
function Get-GSGroupAlias {
    Gets the specified G SUite Group's aliases
    Gets the specified G SUite Group's aliases
    .PARAMETER Group
    The primary email or ID of the group who you are trying to get aliases for. You can exclude the '' to insert the Domain in the config or use the special 'me' to indicate the AdminEmail in the config.
    Get-GSGroupAlias -Group hr

    Gets the list of aliases for the group

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0,ValueFromPipeline = $true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
    Begin {
        $serviceParams = @{
            Scope       = ''
            ServiceType = 'Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.DirectoryService'
        $service = New-GoogleService @serviceParams
    Process {
        foreach ($G in $Group) {
            try {
                if ($G -notlike "*@*.*") {
                    $G = "$($G)@$($Script:PSGSuite.Domain)"
                Write-Verbose "Getting Alias list for Group '$G'"
                $request = $service.Groups.Aliases.List($G)
                $request.Execute() | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AliasesValue
            catch {
                if ($ErrorActionPreference -eq 'Stop') {
                else {
                    Write-Error $_