
#Requires -Version 4

Function Find-GitHubRepository {
    Searches repositories on based on the specified search keyword(s) and parameters.
    Uses the GitHub search API to find repositories on based on the specified search keyword(s) and parameters.
    This API's documentation is available here :
    NOTE : The GitHub Search API limits each search to 1,000 results and the number of requests to 10 per minute.
    One or more keywords to search.
    To search repositories based on the language they are written in.
    To qualify which field is searched. With this qualifier you can restrict the search to just the repository name, description, or readme.
    If not specified, the default behaviour is to search in both the name, description and readme.
    To search repositories that match a certain size (in kilobytes).
    Filters whether forked repositories should be included ( if the value is 'true' ) or only forked repositories should be returned ( if the value is 'only' ).
    If this parameter is not specified, the default behaviour is to exclude forks.
    To Limit searches to repositories owned by a specific user.
    If the value of this parameter doesn't match exactly with an existing GitHub user name, it throws an error.
    To filter repositories based on the number of stars.
    To specify on which field the results should be sorted on : number of stars, forks or last updated date.
    By default, the results are sorted by best match.
    Find-GitHubRepository -Keywords 'TCP' -Language 'Python'
    Searches GitHub repositories which have the word "TCP" in their name or description or readme and are written in Python.
    Find-GitHubRepository -Keywords 'TCP' -Language 'Python' -In name
    Searches GitHub repositories which have the word "TCP" in their name and are written in Python.
    Find-GitHubRepository -Keywords 'UDP' -In description -SizeKB '>200'
    Searches GitHub repositories which have the word "UDP" in their description and are larger than 200 kilobytes.
    Find-GitHubRepository -Keywords 'PowerShell-Docs' -In name -Fork only
    Searches forks which have the word "PowerShell-Docs" in their name.
    Find-GitHubRepository -Keywords 'script' -User 'MathieuBuisson'
    Searches GitHub repositories which have the word "script" in their name or description or readme and are owned by the user MathieuBuisson.
    Find-GitHubRepository -Keywords 'disk','space' -In readme -Stars '>=10'
    Searches GitHub repositories which have both words "disk" and "space" in their readme and have 10 or more stars.
    Find-GitHubRepository -SortBy stars -In name -Language 'PowerShell' -Keywords 'Pester'
    Searches GitHub repositories written in PowerShell which have the word "Pester" in their name and sorts them by the number of stars (descending order).
    Author : Mathieu Buisson









    [string]$KeywordsString = $Keywords -join '+'
    [string]$QueryString = 'q=' + $KeywordsString

    If ( $Language ) {
        $QueryString += '+language:' + $Language
    If ( $In ) {
        $QueryString += '+in:' + $In
    If ( $SizeKB ) {
        $QueryString += '+size:' + $SizeKB
    If ( $Fork ) {
        $QueryString += '+fork:' + $Fork
    If ( $User ) {
        $QueryString += '+user:' + $User
    If ( $Stars ) {
        $QueryString += '+stars:' + $Stars
    If ( $SortBy ) {
        $QueryString += "&sort=$SortBy"

    # Using the maximum number of results per page to limit the number of requests
    $QueryString += '&per_page=100'

    $UriBuilder = New-Object System.UriBuilder -ArgumentList ''
    $UriBuilder.Path = 'search/repositories' -as [uri]
    $UriBuilder.Query = $QueryString

    $BaseUri = $UriBuilder.Uri
    Write-Verbose "Constructed base URI : $($BaseUri.AbsoluteUri)"

    $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $BaseUri
    If ( $Response.StatusCode -ne 200 ) {

        Write-Warning "The status code was $($Response.StatusCode) : $($Response.StatusDescription)"
    $NumberOfPages = Get-NumberofPage -SearchResult $Response
    Write-Verbose "Number of pages for this search result : $($NumberOfPages)"

    Foreach ( $PageNumber in 1..$NumberOfPages ) {

        $ResultPageUri = $BaseUri.AbsoluteUri + "&page=$($PageNumber.ToString())"

        Try {
            $PageResponse  = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ResultPageUri -ErrorAction Stop
        Catch {
            Throw $_.Exception.Message

        # The search API limits the number of requests to 10 requests per minute and per IP address (for unauthenticated requests)
        # We might be subject to the limit on the number of requests if we run function multiple times in the last minute
        $RemainingRequestsNumber = $PageResponse.Headers.'X-RateLimit-Remaining' -as [int]
        Write-Verbose "Number of remaining API requests : $($RemainingRequestsNumber)."

        If ( $RemainingRequestsNumber -le 1 ) {
            Write-Warning "The search API limits the number of requests to 10 requests per minute"
            Write-Warning "Waiting 60 seconds before processing the remaining result pages because we have exceeded this limit."
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
        $PageResponseContent = $PageResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json

        Foreach ( $PageResult in $PageResponseContent.items ) {


Function Find-GitHubCode {
    Searches file contents on based on the specified search keyword(s) and parameters.
    Uses the GitHub search API to find code in files on based on the specified search keyword(s) and parameters.
    This API's documentation is available here :
    NOTE : Due to the complexity of searching code, the GitHub Search API has a few restrictions on how searches are performed :
        - Only the default branch is considered. In most cases, this will be the master branch.
        - Only files smaller than 384 KB are searchable.
        - Only repositories with fewer than 500,000 files are searchable.
    One or more keywords or code snippet to search.
    To Limit searches to code owned by a specific user.
    If the value of this parameter doesn't match exactly with an existing GitHub user name, it throws an error.
    To Limit searches to code in a specific repository.
    The value of this parameter must match exactly with the full name of an existing GitHub repository, formatted as : Username/RepoName.
    To search code based on the language it is written in.
    To qualify which field is searched. With this qualifier you can restrict the search to files contents or to files paths.
    If not specified, the default behaviour is to search in both files contents and paths.
    To search only files that match a certain size (in bytes).
    Filters whether forked repositories should be included in the search.
    By default, forks are not searched unless the fork has more stars than the parent repository.
    Filters the search to files with a name containing the string specified via this parameter.
.PARAMETER Extension
    Filters the search to files with the specified extension.
.PARAMETER SortByLastIndexed
    Sorts the results by how recently a file has been indexed by the GitHub search infrastructure.
    By default, the results are sorted by best match.
    Find-GitHubCode -User 'MathieuBuisson' -Keywords 'SupportsShouldProcess' -Extension 'psm1'
    Finds the .psm1 files which contain the code 'SupportsShouldProcess' in repositories from the user 'MathieuBuisson'.
    Author : Mathieu Buisson











    # Cleaning up the value of $Extension if the user puts a "dot" at the beginning
    If ( $Extension -match '^\.' ) {
        $Extension = $Extension.TrimStart('.')

    [string]$KeywordsString = $Keywords -join '+'
    [string]$QueryString = 'q=' + $KeywordsString

    If ( $Language ) {
        $QueryString += '+language:' + $Language
    If ( $In ) {
        $QueryString += '+in:' + $In
    If ( $SizeBytes ) {
        $QueryString += '+size:' + $SizeBytes
    If ( $Fork ) {
        $QueryString += '+fork:true'
    If ( $User ) {
        $QueryString += '+user:' + $User
    If ( $Repo ) {
        $QueryString += '+repo:' + $Repo
    If ( $FileName ) {
        $QueryString += '+filename:' + $FileName
    If ( $Extension ) {
        $QueryString += '+extension:' + $Extension
    If ( $SortByLastIndexed ) {
        $QueryString += "&sort=indexed"

    # Using the maximum number of results per page to limit the number of requests
    $QueryString += '&per_page=100'

    $UriBuilder = New-Object System.UriBuilder -ArgumentList ''
    $UriBuilder.Path = 'search/code' -as [uri]
    $UriBuilder.Query = $QueryString

    $BaseUri = $UriBuilder.Uri
    Write-Verbose "Constructed base URI : $($BaseUri.AbsoluteUri)"

    $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $BaseUri
    If ( $Response.StatusCode -ne 200 ) {

        Write-Warning "The status code was $($Response.StatusCode) : $($Response.StatusDescription)"
    $NumberOfPages = Get-NumberofPage -SearchResult $Response
    Write-Verbose "Number of pages for this search result : $($NumberOfPages)"

    Foreach ( $PageNumber in 1..$NumberOfPages ) {

        $ResultPageUri = $BaseUri.AbsoluteUri + "&page=$($PageNumber.ToString())"

        Try {
            $PageResponse  = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ResultPageUri -ErrorAction Stop
        Catch {
            Throw $_.Exception.Message

        # The search API limits the number of requests to 10 requests per minute and per IP address (for unauthenticated requests)
        # We might be subject to the limit on the number of requests if we run function multiple times in the last minute
        $RemainingRequestsNumber = $PageResponse.Headers.'X-RateLimit-Remaining' -as [int]
        Write-Verbose "Number of remaining API requests : $($RemainingRequestsNumber)."

        If ( $RemainingRequestsNumber -le 1 ) {
            Write-Warning "The search API limits the number of requests to 10 requests per minute"
            Write-Warning "Waiting 60 seconds before processing the remaining result pages because we have exceeded this limit."
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
        $PageResponseContent = $PageResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json

        Foreach ( $PageResult in $PageResponseContent.items ) {            


Function Find-GitHubIssue {
    Searches issues and pull requests on based on the specified search keyword(s) and parameters.
    Uses the GitHub search API to find issues and/or pull requests on based on the specified search keyword(s) and parameters.
    This API's documentation is available here :
    To search issues and/or pull requests containing the specified keyword(s) in their title, body or comments.
    To restrict the search to issues only or pull requests only.
    By default, both are searched.
    To qualify which field is searched for the specified keyword(s). With this qualifier you can restrict the search to the title, body or comments of issues and pull requests.
    By default, all these fields are searched for the specified keyword(s).
    To Limit searches to issues or pull requests created by a specific user.
    If the value of this parameter doesn't match exactly with an existing GitHub user name, it throws an error.
    To Limit searches to issues or pull requests assigned to a specific user.
    If the value of this parameter doesn't match exactly with an existing GitHub user name, it throws an error.
    To Limit searches to issues or pull requests in which a specific user is mentioned.
    If the value of this parameter doesn't match exactly with an existing GitHub user name, it throws an error.
.PARAMETER Commenter
    To Limit searches to issues or pull requests in which a specific user commented.
    If the value of this parameter doesn't match exactly with an existing GitHub user name, it throws an error.
    To Limit searches to issues or pull requests which were either created by a specific user, assigned to that user, mention that user, or were commented on by that user.
    If the value of this parameter doesn't match exactly with an existing GitHub user name, it throws an error.
    Filter issues and/or pull requests based on whether they are open or closed.
    Filters issues and/or pull requests based on their labels.
    Limitation : this doesn't retrieve labels containing spaces or forward slashes.
    If multiple labels are specified, only issues which have all the specified labels are returned.
    To Limit searches to issues or pull requests which are missing certain metadata : label, milestone or assignee.
    Searches for issues and/or pull requests within repositories that match a certain language.
    To Limit searches to issues and/or pull requests within a specific repository.
    To specify on which field the results should be sorted on : number of comments, creation date or last updated date.
    By default, the results are sorted by best match.
    $PowershellPR = Find-GitHubIssue -Type pr -Repo 'powershell/powershell'
    $PowershellPR | Group-Object -Property { $_.User.login } | Sort-Object -Property Count -Descending | Select-Object -First 10
    Gets the username of the 10 largest contributors to the PowerShell repository, in number of pull requests.
    Author : Mathieu Buisson















    If ( $Keywords ) {
        $KeywordFilter = $Keywords -join '+'
    If ( $Labels ) {
        $LabelsFilterArray = Foreach ( $Label in $Labels ) { 'label:{0}' -f $Label }
        [string]$LabelsFilter = If ( $LabelsFilterArray.Count -gt 0 ) { $LabelsFilterArray -join '+' }

    # The remaining filters can be used the same way to build their respective filter strings
    If ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Keywords') ) {
        $Null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Keywords')
    If ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Labels') ) {
        $Null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Labels')
    If ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SortBy') ) {
        $Null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('SortBy')
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$JoinableFilterStrings = @()
    Foreach ( $ParamName in $PSBoundParameters.Keys ) {
        $JoinableFilterString = '{0}:{1}' -f $ParamName.ToLower(), $PSBoundParameters[$ParamName]
        $Null = $JoinableFilterStrings.Add($JoinableFilterString)
    $JoinedFilterStrings = If ($JoinableFilterStrings.Count -gt 0) {$JoinableFilterStrings -join '+'}
    $JoinedFilter = ($KeywordFilter, $JoinedFilterStrings, $LabelsFilter -join '+').Trim('+')
    $QueryString = 'q={0}' -f $JoinedFilter

    If ( $SortBy ) {
        $QueryString += '&sort={0}' -f $SortBy
    $QueryString += '&per_page=100'
    $UriBuilder = New-Object System.UriBuilder -ArgumentList ''
    $UriBuilder.Path = 'search/issues' -as [uri]
    $UriBuilder.Query = $QueryString

    $BaseUri = $UriBuilder.Uri
    Write-Verbose "Constructed base URI : $($BaseUri.AbsoluteUri)"

    $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $BaseUri
    If ( $Response.StatusCode -ne 200 ) {

        Write-Warning "The status code was $($Response.StatusCode) : $($Response.StatusDescription)"
    $NumberOfPages = Get-NumberofPage -SearchResult $Response
    Write-Verbose "Number of pages for this search result : $($NumberOfPages)"

    Foreach ( $PageNumber in 1..$NumberOfPages ) {

        $ResultPageUri = $BaseUri.AbsoluteUri + "&page=$($PageNumber.ToString())"

        Try {
            $PageResponse  = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ResultPageUri -ErrorAction Stop
        Catch {
            Throw $_.Exception.Message

        # The search API limits the number of requests to 10 requests per minute and per IP address (for unauthenticated requests)
        # We might be subject to the limit on the number of requests if we run function multiple times in the last minute
        $RemainingRequestsNumber = $PageResponse.Headers.'X-RateLimit-Remaining' -as [int]
        Write-Verbose "Number of remaining API requests : $($RemainingRequestsNumber)."

        If ( $RemainingRequestsNumber -le 1 ) {
            Write-Warning "The search API limits the number of requests to 10 requests per minute"
            Write-Warning "Waiting 60 seconds before processing the remaining result pages because we have exceeded this limit."
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
        $PageResponseContent = $PageResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json

        Foreach ( $PageResult in $PageResponseContent.items ) {            


Function Find-GithubUser {
    Searches users and/or organisations on based on the specified search keyword(s) and parameters.
    Uses the GitHub search API to find users or organisations on based on the specified search keyword(s) and parameters.
    This API's documentation is available here :
    NOTE : The GitHub Search API limits each search to 1,000 results and the number of requests to 10 per minute.
    One or more keywords to search.
    To search users who have repositories written in the specified language.
    To qualify which field is searched. With this qualifier you can restrict the search to just the username (login), public email address (email) or full name (fullname).
    If not specified, the default behaviour is to search in both the username, full name and public email address..
    To restrict the search to personal accounts or organization accounts.
    By default, both are searched.
    To filter the users or organization based on the number of repositories they have.
    To filter users or organizations based on the location indicated on their profile.
.PARAMETER Followers
    To filter users or organizations based on the number of followers they have.
    To specify on which field the results should be sorted on : number of followers, number of repositories, or when they joined GitHub.
    By default, the results are sorted by best match.
    Find-GithubUser -Type user -Language 'PowerShell' -Location 'Ireland' | Where-Object { $_.Hireable }
    Gets information on GitHub users located in Ireland, who have at least one PowerShell repository and who have indicated on their profile that they are available for hire.
    Author : Mathieu Buisson









    [string]$QueryString = 'q='
    $EmptyQueryString = $True

    If ( $Keywords ) {
        $QueryString += ($Keywords -join '+')
        $EmptyQueryString = $False
    If ( $Language ) {
        If ( $EmptyQueryString ) {
            $QueryString += 'language:' + $Language
            $EmptyQueryString = $False
        Else {
            $QueryString += '+language:' + $Language
    If ( $In ) {
        If ( $EmptyQueryString ) {
            $QueryString += 'in:' + $In
            $EmptyQueryString = $False
        Else {
            $QueryString += '+in:' + $In
    If ( $Type ) {
        If ( $EmptyQueryString ) {
            $QueryString += 'type:' + $Type
            $EmptyQueryString = $False
        Else {
            $QueryString += '+type:' + $Type
    If ( $Repos ) {
        If ( $EmptyQueryString ) {
            $QueryString += 'repos:' + $Repos
            $EmptyQueryString = $False
        Else {
            $QueryString += '+repos:' + $Repos
    If ( $Location ) {
        If ( $EmptyQueryString ) {
            $QueryString += 'location:' + $Location
            $EmptyQueryString = $False
        Else {
            $QueryString += '+location:' + $Location
    If ( $Followers ) {
        If ( $EmptyQueryString ) {
            $QueryString += 'followers:' + $Followers
            $EmptyQueryString = $False
        Else {
            $QueryString += '+followers:' + $Followers
    If ( $SortBy ) {
        $QueryString += "&sort=$SortBy"

    # Using the maximum number of results per page to limit the number of requests
    $QueryString += '&per_page=100'

    $UriBuilder = New-Object System.UriBuilder -ArgumentList ''
    $UriBuilder.Path = 'search/users' -as [uri]
    $UriBuilder.Query = $QueryString

    $BaseUri = $UriBuilder.Uri
    Write-Verbose "Constructed base URI : $($BaseUri.AbsoluteUri)"

    $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $BaseUri
    If ( $Response.StatusCode -ne 200 ) {

        Write-Warning "The status code was $($Response.StatusCode) : $($Response.StatusDescription)"
    $NumberOfPages = Get-NumberofPage -SearchResult $Response
    Write-Verbose "Number of pages for this search result : $($NumberOfPages)"

    Foreach ( $PageNumber in 1..$NumberOfPages ) {

        $ResultPageUri = $BaseUri.AbsoluteUri + "&page=$($PageNumber.ToString())"

        Try {
            $PageResponse  = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ResultPageUri -ErrorAction Stop
        Catch {
            Throw $_.Exception.Message

        # The search API limits the number of requests to 10 requests per minute and per IP address (for unauthenticated requests)
        # We might be subject to the limit on the number of requests if we run function multiple times in the last minute
        $RemainingRequestsNumber = $PageResponse.Headers.'X-RateLimit-Remaining' -as [int]
        Write-Verbose "Number of remaining API requests : $($RemainingRequestsNumber)."

        If ( $RemainingRequestsNumber -le 1 ) {
            Write-Warning "The search API limits the number of requests to 10 requests per minute"
            Write-Warning "Waiting 60 seconds before processing the remaining result pages because we have exceeded this limit."
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
        $PageResponseContent = $PageResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json

        Foreach ( $PageResult in $PageResponseContent.items ) {
            $UserDetailsResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $PageResult.url

            If ( ($UserDetailsResponse.Headers.'X-RateLimit-Remaining' -as [int]) -le 1 ) {
                Write-Warning "The search API limits the number of requests to 10 requests per minute"
                Write-Warning "Waiting 60 seconds before processing the remaining result pages because we have exceeded this limit."
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
            $UserDetails = $UserDetailsResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json

            $UserProperties = [ordered]@{
                            'Full Name' = $
                            'Company' = $
                            'Blog' = $
                            'Location' = $UserDetails.location
                            'Email Address' = $
                            'Hireable' = $UserDetails.hireable
                            'Bio' = $
                            'Repos' = $UserDetails.public_repos
                            'Gists' = $UserDetails.public_gists
                            'Followers' = $UserDetails.followers
                            'Following' = $UserDetails.following
                            'Joined' = $UserDetails.created_at

            Add-Member -InputObject $PageResult -NotePropertyMembers $UserProperties -Force


Function Get-NumberofPage {
    Helper function to get the number of pages from a search result response.


    $PaginationInfo = $SearchResult.Headers.Link

    If ( -not($PaginationInfo) ) {
        $NumberOfPages = 1
    Else {
        $SplitPaginationInfo = $PaginationInfo -split ', '
        $LastPage = $SplitPaginationInfo | Where-Object { $_ -like '*"last"*' }
        $NumberOfPages = (($LastPage -split '&page=')[1] -split '>')[0] -as [int]
    return $NumberOfPages