
    This module contains a set of PowerShell commands to add and manage metadata
    in stand-alone PowerShell functions.
    The purpose of this code is to provide a way to get versioning and other
    metadata information for functions that may not belong to a module. This is
    information you want to get after the function has been loaded into your
    PowerShell session. I have numerous stand-alone functions. These functions
    don't belong to a module, so there is no version or source information.
    However, I'd like to use that type of information for non-module files.
    The code in this module isn't concerned with loading, running, or finding
    functions. It queries whatever is in the Function: PSDrive. If the
    PowerShell function belongs to a module, then you'll get the module version
    and source. Otherwise, you can use the function metadata.
    The default behavior is to show all functions that don't belong to a module.
    You can also get functions by tag. Use Get-PSFunctionInfoTag to get a list
    of tags currently in use.
Creating PSFunctionInfo
    Use the New-PSFunctionInfo command to insert the metadata tag into your
    script file.
    New-PSFunctionInfo -Path c:\scripts\Test-ConsoleColors.ps1 -Description
    "show console color combinations" -Name Test-ConsoleColor -Author "Jeff
    Hicks" -CompanyName "JDH IT Solutions" -Copyright "2021 JDH IT Solutions,
    Inc." -Tags "scripting","console"
    The default behavior is to insert the metadata tag immediately after the
    opening brace ({) into the file. This command will update the file.
    Or you can use the ToClipBoard parameter which will copy the metatadata to
    the clipboard and you can manually insert it into your script file that
    defines the function.
    You should get something like this:
    <# PSFunctionInfo
    Version 1.0.0
    Author Jeff Hicks
    CompanyName JDH IT Solutions
    Copyright 2021 JDH IT Solutions, Inc.
    Description show console color combinations
    Guid 8e43a9d9-1df6-48c7-8595-7363087aba43
    Tags scripting,console
    LastUpdate 4/21/2021 10:43 AM
    Source C:\scripts\Test-ConsoleColors.ps1
    This command not work with functions defined in a single line like this:
    Function Get-Foo { Get-Date }
    You can still run New-PSFunctionInfo with the ToClipboard parameter and
    manually edit your function to insert the metadata.
    Function Get-Foo {
    <# PSFunctionInfo
    Version 1.0.0
    Author Jeff Hicks
    CompanyName JDH IT Solutions
    Copyright 2021 JDH IT Solutions, Inc.
    Description Get Foo Stuff
    Guid 490595c6-6a0c-4572-baf4-f808c010de70
    Tags scripting,console
    LastUpdate 4/21/2021 10:4f AM
    Source C:\scripts\FooStuff.ps1
    There are no commands to modify or remove function metadata. It is assumed
    that when you update the function, you can update or remove the metadata.
PSFunctionInfo Defaults
    Because you might define function metadata often, and want to maintain
    consistency, you can define a set of default values for New-PSFunctionInfo.
    Use the command, Set-PSFunctionInfoDefaults:
    Set-PSFunctionInfoDefaults -Tags "stand-alone" -Copyright "(c) JDH IT
    Solutions, Inc." -author "Jeff Hicks" -company "JDH IT Solutions, Inc."
    The defaults will be stored in a JSON file at
    $home\psfunctioninfo-defaults.json. When you import this module, these
    values will be used to define entries in $PSDefaultParameterValues. Or,
    run Update-PSFunctionInfoDefaults to update parameter defaults.
    You can use Get-PSFunctionInfoDefaults to see the current values.
Editor Integration
    When you import the module into an editor, you will get additional features to make it easier to insert PSFunctionInfo metadata into your file. It is recommended that you explicitly import the module into the editor's integrated console session. You could add an Import-Module PSFunctionInfo command into the editor's PowerShell profile script.
    Visual Studio Code
    If you have an open file, in the integrated PowerShell console, you can run New-PSFunctionfo and press TAB to tab-complete the detected functions in the current file. The file path will automatically be detected. You can enter other values such as version, or simply press ENTER to insert the metadata, which you can then edit.
    PowerShell ISE
    When you import the module in the PowerShell ISE, it will add a menu shortcut.
    With a loaded file, you could run New-PSFunctionInfo in the console specifying the function name. The Path will be auto-detected. Or use the menu shortcut which will give you a graphical "function picker"
    Select a function and click OK. The metadata block will be inserted into the file. This will not work with a file that has unsaved changes. When you insert new function metadata, the file in the ISE will be closed, re-opened, and focus should jump to the function.
    Please report any bugs or feature requests at:
    - functions
    - metadata