
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.Info.Minimum' -Value 1 -Initialize -Validation "integer0to9" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::MinimumInformation = $_ } -Description "The minimum required message level for messages that will be shown to the user."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.Info.Maximum' -Value 3 -Initialize -Validation "integer0to9" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::MaximumInformation = $_ } -Description "The maximum message level to still display to the user directly."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.Verbose.Minimum' -Value 4 -Initialize -Validation "integer0to9" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::MinimumVerbose = $_ } -Description "The minimum required message level where verbose information is written."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.Verbose.Maximum' -Value 6 -Initialize -Validation "integer0to9" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::MaximumVerbose = $_ } -Description "The maximum message level where verbose information is still written."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.Debug.Minimum' -Value 1 -Initialize -Validation "integer0to9" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::MinimumDebug = $_ } -Description "The minimum required message level where debug information is written."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.Debug.Maximum' -Value 9 -Initialize -Validation "integer0to9" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::MaximumDebug = $_ } -Description "The maximum message level where debug information is still written."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.Info.Color' -Value 'Cyan' -Initialize -Validation "consolecolor" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::InfoColor = $_ } -Description "The color to use when writing text to the screen on PowerShell."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.Info.Color.Emphasis' -Value 'green' -Initialize -Validation "consolecolor" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::InfoColorEmphasis = $_ } -Description "The color to use when emphasizing written text to the screen on PowerShell."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.Info.Color.Subtle' -Value 'gray' -Initialize -Validation "consolecolor" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::InfoColorSubtle = $_ } -Description "The color to use when making writing text to the screen on PowerShell appear subtle."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.DeveloperColor' -Value 'Gray' -Initialize -Validation "consolecolor" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::DeveloperColor = $_ } -Description "The color to use when writing text with developer specific additional information to the screen on PowerShell."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.ConsoleOutput.Disable' -Value $false -Initialize -Validation "bool" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::DisableVerbosity = $_ } -Description "Global toggle that allows disabling all regular messages to screen. Messages from '-Verbose' and '-Debug' are unaffected"
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.Transform.ErrorQueueSize' -Value 512 -Initialize -Validation "integerpositive" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::TransformErrorQueueSize = $_ } -Description "The size of the queue for transformation errors. May be useful for advanced development, but can be ignored usually."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.NestedLevel.Decrement' -Value 0 -Initialize -Validation "integer0to9" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::NestedLevelDecrement = $_ } -Description "How many levels should be reduced per callstack depth. This makes commands less verbose, the more nested they are called"
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Developer.Mode.Enable' -Value $false -Initialize -Validation "bool" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::DeveloperMode = $_ } -Description "Developermode enables advanced logging and verbosity features. There is little benefit for enabling this as a regular user. but developers can use it to more easily troubleshoot issues."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.Style.Breadcrumbs' -Value $false -Initialize -Validation "bool" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::EnableMessageBreadcrumbs = $_ } -Description "Controls how messages are displayed. Enables Breadcrumb display, showing the entire callstack. Takes precedence over command name display."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.Style.FunctionName' -Value $true -Initialize -Validation "bool" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::EnableMessageDisplayCommand = $_ } -Description "Controls how messages are displayed. Enables command name, showing the name of the writing command. Is overwritten by enabling breadcrumbs."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.Style.Timestamp' -Value $true -Initialize -Validation "bool" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::EnableMessageTimestamp = $_ } -Description "Controls how messages are displayed. Enables timestamp display, including a timestamp in each message."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.Style.Level' -Value $false -Initialize -Validation "bool" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::EnableMessageLevel = $_ } -Description "Controls how messages are displayed. Enables level display, including its level in each message."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.Style.NoColor' -Value $false -Initialize -Validation "bool" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::NoColor = $_ } -Description "Controls how messages are displayed. Disables colorization of the messages shown on screen. This prevents messages being broken into multiple lines on some agent system such as the universal console or Azure DevOps logs."

Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.Style.Prefix' -Value $false -Initialize -Validation "bool" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::EnableMessagePrefix = $_ } -Description "Controls how messages are displayed. Enables message prefix display, including a prefix in each message."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.Style.Prefix.Error' -Value "##vso[task.logissue type=error;]" -Initialize -Validation "string" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::PrefixValueError = $_ } -Description "Prefix value to use when the level is Warning and the tag 'error' is supplied."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.Style.Prefix.Warning' -Value "##vso[task.logissue type=warning;]" -Initialize -Validation "string" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::PrefixValueWarning = $_ } -Description "Prefix value to use when the level is Warning."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.Style.Prefix.Verbose' -Value "##[debug]" -Initialize -Validation "string" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::PrefixValueVerbose = $_ } -Description "Prefix value to use when the level is one of the three Verbose levels."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.Style.Prefix.Host' -Value "" -Initialize -Validation "string" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::PrefixValueHost = $_ } -Description "Prefix value to use when the level is Host."
Set-PSFConfig -Module PSFramework -Name 'Message.Style.Prefix.Significant' -Value "##[section]" -Initialize -Validation "string" -Handler { [PSFramework.Message.MessageHost]::PrefixValueSignificant = $_ } -Description "Prefix value to use when the level is significant or critical."