
Class GalleryInfo {

    GalleryInfo ($DataInput) {
        $this.raw = $DataInput
        $this.PackageDownloadURL = $DataInput.Content.Src
        $this.Title = $DataInput.Title.'#Text'
        $this.Id = $
        $this.Version = $DataInput.Properties.Version
        $this.Type = $
        $this.VersionDownloadCount = $DataInput.Properties.VersionDownloadCount.'#Text'
        $this.ModuleDownloadCount = $DataInput.Properties.DownloadCount.'#Text'
        $this.PackageSize = $'#Text'
        $this.NormalizedVersion = $
        $this.Authors = $DataInput.Properties.Authors
        $this.Copyright = $DataInput.Properties.Copyright
        $this.Created = try { get-date $'#Text' -ErrorAction stop }catch{$null}
        $this.Description = $'#Text'
        $this.Tags = try { $' ') } catch { $null }
        $this.GalleryDetailsUrl = $
        $this.FileList = try { $'|') } catch { $null }
        $this.Owners = $
        $this.CompanyName = $
        $this.ProcessorArchitecture = $'#Text'
        $this.CLRVersion = $'#Text'
        $this.PowerShellHostVersion = $'#Text'
        $this.DotNetFrameworkVersion = $'#Text'
        $this.PowerShellVersion = $
        $this.GUID = $
        $this.LicenseReportUrl = $'#Text'
        $this.LicenseNames = $'#Text'
        $this.LicenseUrl = $
        $this.LastEdited = try { get-date $'#Text' -ErrorAction stop }catch{$null}
        $this.MinClientVersion = $'#Text'
        $this.Summary = $'#Text'
        $this.RequireLicenseAcceptance  = [Bool]$'#Text'
        $this.ReleaseNotes = $'#Text'
        $this.ReportAbuseUrl  = $
        $this.PackageHashAlgorithm = $
        $this.PackageHash = $
        $this.Published = try { get-date $'#Text' -ErrorAction stop }catch{$null}
        $this.LastUpdated =  try { get-date $'#Text' -ErrorAction stop }catch{$null}
        $this.IsPrerelease = [bool]$'#Text'
        $this.IsAbsoluteLatestVersion = [bool]$'#Text'
        $this.IsLatestVersion = [bool]$'#Text'
        $this.ProjectUrl = If ( [bool]$ ) {$null}else{$}


    [Object] Download () {
        $PackageName = $this.ID + '.' + $this.NormalizedVersion + '.zip'
        $OutFile = Join-Path -Path $PWD -ChildPath $PackageName

        Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $this.PackageDownloadURL -OutFile $OutFile -ErrorAction Stop
        return (Get-Item -Path $OutFile)

    [Object] Download ($Path) {
        If ( ! ( Test-Path $Path) ) {
            Throw [System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException]::new("Path Not Found: $Path")
        $PackageName = $this.ID + '.' + $this.NormalizedVersion + '.zip'
        $OutFile = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $PackageName

        Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $this.PackageDownloadURL -OutFile $OutFile -ErrorAction Stop
        return (Get-Item -Path $OutFile)
function Find-GalleryModule {
        Simple Function to retrieve Module(s) info(s) from the PSGallery
        Simple Function to retrieve Module(s) info(s) from the PSGallery, and download the module as a zip file.
        PS C:\> Find-GalleryModule -Module PSClassutils -latestversion
        Will retrieve infos, about all the modules named psclassutils.
        Id : PSClassUtils
        Version : 2.6.3
        NormalizedVersion : 2.6.3
        Authors : Stéphane van Gulick
        Copyright : (c) 2018 TAAVAST3. All rights reserved.
        Created : Created
        Dependencies :
        Description : Contains a set of utilities to work with Powershell Classes
        DownloadCount : 240
        VersionDownloadCount : 1381
        PS C:\> Find-GalleryModule -Author Stéphane -latestversion
        Will retrieve infos, about all the modules created by authors starting with "Stéphane".
        Id : PSClassUtils
        Version : 2.6.3
        NormalizedVersion : 2.6.3
        Authors : Stéphane van Gulick
        Copyright : (c) 2018 TAAVAST3. All rights reserved.
        Created : Created
        Dependencies :
        Description : Contains a set of utilities to work with Powershell Classes
        PS C:\> Find-GalleryModule -Module PSClassutils -latestversion -Download
        Search for module PSClassUtils and download the package as a zip file in the current directory.
        Répertoire : C:\
        Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
        ---- ------------- ------ ----
        -a---- 04/09/2019 21:51 1854235
        PS C:\> Find-GalleryModule -Date 16/09/2019 -latestversion | select -Property Authors,Title,Version,Published
        will find all published module this day.
        Authors Title Version Published
        ------- ----- ------- ---------
        Przemyslaw Klys ADEssentials 0.0.18 16/09/2019 21:12:10 AKPT 16/09/2019 07:42:50
        R. Josh Nylander AMAG-SMSPowershell 1.1.4 16/09/2019 00:38:25
        Esri ArcGIS 2.1.1 16/09/2019 18:45:28
        AzSK Team AzSK 4.1.0 16/09/2019 14:07:54
        AzSK Team AzSKPreview 4.1.2 16/09/2019 11:29:40
        David Stein CMHealthcheck 1.0.10 16/09/2019 23:26:01
        PS C:\> Find-GalleryModule -Module p* -LatestVersion -PSEditionType Desktop | select id,version
        Find Modules with id starting with "p", latestversion and are compatible with Powershell Desktop.
        Id Version
        -- -------
        PackageManagement 1.4.4
        PartnerCenter 2.0.1909.2
        PartnerCenter.NetCore 1.5.1908.1
        passwordstate-management 4.0.5
        Pester 4.9.0
        Module(s) Names, or partial Module name
        You can use the * wildcard if you dont know the exact name of the module
        Author Name.
        Date, find all module published at a certain date.
        Custom [GalleryInfo] Type, representing a Module Infos from the PSGallery
        Go check:

    Param (
        [ValidateScript({get-date $_})]
    Begin {

        $bQ = '$filter='
        $Q = ''
        $i = 0
    Process {
        Switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {

            'Author' {
                ## Build Query, api calls are made in the end block
                $Q = "startswith(Authors,'$Author')"

                Switch ($Version) {
                    ## Will look for LatestVersion Only
                    'LatestVersion' {
                        $Q = '(' + $Q + ') and IsLatestVersion'
                    ## Will look for Latest PreRelease version Only
                    'PreRelease'    {
                        $Q = '(' + $Q + ') and IsPrerelease and IsAbsoluteLatestVersion'

                If ( $PSEditionType ) {
                    Switch ( $PSEditionType ) {
                        "Core"    { $Q = $Q + " and indexof(Tags,'PSEdition_Core') ge 0"}
                        "Desktop" { $Q = $Q + " and indexof(Tags,'PSEdition_Desktop') ge 0"}

            'Module' {
                ## Build Query, api calls are made in the end block
                Foreach ( $M in $Module ) {
                    If ( $i -gt 0 ) {
                        $Q = $Q + ' or '

                    switch -Regex ($M) {
                    "^\*.+\*$"  {$tQ = "indexof(Id,'$($M.replace('*',''))') ge 0";break}
                    "^\*.+"     {$tQ = "endswith(Id,'$($M.trimstart('*'))')";break}
                    ".+\*$"     {$tQ = "startswith(Id,'$($M.trimend('*'))')";break}
                    "^\*$"      {$tQ = "startswith(Id,'')";break}
                    default     {$tQ = "Id eq '$M'"}

                    $Q = $Q + $tQ

                Switch ($Version) {
                    ## Will look for LatestVersion Only
                    'LatestVersion' {
                        $Q = '(' + $Q + ') and IsLatestVersion'
                    ## Will look for Latest PreRelease version Only
                    'PreRelease'    {
                        $Q = '(' + $Q + ') and IsPrerelease and IsAbsoluteLatestVersion'

                ## Will look for specific Tags
                If ( $PSEditionType ) {
                    Switch ( $PSEditionType ) {
                        "Core"    { $Q = $Q + " and indexof(Tags,'PSEdition_Core') ge 0"}
                        "Desktop" { $Q = $Q + " and indexof(Tags,'PSEdition_Desktop') ge 0"}

            'Date' {
                $StartDate = get-date -date $date -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Format s
                $date1 =  (get-date -Date $date).AddDays(1)
                $EndDate = get-date -date $date1 -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Format s
                $Q = "Published gt DateTime'$StartDate' and Published lt DateTime'$EndDate'"
                Switch ($Version) {
                    ## Will look for LatestVersion Only
                    'LatestVersion' {
                        $Q = '(' + $Q + ') and IsLatestVersion'
                    ## Will look for Latest PreRelease version Only
                    'PreRelease'    {
                        $Q = '(' + $Q + ') and IsPrerelease and IsAbsoluteLatestVersion'

                ## Will look for specific Tags
                If ( $PSEditionType ) {
                    Switch ( $PSEditionType ) {
                        "Core"    { $Q = $Q + " and indexof(Tags,'PSEdition_Core') ge 0"}
                        "Desktop" { $Q = $Q + " and indexof(Tags,'PSEdition_Desktop') ge 0"}

    End {

        $fQ = $bQ + $Q
        $Uri = "$fQ&`$orderby=Id"
        $skip = 0
        $BaseUri = $uri
        $y = 100

        While ( $y -eq 100 ) {

            $y = 0
            ## Build new page
            If ( $skip -gt 0 ) {
                $uri = $BaseUri + "&`$skip=$skip"
            ## ApiCall
            ([Array](Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri)).foreach({
                If ( $Download ) {
                    If ( $OutPath ) {
                    } Else {
                } Else {

            ## Pagination
            If ( $y -eq 100 ) {
                $skip = $skip + $y