
   Sends an PSObject to Graylog via TCP.
   This function sends an PSObject to Graylog via TCP to a server supporting
   GELF. This function should be used if you do want to pipe input.
   Hostname or IP address of the GELF server to send messages to.
   Port number used to communicate with the GELF server.
   Use to use SSL/TLS encryption with the GELF server.
.PARAMETER GelfMessage
   Message payload to send (from New-PSGelfObject).
   Send a Windows Event Log to GELF server graylog over port 12201.

   Get-WinEvent Setup | Send-PSGelfTCPFromObject -GelfServer graylog -Port 12201
   Send a Windows Event Log to GELF server graylog over port 12202 and use SSL/TLS.

   Get-WinEvent Setup | Send-PSGelfTCPFromObject -GelfServer graylog -Port 12202 -Encrypt

function Send-PSGelfTCPFromObject




        try {
            $TcpClient = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient

            #I am using ConnectAsync because connect isnt supported in .net core
            $Connect = $TcpClient.ConnectAsync($GelfServer,$Port)
            if(!($Connect.Wait(500))) {
                Write-Error "The connection timed out."

            #Repair-PasGelfObject changes fields names so you can easily pipe Get-WinEvent to this function
            #It also adds and underscore to non default fields.
            $RepairedGelfMessage = Repair-PSGelfObject -GelfMessage $GelfMessage

            $ConvertedJSON = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($($RepairedGelfMessage | ConvertTo-Json -Compress))

            #Graylog needs a NULL byte on the end of the data packet
            $ConvertedJSON = $ConvertedJSON + [Byte]0x00

            $TcpStream = $TcpClient.GetStream()
            if ($Encrypt.IsPresent) {
                $oldSslSettings = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback
                [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { return $true }

                $SslStream = New-Object System.Net.Security.SslStream $tcpStream, $false, { return $true }, $null
                $SslStream.Write($ConvertedJSON, 0, $ConvertedJSON.Length)

                [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = $oldSslSettings
            else {
                $TcpStream.Write($ConvertedJSON, 0, $ConvertedJSON.Length)

        Catch {