
Describe "Export-PSFConfig Unit Tests" -Tag "CI", "Pipeline", "Unit" {
    BeforeAll {
        Get-PSFConfig -Module Export-PSFConfig -Force | ForEach-Object {
            $null = [PSFramework.Configuration.ConfigurationHost]::Configurations.Remove($_.FullName)
        Remove-Item -Path "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig*" -Force -Recurse
    AfterAll {
        Get-PSFConfig -Module Export-PSFConfig -Force | ForEach-Object {
            $null = [PSFramework.Configuration.ConfigurationHost]::Configurations.Remove($_.FullName)
        Remove-Item -Path "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig*" -Force -Recurse
    # Catch any signature changes to force revisiting the command
    It "Should have the designed for parameters & sets" {
        (Get-Command Export-PSFConfig).ParameterSets.Name | Should -Be 'FullName', 'Module', 'Config', 'ModuleName'
        foreach ($key in (Get-Command Export-PSFConfig).Parameters.Keys)
            $key | Should -BeIn 'FullName', 'Module', 'Name', 'Config', 'ModuleName', 'ModuleVersion', 'Scope', 'OutPath', 'SkipUnchanged', 'EnableException', 'Verbose', 'Debug', 'ErrorAction', 'WarningAction', 'InformationAction', 'ErrorVariable', 'WarningVariable', 'InformationVariable', 'OutVariable', 'OutBuffer', 'PipelineVariable'
    # Export 1 Configuration Item to file
    # Export 3 Configuration Items to file
    # Export all configuration items of a module to file
    # Export all (and only) unchanged items of a module to file
    Describe "Testing core export integrity" {
        BeforeAll {
            $configItems = @()
            $configItems += Set-PSFConfig -FullName Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase1.Settings1 -Value 42 -PassThru -Initialize
            $configItems += Set-PSFConfig -FullName Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase1.Settings2 -Value 23 -PassThru -Initialize
            $configItems += Set-PSFConfig -FullName Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase1.Settings3 -Value "foo" -PassThru -Initialize
        It "Should correctly export a single configuration item" {
            $configItems[0] | Export-PSFConfig -OutPath "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig.test1.json"
            Test-Path "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig.test1.json" | Should -Be $true
            $item = Get-Content "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig.test1.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
            $item.FullName | Should -Be 'Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase1.Settings1'
            $item.Type | Should -Be 3
            $item.Version | Should -Be 1
            $item.Value | Should -Be "42"
            $item.Style | Should -Be "Default"
        It "Should correctly export multiple configuration items" {
            $configItems | Export-PSFConfig -OutPath "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig.test2.json"
            Test-Path "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig.test2.json" | Should -Be $true
            $items = Get-Content "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig.test2.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
            foreach ($name in ('Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase1.Settings1', 'Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase1.Settings2', 'Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase1.Settings3'))
                $name | Should -BeIn $items.FullName
            (($items.Type | Group-Object | Sort-Object Count) | Where-Object Name -EQ 3).Count | Should -Be 2
            (($items.Type | Group-Object | Sort-Object Count) | Where-Object Name -EQ 6).Count | Should -Be 1
            $items.Version | Should -Be 1, 1, 1
            $items.Value | Should -Contain "foo"
            $items.Value | Should -Contain "42"
            $items.Value | Should -Contain "23"
            $items.Count | Should -Be 3
            $items.Style | Should -Be "Default", "Default", "Default"
        It "Should export all settings belonging to the specified module" {
            Export-PSFConfig -Module Export-PSFConfig -OutPath "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig.test3.json"
            Test-Path "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig.test3.json" | Should -Be $true
            (Get-Content "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig.test3.json" | ConvertFrom-Json | Remove-PSFNull -Enumerate | Measure-Object).Count | Should -Be 3
        It "Should only export changed settings if so directed" {
            Set-PSFConfig -FullName Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase1.Settings2 -Value 23
            Set-PSFConfig -FullName Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase1.Settings3 -Value "bar"
            Export-PSFConfig -Module Export-PSFConfig -OutPath "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig.test4.json" -SkipUnchanged
            Test-Path "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig.test4.json" | Should -Be $true
            (Get-Content "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig.test4.json" | ConvertFrom-Json | Remove-PSFNull -Enumerate | Measure-Object).Count | Should -Be 2
    # Determine file integrity
    # - Simple Export
    # - Complex Export
    # - Simple/Complex in hybrid export
    Describe "Ensuring all export styles are correctly created" {
        BeforeAll {
            Set-PSFConfig -FullName Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase2.Settings1 -Value 42 -SimpleExport
            Set-PSFConfig -FullName Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase2.Settings2 -Value 23
            Set-PSFConfig -FullName Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase2.Settings3 -Value (Get-Date) -SimpleExport
        It "Should create a simple export" {
            Export-PSFConfig -FullName Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase2.Settings1 -OutPath "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig.testB1.json"
            Test-Path "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig.testB1.json" | Should -Be $true
            $item = Get-Content "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig.testB1.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
            $item.FullName | Should -Be 'Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase2.Settings1'
            $item.Version | Should -Be 1
            $item.Data | Should -Be 42
            $item.Data.GetType().FullName | Should -BeIn "System.Int32","System.Int64" # ConvertFrom-Json on later PS versions converts all numbers to long
            # Properties that only exist on non-simple export items
            $item.Style | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
            $item.Type | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
            $item.Value | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
        It "Should create a complex export" {
            Export-PSFConfig -FullName Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase2.Settings2 -OutPath "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig.testB2.json"
            Test-Path "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig.testB2.json" | Should -Be $true
            $item = Get-Content "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig.testB2.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
            $item.FullName | Should -Be 'Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase2.Settings2'
            $item.Type | Should -Be 3
            $item.Version | Should -Be 1
            $item.Value | Should -Be "23"
            $item.Style | Should -Be "Default"
        It "Should create a hybrid export" {
            Export-PSFConfig -Module Export-PSFConfig -Name TestPhase2.* -OutPath "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig.testB3.json"
            Test-Path "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig.testB3.json" | Should -Be $true
            $items = Get-Content "TestDrive:\Export-PSFConfig.testB3.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
            ($items | Measure-Object).Count | Should -Be 3
            #region Simple Export
            $item = $items | Where-Object FullName -EQ 'Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase2.Settings1'
            $item.Version | Should -Be 1
            $item.Data | Should -Be 42
            $item.Data.GetType().FullName | Should -BeIn "System.Int32","System.Int64" # ConvertFrom-Json on later PS versions converts all numbers to long
            # Properties that only exist on non-simple export items
            $item.Style | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
            $item.Type | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
            $item.Value | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
            #endregion Simple Export
            #region Complex Export
            $item = $items | Where-Object FullName -EQ 'Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase2.Settings2'
            $item.Type | Should -Be 3
            $item.Version | Should -Be 1
            $item.Value | Should -Be "23"
            $item.Style | Should -Be "Default"
            #endregion Complex Export
    # Export under the ModuleName parameterset
    # - Only exports configuration items marked for module export
    # - Exports to the correct scopes' files
    # - Throws on a registry scope
    Describe "Ensuring Module Cache functionality works as designed" {
        BeforeAll {
            Set-PSFConfig -FullName Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase3.Settings1 -Value 42 -ModuleExport -Initialize
            Set-PSFConfig -FullName Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase3.Settings2 -Value 23
            Set-PSFConfig -FullName Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase3.Settings3 -Value (Get-Date) -ModuleExport -Hidden -Initialize
            Set-PSFConfig -FullName Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase3.Settings4 -Value "foo" -ModuleExport -Hidden -Initialize
            Set-PSFConfig -FullName Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase3.Settings1 -Value 42
            Set-PSFConfig -FullName Export-PSFConfig.TestPhase3.Settings3 -Value (Get-Date)
            $module = Get-Module PSFramework | Sort-Object Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
            $pathFileUserLocal = & $module { $path_FileUserLocal }
            $pathFileUserShared = & $module { $path_FileUserShared }
            $pathFileSystem = & $module { $path_FileSystem }
        It "Should only export configuration settings marked for export in the module cache" {
            Export-PSFConfig -ModuleName Export-PSFConfig
            Test-Path "$($pathFileUserShared)\export-psfconfig-1.json" | Should -Be $true
            $items = Get-Content "$($pathFileUserShared)\export-psfconfig-1.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
            ($items | Measure-Object).Count | Should -Be 2 # Setting2 is not part of the cache, Setting4 has not yet been updated from default
            Remove-Item "$($pathFileUserShared)\export-psfconfig-1.json"
        It "Should export to the scopes specified" {
            Test-Path "$($pathFileUserShared)\export-psfconfig-1.json" | Should -Be $false
            Export-PSFConfig -ModuleName Export-PSFConfig -Scope FileUserShared
            Test-Path "$($pathFileUserShared)\export-psfconfig-1.json" | Should -Be $true
            Remove-Item "$($pathFileUserShared)\export-psfconfig-1.json"
            Test-Path "$($pathFileUserLocal)\export-psfconfig-1.json" | Should -Be $false
            Export-PSFConfig -ModuleName Export-PSFConfig -Scope FileUserLocal
            Test-Path "$($pathFileUserLocal)\export-psfconfig-1.json" | Should -Be $true
            Remove-Item "$($pathFileUserLocal)\export-psfconfig-1.json"
            Test-Path "$($pathFileUserShared)\export-psfconfig-1.json" | Should -Be $false
            Test-Path "$($pathFileUserLocal)\export-psfconfig-1.json" | Should -Be $false
            Export-PSFConfig -ModuleName Export-PSFConfig -Scope FileUserShared, FileUserLocal
            Test-Path "$($pathFileUserShared)\export-psfconfig-1.json" | Should -Be $true
            Test-Path "$($pathFileUserLocal)\export-psfconfig-1.json" | Should -Be $true
            Remove-Item "$($pathFileUserShared)\export-psfconfig-1.json"
            Remove-Item "$($pathFileUserLocal)\export-psfconfig-1.json"
        It "Should throw on registry scope" {
            { Export-PSFConfig -ModuleName Export-PSFConfig -Scope UserDefault -EnableException } | Should -Throw