
function Get-GSDriveFile {
    Gets information about or downloads a Drive file

    Gets information about or downloads a Drive file

    The unique Id of the file to get

    The email or unique Id of the owner of the Drive file

    Defaults to the AdminEmail user

    .PARAMETER OutFilePath
    The directory path that you would like to download the Drive file to. If excluded, only the Drive file information will be returned

    .PARAMETER Projection
    The defined subset of fields to be returned

    Available values are:
    * "Minimal"
    * "Standard"
    * "Full"
    * "Access"

    .PARAMETER Fields
    The specific fields to returned

    Get-GSDriveFile -FileId '1rhsAYTOB_vrpvfwImPmWy0TcVa2sgmQa_9u976'

    Gets the information for the file

    Get-GSDriveFile -FileId '1rhsAYTOB_vrpvfwImPmWy0TcVa2sgmQa_9u976' -OutFilePath (Get-Location).Path

    Gets the information for the file and saves the file in the current working directory

    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Depth")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        $User = $Script:PSGSuite.AdminEmail,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateScript({(Get-Item $_).PSIsContainer})]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false,ParameterSetName = "Depth")]
        $Projection = "Full",
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false,ParameterSetName = "Fields")]
    Begin {
        if ($Projection) {
            $fs = switch ($Projection) {
                Standard {
                Access {
                Full {
        elseif ($Fields) {
            $fs = $Fields
        if ($User -ceq 'me') {
            $User = $Script:PSGSuite.AdminEmail
        elseif ($User -notlike "*@*.*") {
            $User = "$($User)@$($Script:PSGSuite.Domain)"
        $serviceParams = @{
            Scope       = ''
            ServiceType = 'Google.Apis.Drive.v3.DriveService'
            User        = $User
        $service = New-GoogleService @serviceParams
    Process {
        try {
            foreach ($file in $FileId) {
                $request = $service.Files.Get($file)
                $request.SupportsTeamDrives = $true
                if ($fs) {
                    $request.Fields = $($fs -join ",")
                $res = $request.Execute() | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'User' -Value $User -PassThru
                if ($OutFilePath -and $res.FileExtension) {
                    $resPath = Resolve-Path $OutFilePath
                    $filePath = Join-Path $resPath "$($res.Name).$($res.FileExtension)"
                    Write-Verbose "Saving file to path '$filePath'"
                    $stream = [System.IO.File]::Create($filePath)
        catch {
            if ($ErrorActionPreference -eq 'Stop') {
            else {
                Write-Error $_