
Function Invoke-GitDotfiles {
    Invokes a git command in your dotfiles repository.
    Invokes a git command in the dotfiles repo stored in $env:USERPROFILE/.dotfiles/, using
    $env:USERPROFILE as the working tree. All arguments are treated as if they were passed
    to the git command directly.
    Invoke-GitDotfiles add .gitconfig
    Invoke-GitDotfiles commit -m 'managing git config'
    Invoke-GitDotfiles push

    & git --git-dir `"$env:USERPROFILE/.dotfiles/`" --work-tree=`"$env:USERPROFILE`" $args

Function Initialize-GitDotfiles {
    Initializes a new git dotfies repository.
    Initializes a new git dotfiles repository as a bare repo in $env:USERPROFILE/.dotfiles/.
    The $env:USERPROFILE will be used as the working tree. Untracked files will not be shown
    by the status command since most of your home directory won't be managed.
    URI to the remote you'll use as the origin. This adds the remote but does not push/pull
    or set an upstream.
    Initialize-GitDotfiles -Uri

        [string] $Uri
    & git init --bare "$env:USERPROFILE/.dotfiles/"
    Invoke-GitDotfiles config --local status.showuntrackedfiles no
    Invoke-GitDotfiles remote add origin "$Uri"

Function Install-GitDotfiles {
    Installs a new git dotfies repository from a remote.
    Installs a new git dotfiles repository as a bare repo in $env:USERPROFILE/.dotfiles/.
    The $env:USERPROFILE will be used as the working tree. Untracked files will not be shown
    by the status command since most of your home directory won't be managed.
    The repo will be cloned from the provided URI.
    URI to the remote to clone from.
    Install-GitDotfiles -Uri

        [string] $Uri
    & git clone --bare "$Uri" "$env:USERPROFILE/.dotfiles/"
    Invoke-GitDotfiles config --local status.showuntrackedfiles no

Function Uninstall-GitDotfiles {
    Delete the git dotfiles repository.
    Delete the git dotfiles repository in $env:USERPROFILE/.dotfiles/.


    Remove-Item -Path "$env:USERPROFILE/.dotfiles/" -Recurse -Force

New-Alias -Name dot -Value Invoke-GitDotfiles