
# This is a PowerShell Unit Test file.
# You need a unit test framework such as Pester to run PowerShell Unit tests.
# You can download Pester from
Get-Module PsFzf | Remove-Module

# set env variable so Import-Module doesn't fail:
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:GOPATH)) {
    $env:GOPATH = "c:\ADirectoryThatShouldNotExist\"
Import-Module $(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot PSFzf.psd1) -ErrorAction Stop

Describe "Find-CurrentPath" {
    InModuleScope PsFzf {
        Context "Function Exists" {
            It "Should Return Nothing" {
                $line = "" ; $cursor = 0
                $leftCursor = $rightCursor = $null
                Find-CurrentPath $line $cursor ([ref]$leftCursor) ([ref]$rightCursor) | Should Be $null
                $leftCursor | Should Be 0
                $rightCursor | Should Be 0

            It "Should Return Nothing with Spaces Cursor at Beginning" {
                $line = " " ; $cursor = 0
                $leftCursor = $rightCursor = $null
                Find-CurrentPath $line $cursor ([ref]$leftCursor) ([ref]$rightCursor) | Should Be " "
                $leftCursor | Should Be 0
                $rightCursor | Should Be 0

            It "Should Return Nothing with Spaces Cursor at End" {
                $line = " " ; $cursor = 1
                $leftCursor = $rightCursor = $null
                Find-CurrentPath $line $cursor ([ref]$leftCursor) ([ref]$rightCursor) | Should Be " "
                $leftCursor | Should Be 0
                $rightCursor | Should Be 0

            It "Should Return Path Cursor at Beginning for Single Char" {
                $line = "~" ; $cursor = 0
                $leftCursor = $rightCursor = $null
                Find-CurrentPath $line $cursor ([ref]$leftCursor) ([ref]$rightCursor) | Should Be "~"
                $leftCursor | Should Be 0
                $rightCursor | Should Be ($line.Length-1)

            It "Should Return Path Cursor at Beginning" {
                $line = "C:\Windows\" ; $cursor = 0
                $leftCursor = $rightCursor = $null
                Find-CurrentPath $line $cursor ([ref]$leftCursor) ([ref]$rightCursor) | Should Be "c:\Windows\"
                $leftCursor | Should Be 0
                $rightCursor | Should Be ($line.Length-1)

            It "Should Return Path Cursor at End" {
                $line = "C:\Windows\" ; $cursor = $line.Length
                $leftCursor = $rightCursor = $null
                Find-CurrentPath $line $cursor ([ref]$leftCursor) ([ref]$rightCursor) | Should Be "c:\Windows\"
                $leftCursor | Should Be 0
                $rightCursor | Should Be ($line.Length-1)

            It "Should Return Command and Path Cursor at Beginning" {
                $line = "cd C:\Windows\" ; $cursor = 0
                $leftCursor = $rightCursor = $null
                Find-CurrentPath $line $cursor ([ref]$leftCursor) ([ref]$rightCursor) | Should Be "cd"
                $leftCursor | Should Be 0
                $rightCursor | Should Be ('cd'.Length-1)

            It "Should Return Command and Path Cursor at End" {
                $line = "cd C:\Windows\" ; $cursor = $line.Length
                $leftCursor = $rightCursor = $null
                Find-CurrentPath $line $cursor ([ref]$leftCursor) ([ref]$rightCursor) | Should Be "c:\Windows\"
                $leftCursor | Should Be 'cd '.Length
                $rightCursor | Should Be ($line.Length-1)

            It "Should Return Command and Path Cursor at End" {
                $line = "cd C:\Windows\" ; $cursor = $line.Length-1
                $leftCursor = $rightCursor = $null
                Find-CurrentPath $line $cursor ([ref]$leftCursor) ([ref]$rightCursor) | Should Be "c:\Windows\"
                $leftCursor | Should Be 'cd '.Length
                $rightCursor | Should Be ($line.Length-1)

            It "Should Return Path With Quotes Cursor at Beginning" {
                '"',"'" | ForEach-Object {
                    $quote  = $_
                    $line = $quote + 'C:\Program Files\' + $quote ; $cursor = 0
                    $leftCursor = $rightCursor = $null
                    Find-CurrentPath $line $cursor ([ref]$leftCursor) ([ref]$rightCursor) | Should Be 'C:\Program Files\'
                    $leftCursor | Should Be 0
                    $rightCursor | Should Be ($line.Length-1)

            It "Should Return Path With Quotes Cursor at End" {
                '"',"'" | ForEach-Object {
                    $quote  = $_
                    $line = $quote + 'C:\Program Files\' + $quote ; $cursor = 0
                    $leftCursor = $rightCursor = $null
                    Find-CurrentPath $line $cursor ([ref]$leftCursor) ([ref]$rightCursor) | Should Be 'C:\Program Files\'
                    $leftCursor | Should Be 0
                    $rightCursor | Should Be ($line.Length-1)

# CI has problems running fzf under Windows:
if ( $IsLinux ) {
Describe "Invoke-Fzf" {
    InModuleScope PsFzf {
        Context "Function Exists" {
            It "Should Return Nothing" {
                $result = '' | Invoke-Fzf -Query 'file1.txt' -Select1 -Exit0 -Filter ' '
                $result | Should Be $null

            It "Should Return 1 Item, 1 Element" {
                $result = 'file1.txt' | Invoke-Fzf -Select1 -Exit0 -Filter 'file1.txt'
                $result | Should Be 'file1.txt'

            It "Should Return 1 Item, Case Insensitive" {
                $result = 'file1.txt' | Invoke-Fzf -Select1 -Exit0 -CaseInsensitive -Filter 'FILE1.TXT'
                $result | Should Be 'file1.txt'

            It "Should Return Nothing, Case Sensitive" {
                $result = 'file1.txt' | Invoke-Fzf -Select1 -Exit0 -CaseSensitive -Filter 'FILE1.TXT'
                $result | Should Be $null

            It "Should Return 1 Item, No Multi" {
                $result = 'file1.txt','file2.txt' | Invoke-Fzf -Multi -Select1 -Exit0 -Filter "file1"
                $result | Should Be 'file1.txt'

            It "Should Return 2 Item, Multi" {
                $result = 'file1.txt','file2.txt' | Invoke-Fzf -Multi -Select1 -Exit0 -Filter "file"
                $result.Length | Should Be 2
                $result[0] | Should Be 'file1.txt'
                $result[1] | Should Be 'file2.txt'

            It "Should Return 2 Item, Multi, Input Reversed" {
                $result = 'file1.txt','file2.txt' | Invoke-Fzf -Multi -Select1 -Exit0 -Filter "file" -ReverseInput
                $result.Length | Should Be 2
                $result[0] | Should Be 'file2.txt'
                $result[1] | Should Be 'file1.txt'