
Describe "Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile Unit Tests" -Tag "UnitTests" {
    BeforeAll {
        $psd1Result = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -Path "$($global:testroot)\testdata\utility\ImportPsd1.psd1"
        $psd1ResultUnsafe = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -Path "$($global:testroot)\testdata\utility\ImportPsd1.psd1" -Unsafe
        $jsonResult = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -Path "$($global:testroot)\testdata\utility\ImportJson.json"

    Describe "Imports PSD1 files correctly" {
        It "Should only contain one result" {
            ($psd1Result | Measure-Object).Count | Should -Be 1
        It "Should contain three keys" {
            $psd1Result.Keys.Count | Should -Be 3
        It "Should have the expected values" {
            $psd1Result.Name | Should -Be "Fred"
            $psd1Result.Age | Should -Be 66

    Describe "Imports PSD1 files (unsafe) correctly" {
        It "Should only contain two results" {
            ($psd1ResultUnsafe | Measure-Object).Count | Should -Be 2
        It "Should contain three keys & 2 Keys" {
            $psd1ResultUnsafe[0].Keys.Count | Should -Be 3
            $psd1ResultUnsafe[1].Keys.Count | Should -Be 2
        It "Should have the expected values" {
            $psd1ResultUnsafe[0].Name | Should -Be "Fred"
            $psd1ResultUnsafe[0].Age | Should -Be 66
            $psd1ResultUnsafe[1].Name | Should -Be "Max"
            $psd1ResultUnsafe[1].Nachname | Should -Be "Mustermann"

    Describe "Imports Json files correctly" {
        It "Should enumerate correctly" {
            (Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -Path "$($global:testroot)\testdata\utility\ImportJson.json" | Measure-Object).Count | Should -Be 2
        It "Should have two results" {
            ($jsonResult | Measure-Object).Count | Should -Be 2
        It "Should contain three keys & 2 Keys" {
            $jsonResult[0].Keys.Count | Should -Be 3
            $jsonResult[1].Keys.Count | Should -Be 2
        It "Should have the expected values" {
            $jsonResult[0].Name | Should -Be "Fred"
            $jsonResult[0].Age | Should -Be 66
            $jsonResult[1].Name | Should -Be "Max"
            $jsonResult[1].Nachname | Should -Be "Mustermann"