
Function Get-GELocation
     Created on: 12/17/2019
     Created by: Bradley Wyatt - The Lazy Administrator
     Version Info: 1.0.0
       Gets Global Entry Interview locations based on state(s)
        Shows all Global Entry locations in one or more state(s).
    .PARAMETER State
        Specifies which state or states you want to view global entry interview locations for
        Shows all sites in Illinois and Indiana
        Get-GELocation -State IL, Indiana
        Shows all sites in Illinois
        Get-GELocation -State IL

    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
    $all = Invoke-restmethod -uri ""
    $StateHash = @{
        "AL" = "Alabama"
        "AK" = "Alaska"
        "AZ" = "Arizona"
        "AR" = "Arkansas"
        "CA" = "California"
        "CO" = "Colorado"
        "CT" = "Connecticut"
        "DE" = "Deleware"
        "FL" = "Florida"
        "GA" = "Georgia"
        "HI" = "Hawaii"
        "ID" = "Idaho"
        "IL" = "Illinois"
        "IN" = "Indiana"
        "IA" = "Iowa"
        "KS" = "Kansas"
        "KY" = "Kentucky"
        "LA" = "Louisiana"
        "ME" = "Maine"
        "MD" = "Maryland"
        "MA" = "Massachusetts"
        "MI" = "Michigan"
        "MN" = "Minnesota"
        "MS" = "Mississippi"
        "MO" = "Missouri"
        "MT" = "Montana"
        "NE" = "Nebraska"
        "NV" = "Nevada"
        "NH" = "New Hampshire"
        "NJ" = "New Jersey"
        "NM" = "New Mexico"
        "NY" = "New York"
        "NC" = "North Carolina"
        "ND" = "North Dakota"
        "OH" = "Ohio"
        "OK" = "Oklahoma"
        "OR" = "Oregon"
        "PA" = "Pennsylvania"
        "RI" = "Rhode Island"
        "SC" = "South Carolina"
        "SD" = "South Dakota"
        "TN" = "Tennessee"
        "TX" = "Texas"
        "UT" = "Utah"
        "VT" = "Vermont"
        "VA" = "Virgina"
        "WA" = "Washington"
        "WV" = "West Virgina"
        "WI" = "Wisconsin"
        "WY" = "Wyoming"
    foreach ($Item in $State)
        If ($Item.Length -gt 2)
            $stateabbreviation = $StateHash.keys | Where-Object { $StateHash["$_"] -eq $Item }
            $all | Where-object { $_.State -eq $stateabbreviation }
            $all | Where-object { $_.State -eq $Item }

Function Get-GESchedule
     Created on: 12/17/2019
     Created by: Bradley Wyatt - The Lazy Administrator
     Version Info: 1.0.0
       Gets upcoming Global Entry Interview openings at different locations
        Gets upcoming Global Entry Interview openings. Can show results between dates, by site ID(s), by State(s) and can filter the amount of results shown per site
        Gets Global Entry interview availability based on site ID. Can dsiplay site ID's by running Get-GELocation
    .PARAMETER State
        Gets Global Entry interview availablity for all sites in a given state or states.
    .PARAMETER ResultsPerSite
        Specifies the max amount of available interview slots to show per Global Entry site
    .PARAMETER StartDate
        Only show Global Entry availablity starting from a specific date. Must be formatted as yyyy-MM-dd
    .PARAMETER EndDate
        Shows Global Entry availablity from either the startdate to the enddate, or if no startdate is specified it will show all availablity from today to enddate. Must be formatted as yyyy-MM-dd
        Shows all available interviews for all sites in Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana
        Get-GESchedule -State IL,Wisconsin,IN
        Shows all available interviews for all sites in Illinois from December 18 2019 to March 8 2020
        Get-GESchedule -State Illinois -StartDate 2019-12-19 -EndDate 2020-03-08
        Shows all available interviews for all sites in Illinois from December 18 2019 to March 8 2020. Limit results to 2 items per site and sort by city
        Get-GESchedule -State Illinois -StartDate 2019-12-19 -EndDate 2020-03-08 -ResultsPerSite 2 | Sort-Object City
        Get first 2 available Global Entry interviews at Chicago OHare International Airport
        Get-GESchedule -ID 5183 -ResultsPerSite 2

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByState')]
    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ByID', HelpMessage = "Please enter the site ID or ID's of the Global Entry interview locations", Position = 0)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Please enter the state or states you want to view available Global Entry Interviews for", ParameterSetName = 'ByState', Position = 1)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [System.Array]$Stateresults = @()
        $StateHash = @{
            "AL" = "Alabama"
            "AK" = "Alaska"
            "AZ" = "Arizona"
            "AR" = "Arkansas"
            "CA" = "California"
            "CO" = "Colorado"
            "CT" = "Connecticut"
            "DE" = "Deleware"
            "FL" = "Florida"
            "GA" = "Georgia"
            "HI" = "Hawaii"
            "ID" = "Idaho"
            "IL" = "Illinois"
            "IN" = "Indiana"
            "IA" = "Iowa"
            "KS" = "Kansas"
            "KY" = "Kentucky"
            "LA" = "Louisiana"
            "ME" = "Maine"
            "MD" = "Maryland"
            "MA" = "Massachusetts"
            "MI" = "Michigan"
            "MN" = "Minnesota"
            "MS" = "Mississippi"
            "MO" = "Missouri"
            "MT" = "Montana"
            "NE" = "Nebraska"
            "NV" = "Nevada"
            "NH" = "New Hampshire"
            "NJ" = "New Jersey"
            "NM" = "New Mexico"
            "NY" = "New York"
            "NC" = "North Carolina"
            "ND" = "North Dakota"
            "OH" = "Ohio"
            "OK" = "Oklahoma"
            "OR" = "Oregon"
            "PA" = "Pennsylvania"
            "RI" = "Rhode Island"
            "SC" = "South Carolina"
            "SD" = "South Dakota"
            "TN" = "Tennessee"
            "TX" = "Texas"
            "UT" = "Utah"
            "VT" = "Vermont"
            "VA" = "Virgina"
            "WA" = "Washington"
            "WV" = "West Virgina"
            "WI" = "Wisconsin"
            "WY" = "Wyoming"
        If ($State)
            foreach ($Item in $State)
                $all = Invoke-restmethod -uri ""
                If ($Item.Length -gt [int32]2)
                    $stateabbreviation = $StateHash.keys | Where-Object { $StateHash["$_"] -eq $Item }
                    $Stateresults += $all | Where-object { $_.State -eq $stateabbreviation }
                    $Stateresults += $all | Where-object { $_.State -eq $Item }
        If ($ID)
            foreach ($Item in $ID)
                $all = Invoke-restmethod -uri ""
                $Stateresults += $all | Where-object { $_.ID -eq $Item }
        foreach ($Stateresult in $Stateresults)
            If (($StartDate.Length -gt 0) -and ($EndDate.Length -gt 0) -and ($ResultsPerSite -eq [int32]0))
                $concatenateStartString = [System.String]::Concat($StartDate, "T00:00:00")
                $concatenateEndString = [System.String]::Concat($EndDate, "T23:59:59")
                $d = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($$concatenateStartString&endTimestamp=$concatenateEndString"
                $d | Where-Object { $ -gt 0 } | Select-Object @{ Name = 'locationId'; Expression = { $ } }, timestamp, @{ Name = 'Active'; Expression = { "True" } }, duration, @{ Name = 'City'; Expression = { $ } }, @{ Name = 'Name'; Expression = { $Stateresult.Name } }, @{ Name = 'State'; Expression = { $Stateresult.State } }
            ElseIf (($StartDate.Length -gt 0) -and ($EndDate.Length -gt 0) -and ($ResultsPerSite.Length -gt 0))
                $concatenateStartString = [System.String]::Concat($StartDate, "T00:00:00")
                $concatenateEndString = [System.String]::Concat($EndDate, "T23:59:59")
                $d = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($$concatenateStartString&endTimestamp=$concatenateEndString"
                $d | Where-Object { $ -gt 0 } | Select-Object -First $ResultsPerSite | Select-Object @{ Name = 'locationId'; Expression = { $ } }, timestamp, @{ Name = 'Active'; Expression = { "True" } }, duration, @{ Name = 'City'; Expression = { $ } }, @{ Name = 'Name'; Expression = { $Stateresult.Name } }, @{ Name = 'State'; Expression = { $Stateresult.State } }
            ElseIf (($StartDate.Length -gt 0) -and (!$EndDate) -and ($ResultsPerSite -gt 0))
                [System.DateTime]$StartEnd = $StartDate
                $CusEndDate = $StartEnd.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
                $concatenateEndString = [System.String]::Concat($CusEndDate, "T23:59:59")
                $concatenateStartString = [System.String]::Concat($StartDate, "T00:00:00")
                $d = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($$concatenateStartString&endTimestamp=$concatenateEndString"
                $d | Where-Object { $ -gt 0 } | Select-Object -First $ResultsPerSite | Select-Object @{ Name = 'locationId'; Expression = { $ } }, timestamp, @{ Name = 'Active'; Expression = { "True" } }, duration, @{ Name = 'City'; Expression = { $ } }, @{ Name = 'Name'; Expression = { $Stateresult.Name } }, @{ Name = 'State'; Expression = { $Stateresult.State } }
            ElseIf (($StartDate.Length -gt 0) -and (!$EndDate) -and ($ResultsPerSite -eq 0))
                [System.DateTime]$StartEnd = $StartDate
                $CusEndDate = $StartEnd.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
                $concatenateEndString = [System.String]::Concat($CusEndDate, "T23:59:59")
                $concatenateStartString = [System.String]::Concat($StartDate, "T00:00:00")
                $d = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($$concatenateStartString&endTimestamp=$concatenateEndString"
                $d | Where-Object { $ -gt 0 } | Select-Object @{ Name = 'locationId'; Expression = { $ } }, timestamp, @{ Name = 'Active'; Expression = { "True" } }, duration, @{ Name = 'City'; Expression = { $ } }, @{ Name = 'Name'; Expression = { $Stateresult.Name } }, @{ Name = 'State'; Expression = { $Stateresult.State } }
            ElseIf (($EndDate.Length -gt 0) -and (!$StartDate) -and ($ResultsPerSite -gt 0))
                $today = Get-Date -Format "yyy-MM-dd"
                $concatenateStartString = [System.String]::Concat($today, "T00:00:00")
                $concatenateEndString = [System.String]::Concat($EndDate, "T23:59:59")
                $d = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($$concatenateStartString&endTimestamp=$concatenateEndString"
                $d | Where-Object { $ -gt 0 } | Select-Object -First $ResultsPerSite | Select-Object @{ Name = 'locationId'; Expression = { $ } }, timestamp, @{ Name = 'Active'; Expression = { "True" } }, duration, @{ Name = 'City'; Expression = { $ } }, @{ Name = 'Name'; Expression = { $Stateresult.Name } }, @{ Name = 'State'; Expression = { $Stateresult.State } }
            ElseIf ((!$StartDate) -and ($EndDate.Length -gt 0) -and ($ResultsPerSite -eq 0))
                $today = Get-Date -Format "yyy-MM-dd"
                $concatenateStartString = [System.String]::Concat($today, "T00:00:00")
                $concatenateEndString = [System.String]::Concat($EndDate, "T23:59:59")
                $d = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($$concatenateStartString&endTimestamp=$concatenateEndString"
                $d | Where-Object { $ -gt 0 } | Select-Object @{ Name = 'locationId'; Expression = { $ } }, timestamp, @{ Name = 'Active'; Expression = { "True" } }, duration, @{ Name = 'City'; Expression = { $ } }, @{ Name = 'Name'; Expression = { $Stateresult.Name } }, @{ Name = 'State'; Expression = { $Stateresult.State } }
            Elseif ((!$EndDate) -and (!$StartDate) -and ($ResultsPerSite -gt 0))
                $V = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$($"
                $v | Select-Object -First $ResultsPerSite | Select-Object locationid, starttimestamp, endtimestamp, active, duration, @{ Name = 'City'; Expression = { $ } }, @{ Name = 'Name'; Expression = { $Stateresult.Name } }, @{ Name = 'State'; Expression = { $Stateresult.State } }
                $V = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$($"
                $v | Select-Object locationid, starttimestamp, endtimestamp, active, duration, @{ Name = 'City'; Expression = { $ } }, @{ Name = 'Name'; Expression = { $Stateresult.Name } }, @{ Name = 'State'; Expression = { $Stateresult.State } }