
$module = "PSGalleryDemo"
$moduleRoot = Split-Path -Parent $PSScriptRoot
$repository = "PSGallery"

Describe "$module Module Structure" -Tag ModuleFormat {
    Context "Module File Exists" {
        It "Has a root module $module.psm1" {
            "$moduleRoot\$module.psm1" | Should -Exist

        It "Has a manifest file of $module.psd1" {
            "$moduleRoot\$module.psd1" | Should -Exist
            "$moduleRoot\$module.psd1" | Should -FileContentMatch "$module.psm1"

    Context "Test Manifest Results" {
        $stagedModule = Test-ModuleManifest -Path "$moduleroot\$module.psd1"
        #publishedModule = Find-Module -Name $module -Repository $repository

        It "Has a module manifest that matches expected module name" {
            $stagedModule.Name | Should -Be $module

        It "Has at least 1 exported command" {
            $stagedModule.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0

        It "Has a formatted semver version" {
            $stagedModule.Version | Should -Match "(^(([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)?)$)" -Because "version format should match semver guidelines of Major.Minor.Patch, e.g. 1.5.12"
        # It "Has a version greater than published" {
        # $stagedModule.Version | Should -BeGreaterThan $publishedModule.Version
        # }

Import-Module $moduleRoot\$module.psm1 -Force

Describe "Get-Something" {
    It "Should return 'Got something'" {
        Get-Something | Should -Be 'Got something'

    It "Should be a string" {
        Get-Something | Should -BeOfType System.String

Describe "Set-Something" {
    It "Should return 'Set something'" {
        Set-Something | Should -Be 'Set something'

    It "Should be a tring" {
        Set-Something | Should -BeOfType System.String

Describe "Test-Something" {
    It "Should return 'Tested something" {
        Test-Something | Should -Be 'Tested something'

    It "Should be a string" {
        Test-Something | Should -BeOfType System.String

Describe "Get-Hello" {
    It "Should have a parameter Name" {
        Get-Command -Name Get-Hello | Should -HaveParameter "Name" -Type String -DefaultValue "World"
    It "Should return 'Hello, World'" {
        Get-Hello | Should -Match 'Hello, World'

    It "Should return 'Hello, ' and string parameter" {
        Get-Hello -Name Jeff | Should -Match 'Hello, Jeff'