
.GUID d8aefbbf-d092-433b-8baa-3db3256a8734
.AUTHOR Artsiom Krot
Copyright (c) 2019 Artsiom Krot. All rights reserved.
Script file name:
    The script is an integral part of PS.GitFlow solution (

Function New-ReleaseVersion {
    PowerShell script for generating release version number according with the Gitflow and semver standard.
    This function generates release version according with the semver standards and Gitflow workflow.
    Version generation logic:
    Case 1# sourceGitBranch hotfix/{taskNumber}-{short description [0-9A-Za-z-]*}:
        Info: hotfix branch should be created only for the release, that currently used in production.
                After release was deployed on production the code should be merged from release/{majorVersion}.{minorVersion} to master and tag to be applied tag=release/{majorVersion}.{minorVersion}.{patchVersion}
        Validate latest release tag in the repository. Increase patch version based on the version in most recent release tag
    Case 2# sourceGitBranch = release/{majorVersion}.{minorVersion}:
    check existance of any release tag
    get the version from the current release branch
        case a. If tag is missing, apply current version from the source branch
        (Example: release/1.0 => releaseVersion should be 1.0.0)
        case b. If tag exists, apply {majorVersion}.{minorVersion} from the tag and increase patch version.
        (Example: release/1.0 and tag=1.1.0 => release_version should be 1.1.1)
    Case 3# sourceGitBranch = develop
        case a. If there is no any release/* branch, default release version 0.1.0 will be applied
        case b. If most recent release/* branch exist, apply {majorVersion} from release branch and increase minor version {minorVersion} + 1
        (Example: release/1.0 and release/1.1 branches are present => releaseVersion 1.2.0 will be generated)
        Info: patch version always should be 0 for the version from develop branch.
    Case 4# sourceGitBranch feature/{taskNumber}-{short description [0-9A-Za-z-]*}:
        The same logic as for develop branch will be applied, because feature/* branches should be created from develop branch only.
    Case 5# sourceGitBranch bugfix/{taskNumber}-{short description [0-9A-Za-z-]*}:
        case a. If bugfix branch was created from develop branch, than the same logic as for develop branch will be applied.
        (Example: develop - branche is source branch for the bugfix; most recent release branch - release/1.0 => releaseVersion 1.1.0 will be generated)
        case b. If bugfix branch was created from release/{majorVersion}.{minorVersion} branch, than version {majorVersion}.{minorVersion}
                from the release branch will be applied and patch version will be increases {majorVersion}.{minorVersion}.1
        (Example: most recent release branch - release/1.1 => releaseVersion 1.1.1 will be generated)
    -rootGitDir <string[]>
    -sourceGitBranch <string[]>
    -refCommitId <string[]>
    variable $releaseVersion with release version
    New-ReleaseVersion -rootGitDir C:\gitrepos\myrepo -sourceGitBranch refs/heads/develop -refCommitId 1a532017421e8dsf4d3f18ec1ddc5fe4e655d575
    Major Minor Build Revision
    ----- ----- ----- --------
    0 1 0 -1

    [parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]
    [ValidateScript({ Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container })]

    [parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true)]

    [parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $true)]

#region functions
Function Get-LastReleaseTag {
    # Ensure proper sorting in case patchVersion has more than one digit
    $semVerFormat = @{Expression={if ($_ -match '(\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+)') {[int]$Matches[3]}}; Ascending=$true}
    try {
        # get most recent git tag
        $lastGitTag = [array](git tag -l "release/*" | Sort-Object -Property $semVerFormat | Select-Object -Last 1)
    catch {
        Write-Warning "Last git tag is not avaliable";
    return $lastGitTag

#endregion functions

#region main

$initialLocation = Get-Location

Set-Location $rootGitDir
Write-Verbose "Root directory: $rootGitDir."

Write-Verbose "Processing Branch: $sourceGitBranch."
$sourceBranchName = $sourceGitBranch.Replace('refs/heads/', '')

Write-Verbose "List all avaliable remote branches for the current git repo: $rootGitDir"
try {
    $remoteBranchesList = @()
    git branch -r | ForEach-Object {
        $remoteBranchesList += $_.Trim()
catch {
    $Host.UI.WriteErrorLine("Remote branches list is not avaliable!")
    Write-error "$($_.Exception.Message)"

# Case 1# sourceGitBranch hotfix/{taskNumber}-{short description [0-9A-Za-z-]*}
if ($sourceBranchName -like "hotfix/*") {

    Write-Verbose "Processing source branch name: $sourceBranchName."

    # get most recent release/ tag
    $lastGitTag = Get-LastReleaseTag

    if ($lastGitTag) {
        Write-Verbose "Last git tag: $lastGitTag"
        [version]$lastGitTagVer = $lastGitTag | split-path -leaf

        Write-Verbose "Increse Patch version accoring with the latest tag version"
        # define releaseVersion
        $releaseVersion = "$($lastGitTagVer.Major).$($lastGitTagVer.Minor).$($lastGitTagVer.Build + 1)"

# Case 2# sourceGitBranch = release/{majorVersion}.{minorVersion}
elseif ($sourceBranchName -match "^release\/\d+\.\d+$") {
    Write-Verbose "Processing source branch name: $sourceBranchName."
    [version]$releaseVersion = $sourceBranchName | split-path -leaf
    Write-Verbose "Current release version $releaseVersion"

    # define releaseVersion
    [version]$releaseVersion = "$($releaseVersion.Major).$($releaseVersion.Minor).0"

    # get most recent release/ tag
    $lastGitTag = Get-LastReleaseTag

    if ($lastGitTag) {
        Write-Verbose "Last tag: $lastGitTag"
        [version]$lastGitTagVer = $lastGitTag | split-path -leaf

        $lastGitTagCommitIdReference = git rev-list -n 1 $lastGitTag
        Write-Verbose "CommitId = $lastGitTagCommitIdReference pointing to the last tag $lastGitTag."

        if ($lastGitTagVer -ge $releaseVersion) {

            if($lastGitTagCommitIdReference -eq $refCommitId) {
                Write-Verbose "Release version corresponds to latest tag version for the reference commitId=$($refCommitId)"
                [version]$releaseVersion = $lastGitTagVer
            Write-Verbose "Increse Patch version accoring with the latest tag version"
            [version]$releaseVersion = "$($lastGitTagVer.Major).$($lastGitTagVer.Minor).$($lastGitTagVer.Build +1)"
# Case 3# sourceGitBranch = develop
# and
# Case 4# sourceGitBranch feature/{taskNumber}-{short description [0-9A-Za-z-]*}
elseif ($sourceBranchName -like "develop" -or $sourceBranchName -like "feature/*") {

    # Ensure proper sorting in cases when versions have more than one digit
    $semVerMajor = @{Expression={if ($_ -match '(\d+)\.(\d+)') {[int]$Matches[1]}}; Ascending=$true}
    $semVerMinor = @{Expression={if ($_ -match '(\d+)\.(\d+)') {[int]$Matches[2]}}; Ascending=$true}

    Write-Verbose "Processing source branch name: $sourceBranchName."
    $latestReleaseBranch = [array]($remoteBranchesList | Where-Object { $_ -like "*release/*" } | Sort-Object -Property $semVerMajor, $semVerMinor | Select-Object -Last 1)
        Write-Verbose "Most recent release branch: $latestReleaseBranch"

        [version]$latestReleaseVersion = ($latestReleaseBranch | split-path -leaf)
        Write-Verbose "Increse minor version accoring to the most recent release branch $($latestReleaseBranch)"
        [version]$releaseVersion = "$($latestReleaseVersion.Major).$($latestReleaseVersion.Minor+1).0"
    else {
        Write-Verbose "No any release/* branches detected. The default release version 0.1.0 will be applied."
        [version]$releaseVersion = "0.1.0"

# Case 5# sourceGitBranch bugfix/{taskNumber}-{short description [0-9A-Za-z-]*}
elseif ($sourceBranchName -like "bugfix/*") {

    Write-Verbose "Processing source branch name: $sourceBranchName."

    # get fork point with develop branch
    try {
        $forkPoint = git merge-base --fork-point origin/develop origin/$sourceGitBranch
    Catch {

    # exitsing forkPoint means that current bugfix branch has been created from develop branch and versioning logic develop branch should be applied
    if (-Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($forkPoint)) {
        # Ensure proper sorting once versions will have more than one digit
        $major = @{Expression={if ($_ -match '(\d+)\.(\d+)') {[int]$Matches[1]}}; Ascending=$true}
        $minor = @{Expression={if ($_ -match '(\d+)\.(\d+)') {[int]$Matches[2]}}; Ascending=$true}

        $latestReleaseBranch = [array]($remoteBranchesList | Where-Object { $_ -like "*release/*" } | Sort-Object -Property $major, $minor | Select-Object -Last 1)
            Write-Verbose "Most recent release branch: $latestReleaseBranch"

            [version]$latestReleaseVersion = ($latestReleaseBranch | split-path -leaf)
            Write-Verbose "Increse minor version accoring to the most recent release branch $($latestReleaseBranch)"
            [version]$releaseVersion = "$($latestReleaseVersion.Major).$($latestReleaseVersion.Minor+1).0"
        else {
            Write-Verbose "No any release/* branches detected. The default release version 0.1.0 will be applied."
            [version]$releaseVersion = "0.1.0"

    # in case bugfix branch was created from release/* branch, patch version should be increased.
    else {
        $allReleaseBranches = $remoteBranchesList.Replace("origin/","") | Where-Object { $_ -like "*release/*" }

        foreach ($releaseBranch in $allReleaseBranches) {

            $forkPoint = git merge-base --fork-point origin/$releaseBranch origin/$sourceGitBranch

            # apply version according with the release branch that has fork point with bugfix branch and increase patch version
            if (-Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($forkPoint)) {

                Write-Verbose "Reference release branch: $releaseBranch"
                [version]$latestReleaseVersion = ($releaseBranch | split-path -leaf)

                Write-Verbose "Increse patch version accoring to the most recent release branch $($releaseBranch)"
                [version]$releaseVersion = "$($latestReleaseVersion.Major).$($latestReleaseVersion.Minor).1"

# Case 6# sourceGitBranch = master
elseif ($sourceBranchName -like "master") {

    Write-Verbose "Processing source branch name: $sourceBranchName."
    # get most recent release/ tag
    $lastGitTag = Get-LastReleaseTag

    if ($lastGitTag) {
        Write-Verbose "Last tag: $lastGitTag"
        [version]$lastGitTagVer = $lastGitTag | split-path -leaf

        $lastGitTagCommitIdReference = git rev-list -n 1 $lastGitTag
        Write-Verbose "CommitId = $lastGitTagCommitIdReference pointing to the last tag $lastGitTag."

        Write-Verbose "Release version corresponds to latest tag version for the reference commitId=$($refCommitId)"
        [version]$releaseVersion = $lastGitTagVer

    else {
        Write-Warning "No any release tags were detected in the current repository"
        Write-Verbose "Default release version 0.1.0 will be applied."
        [version]$releaseVersion = "0.1.0"

# In case of wrong branch name was used, throw an exception
else {
    Write-Error "Type of the branch $sourceGitBranch could not be defined!";
    Write-Warning "Please validate branch name.";
    Exit 1;

Write-Verbose "Generated release version: $releaseVersion"

#get back to the previous location
Set-Location $initialLocation

# set new environment variable releaseVersion
$Env:releaseVersion = $releaseVersion

return $releaseVersion

#endregion main