PSFLoggingProvider -Name logfile
        Disables the default instance of the logfile provider, then waits until all applicable logs are processed
        and the logfile is released.
        PS C:\> Disable-PSFLoggingProvider -Name logfile -InstanceName mytask
        Disables the "mytask" instance of the logfile provider, then waits until all applicable logs are processed
        and the logfile is released.
        PS C:\> Disable-PSFLoggingProvider -Name logfile -InstanceName mytask -NoFinalizeWait
        Disables the "mytask" instance of the logfile provider, then waits until all applicable logs are processed
        but not for the logfile to be released (which will happen soon after, in most cases).

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Alias('Provider', 'ProviderName')]
        $InstanceName = 'Default',


    process {
        $limit = Get-Date
        $instances = Get-PSFLoggingProviderInstance -ProviderName $Name -Name $InstanceName

        foreach ($instance in $instances) {
            $instance.NotAfter = $limit

        foreach ($instance in $instances) {
            $instance.Drain((-not $NoFinalizeWait))