
function Add-PSFLoggingProviderRunspace
        Adds a runspace to the list of dynamically included runspaces of an active logging provider instance.
        Adds a runspace to the list of dynamically included runspaces of an active logging provider instance.
        This is designed to allow runspaces to add themselves "on the fly" to a specific logging provider.
        Consider this scenario:
        You have a large workload you spread across many runspaces.
        However, each workload item might perform one out of three different categories of tasks.
        You want each of these categories to log into a dedicated logfile and have prepared a provider for each.
        Set each such logging instance as "-RequiresInclude" so by default nothing gets logged to any of them.
        Then each workload item can call this command to add itself to the correct logging provider instance.
        When done, call "Remove-PSFLoggingProviderRunspace" to remove that runspace correctly from the instance.
        When using runspaces with a runspace pool, runspaces might be recycled for workitems of other categories, so cleaning it up is a useful habit.
        This call will fail if the instance has not been created yet!
        After setting up the logging provider instance using Set-PSFLoggingProvider, a short delay may occur before the instance is created.
        With the default configuration, this delay should be no worse than 6 seconds and generally a lot less.
        You can use "Get-PSFLoggingProviderInstance -ProviderName <providername> -Name <instancename>" to check whether it has been created.
    .PARAMETER ProviderName
        Name of the logging provider the instance is part of.
    .PARAMETER InstanceName
        Name of the logging provider instance to target.
        Default: "default" (the instance created when you omit the instancename parameter on Set-PSFLoggingProvider)
    .PARAMETER Runspace
        The Runspace ID of the runspace to add.
        Defaults to the current runspace.
        PS C:\> Add-PSFLoggingProviderRunspace -ProviderName 'logfile' -InstanceName UpdateTask
        Adds the current runspace to the list of included runspaces on the logfile instance "UpdateTask".

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $InstanceName = 'default',
        $Runspace = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.Runspace]::DefaultRunspace.InstanceId
        $instance = Get-PSFLoggingProviderInstance -ProviderName $ProviderName -Name $InstanceName
        if (-not $instance) {
            Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Add-PSFLoggingProviderRunspace.Instance.NotFound' -StringValues $ProviderName, $InstanceName -EnableException $true -Category ObjectNotFound -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet