
function Convert-PsfConfigValue
        Converts a persisted configuration's value back to its data type.
        Converts a persisted configuration's value back to its data type.
        Can be used for either registry-based or json-file-based items.
    .PARAMETER Value
        The full value item to decode (must include the original type identifier).
        PS C:\> Convert-PsfConfigValue -Value "bool:true"
        Will return a boolean $true

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly", "")]
    Param (
        $index = $Value.IndexOf(":")
        if ($index -lt 1) { throw "No type identifier found!" }
        $type = $Value.Substring(0, $index)
        $content = $Value.Substring($index + 1)
        switch ($type)
                if ($content -eq "true") { return $true }
                if ($content -eq "1") { return $true }
                if ($content -eq "false") { return $false }
                if ($content -eq "0") { return $false }
                throw "Failed to interpret as bool: $content"
            "int" { return ([int]$content) }
            "double" { return [double]$content }
            "long" { return [long]$content }
            "string" { return $content }
            "timespan" { return (New-Object System.TimeSpan($content)) }
            "datetime" { return (New-Object System.DateTime($content)) }
            "consolecolor" { return ([System.ConsoleColor]$content) }
                if ($content -eq "") { return, @() }
                $tempArray = foreach ($item in ($content -split "þþþ"))
                    Convert-PsfConfigValue -Value $item
                return, $tempArray
            default { throw "Unknown type identifier" }