
function Get-PSGSuiteConfig {
    Loads the specified PSGSuite config
    Loads the specified PSGSuite config
    .PARAMETER ConfigName
    The config name to load
    The path of the config to load if non-default.

    This can be used to load either a legacy XML config from an older version of PSGSuite or a specific .PSD1 config created with version 2.0.0 or greater
    .PARAMETER Scope
    The config scope to load
    .PARAMETER PassThru
    If specified, returns the config after loading it
    Get-PSGSuiteConfig personalDomain -PassThru

    This will load the config named "personalDomain" and return it as a PSObject.

    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ConfigurationModule")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false,Position = 0,ParameterSetName = "ConfigurationModule")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,ParameterSetName = "Path")]
        [ValidateScript( {Test-Path $_})]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,Position = 1)]
        [ValidateSet("User", "Machine", "Enterprise", $null)]
        $Scope = $Script:ConfigScope,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    function Decrypt {
        if ($String -is [System.Security.SecureString]) {
        elseif ($String -is [System.String]) {
    $script:ConfigScope = $Scope
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        ConfigurationModule {
            $fullConf = Import-SpecificConfiguration -CompanyName 'SCRT HQ' -Name 'PSGSuite' -Scope $Script:ConfigScope
            if (!$ConfigName) {
                $choice = $fullConf["DefaultConfig"]
                Write-Verbose "Importing default config: $choice"
            else {
                $choice = $ConfigName
                Write-Verbose "Importing config: $choice"
            $encConf = [PSCustomObject]($fullConf[$choice])
        Path {
            $encConf = switch ((Get-Item -Path $Path).Extension) {
                '.xml' {
                    Import-Clixml -Path $Path
                    $choice = "LegacyXML"
                '.psd1' {
                    Import-SpecificConfiguration -Path $Path
                    $choice = "CustomConfigurationFile"
    $decryptedConfig = $encConf |
        Select-Object -Property @{l = 'ConfigName';e = {$choice}},
                                @{l = 'P12KeyPath';e = {Decrypt $_.P12KeyPath}},
                                @{l = 'ClientSecretsPath';e = {Decrypt $_.ClientSecretsPath}},
                                @{l = 'AppEmail';e = {Decrypt $_.AppEmail}},
                                @{l = 'AdminEmail';e = {Decrypt $_.AdminEmail}},
                                @{l = 'CustomerID';e = {Decrypt $_.CustomerID}},
                                @{l = 'Domain';e = {Decrypt $_.Domain}},
                                @{l = 'Preference';e = {Decrypt $_.Preference}},
                                @{l = 'ServiceAccountClientID';e = {Decrypt $_.ServiceAccountClientID}},
                                @{l = 'Chat';e = {
                                    $dict = @{
                                        Webhooks = @{}
                                        Spaces = @{}
                                    foreach ($key in $_.Chat.Webhooks.Keys) {
                                        $dict['Webhooks'][$key] = (Decrypt $_.Chat.Webhooks[$key])
                                    foreach ($key in $_.Chat.Spaces.Keys) {
                                        $dict['Spaces'][$key] = (Decrypt $_.Chat.Spaces[$key])
                                @{l = 'ConfigPath';e = {if ($_.ConfigPath) {
                                        elseif ($Path) {
                                            "$(Resolve-Path $Path)"
                                        else {
    Write-Verbose "Retrieved configuration '$choice'"
    if (!$NoImport) {
        $script:PSGSuite = $decryptedConfig
    if ($PassThru) {