
function ConvertTo-PSFClixml
        Converts an input object into a serialized string or byte array.
        Converts an input object into a serialized string or byte array.
        Works analogous to Export-PSFClixml, only it does not require being written to file.
    .PARAMETER Depth
        Specifies how many levels of contained objects are included in the XML representation. The default value is 2.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The object(s) to serialize.
    .PARAMETER Style
        Whether to export as byte (better compression) or as string (often easier to transmit using other utilities/apis).
    .PARAMETER NoCompression
        By default, exported data is compressed, saving a lot of storage at the cost of some CPU cycles.
        This switch disables this compression, making string-style exports compatible with Import-Clixml.
        PS C:\> Get-ChildItem | ConvertTo-PSFClixml
        Scans all items in the current folder and then converts that into a compressed clixml string.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        $Style = 'String',
        $data = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
        $null = $data.Add($InputObject)
            if ($Style -like 'Byte')
                if ($NoCompression)
                    if ($Depth) { [PSFramework.Serialization.ClixmlSerializer]::ToByte($data.ToArray(), $Depth) }
                    else { [PSFramework.Serialization.ClixmlSerializer]::ToByte($data.ToArray()) }
                    if ($Depth) { [PSFramework.Serialization.ClixmlSerializer]::ToByteCompressed($data.ToArray(), $Depth) }
                    else { [PSFramework.Serialization.ClixmlSerializer]::ToByteCompressed($data.ToArray()) }
                if ($NoCompression)
                    if ($Depth) { [PSFramework.Serialization.ClixmlSerializer]::ToString($data.ToArray(), $Depth) }
                    else { [PSFramework.Serialization.ClixmlSerializer]::ToString($data.ToArray()) }
                    if ($Depth) { [PSFramework.Serialization.ClixmlSerializer]::ToStringCompressed($data.ToArray(), $Depth) }
                    else { [PSFramework.Serialization.ClixmlSerializer]::ToStringCompressed($data.ToArray()) }
            Stop-PSFFunction -String 'ConvertTo-PSFClixml.Conversion.Error' -ErrorRecord $_ -EnableException $true -Target $resolvedPath -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet