
function Get-GrafanaAlert {
    Query Grafana API for alert information
    .PARAMETER DashboardId
    The ID of the dashboard to query
    .PARAMETER DashboardName
    The friendly name of the dashboard to query
    .PARAMETER DashboardTag
    Search for alerts belong to a dashboard with a specific tag
    .PARAMETER AlertName
    Query for all alerts matching the alert name
    .PARAMETER State
    Query for all alerts in the state of 'ALL','no_data','paused', 'alerting','ok','pending'
    Get-GranaAlert -DashboardId 1
    Get-GrafanaAlert -DashboardName "PeterRabbit"
    Get-GrafanaAlert -DashboardTag 'prod'
    Get-GrafanaAlert -AlertName 'Perrywinkle'
    .EXAMPLE State
    Get-GrafanaAlert -State 'paused'





        [ValidateSet('ALL','no_data','paused', 'alerting','ok','pending')]

    begin { $null = Get-GrafanaConfig } 

    process { 
        $irmParams = @{
            headers = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"}
            Method      = "GET"
            ContentType = "application/json"

        If($PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0){


        Else {


                "DashboardName" {



                "DashboardId" { 
                    $url = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/alerts?"
                    foreach ($id in $DashboardId) {
                        $url += "dashboardId={0}&" -f $id
                    $irmParams.Add("Uri","$($url -replace ".$")")

                "DashboardTag" {

                    $url = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/alerts?"
                    foreach ($id in $DashboardTag) {
                        $url += "dashboardTag={0}&" -f $id
                    $irmParams.Add("Uri","$($url -replace ".$")")


                "State" {
                    $url = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/alerts?"
                    foreach ($id in $State) {
                        $url += "state={0}&" -f $id
                    $irmParams.Add("Uri","$($url -replace ".$")")


                "Alertname" { 



        Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams


function Get-GrafanaApiKey {
        Retrieve a list of API keys created in Grafana

    begin { $null = Get-GrafanaConfig }

    process {
        $header = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"}

        $irmParams = @{
            Method = 'GET'
            Uri = "$($Configuration.GrafanaUri)/auth/keys"
            Headers = $header
            ContentType = "application/json"


        Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams
function Get-GrafanaConfig {
        Reads the Grafana.json file and returns an object
        .PARAMETER ConfigurationFile
        The path to the configuration json. Defaults to Config\Grafana.json
        Get-GrafanaConfig -ConfigurationFile C:\Configs\Grafana.json


        $ConfigurationFile = "$PSScriptRoot\Config\Grafana.json"


    begin {}

    process {
        $Global:Configuration = Get-Content $ConfigurationFile | ConvertFrom-Json 


    end {}

function Get-GrafanaDashboard {
        Returns an object with details about a Grafana dashboard
        .PARAMETER Name
        Search the Grafana instance for dashboards by friendly name
        .PARAMETER Uuid
        Search the Grafana instance for dashboards by UID
        .PARAMETER Tag
        Search the Grafana instance for dashboards by Tag
        .PARAMETER IncludeMetadata
        Include extra metadata about the dashboard. Excluded by default.
        Get-GrafanaDashboard -Name 'Prod - FileServer'
        Get-GrafanaDashboard -Uuid O0E3f5t
        Get-GrafanaDashboard -Name 'Smiley' -IncudeMetadata






    begin { $null = Get-GrafanaConfig }

    process {

        $header = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"}


            'Name' {
                $irmParams = @{
                    Method      = "GET"
                    Uri         = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/search?query=$Name"
                    Headers     = $header
                    ContentType = "application/json"


                $result = Invoke-WebRequest @irmParams

                $result.Content | ConvertFrom-Json

            'Uuid' {
                $irmParams = @{
                    Method      = "GET"
                    Uri         = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/dashboards/uid/$uuid" 
                    Headers     = $header
                    ContentType = "application/json"

                $result = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams
                    $result | Format-List
                Else { 

            'Tag' {
                $irmParams = @{
                    Method      = "GET"
                    Uri         =  "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/search?tag=$Tag" 
                    Headers     = $header
                    ContentType = "application/json"

                $result = Invoke-WebRequest @irmParams
                $result.Content | ConvertFrom-Json

function Get-GrafanaDatasource {
    Fetch information about Grafana datasources via the API
    Returns all datasources in your Grafana Instance
    .PARAMETER DatasourceId
    The ID of the datasource for which to search
    .PARAMETER DatasourceName
    The friendly name of the datasource for which to search
    Get-GrafanaDatasource -All
    Get-GrafanaDatasource -DatasourceId 4
    Get-GrafanaDatasource -Datasourcename ElasticPuppies





    begin { $null = Get-GrafanaConfig }

    process {

        $header = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"}


            $irmParams = @{
                Method      = "GET"
                Uri         = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/datasources" 
                Headers     = $header
                ContentType = "application/json"


            $result = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams



            'DatasourceId' {
                $irmParams = @{
                    Method      = "GET"
                    Uri         = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/datasources/$DatasourceId" 
                    Headers     = $header
                    ContentType = "application/json"
                $result = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams

            'DatasourceName' {
                $irmParams = @{
                    Method      = "GET"
                    Uri         = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/datasources/name/$DatasourceName" 
                    Headers     = $header
                    ContentType = "application/json"
                $result = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams


function Get-GrafanaFolder {
    Retrieve folder information from Grafana via the API
    You can search for Grafana folders via the API with this cmdlet. You may search via Uid,Id, or return All folders
    The UID value of a folder you wish to search for. This is an alphanumeric value
    This is the ID of the folder you wish to search for. This is an int value
    Return all folders which you have access too.
    Returns all folders which the user has access to in Grafana.
    Get-GrafanaFolder -Uid Ax8x33
    Returns the information for the folder with the Uid you entered
    Get-GrafanaFolder -Id 3
    Returns the information for the folder with the specified ID





    begin { $null = Get-GrafanaConfig }
    process {

        $irmParams = @{
            Method      = "GET"
            Headers     = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"}
            ContentType = "application/json"


        Switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

            'Uid' {



            'Id' {
            default {



        $return = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams

function Get-GrafanaServerHealth {
        Returns Grafana server health info

    begin { $null = Get-GrafanaConfig}

    process {
         Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($Configuration.GrafanaUri)/health"

function Get-GrafanaSnapshot { 
    Retrieve Grafana Snapshots via API
    Retrieve a single snapshot by Name, or return All snapshots
    .PARAMETER SnapshotName
    The friendly name of the Snapshot to retrieve
    Switch to return all snapshots
    Get-GrafanaSnapshot -SnapshotName SnappyMcSnapperson
    Get-GrafanaSnapshot -All



    begin { $null = Get-GrafanaConfig }

    process {
        $irmParams = @{
            Method      = "GET"
            Headers     = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"}
            ContentType = "application/json"



            'Snapshot' {


            'All' {


        $result = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams


function New-GrafanaApiKey {
        Creates a new API key in Grafana
        .PARAMETER Name
        The friendly name of the API key
        .PARAMETER Role
        The access level for the key. Available options are Admin,Editor, and Viewer
        New-GrafanaApiKey -Name RickyBobby -Role Admin
        New-GrafanaApiKey -Name Alice -Role Editor
        The generated API key is only displayed at runtime. If you need to retain it for any reason, be sure to it somewhere safe.
        It is highly recommended you run this command saved to a variable such as $ApiKey = New-GrafanaApiKey -Name ElmerFudd -Role Viewer.
        This way you can access the properties Name and Key within the variable. E.g. $, or $ApiKey.key.




    begin { 
        $null = Get-GrafanaConfig

    process {
        $header = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"}
        $body = @{name = $Name; role = $Role} | ConvertTo-Json

        $irmParams = @{
            Method = 'POST'
            Uri = "$($Configuration.GrafanaUri)/auth/keys"
            Body = "$body"
            Headers = $header
            ContentType = "application/json"

        Write-Warning -Message "You'll only see the API key generated here one time. There is no method to retrieve/generate it."
        Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams


function New-GrafanaFolder { 
    Create a new folder in Grafana via the API
    The Grafana API allows you to create new folders. This cmdlet accomplishes this. Title is required, but you may supply an optional Uid.
    If you don't specify a Uid, one will be generated for you by the API at runtime.
    .PARAMETER Title
    The title of the folder you wish to create with the API
    The uid to give the folder when created by the API
    New-GrafanaFolder -Title "My Awesome Folder"
    Creates a new folder in Grafana called "My Awesome Folder"
    New-GrafanaFolder -Title "Web Farm Folder" -Uid nErXDvCkzz
    Creates a new folder in Grafana called "Web Farm Folder" with a Uid of nErXDvCkzz
    General notes



    begin { $null = Get-GrafanaConfig }

    process {

        $body = @{

            title = $Title

        $irmParams = @{
            Method      = "POST"
            Headers     = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"}
            Uri         = "$($Configuration.GrafanaUri)/folders"
            ContentType = "application/json"
            Body = $body | ConvertTo-Json


        Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams

function New-GrafanaSnapshot {
        Take a snapshot of a dashboard in Grafana
        .PARAMETER DashboardTitle
        Title of the dashboard you wish to snapshot
        .PARAMETER SnapshotName
        Name of the snapshot you are creating
        .PARAMETER Expires
        Time (in seconds) the snapshot stays alive. Set to 0 to never expire.
        New-GrafanaSnapshot -DashboardTitle WebHosts -SnapshotName WebSnap -Expires 0
        Create a new snapshot of WebHosts with the name WebSnap that never expires




        $Expires = 0

    begin { $null = Get-GrafanaConfig}
    process {
        $irmParams = @{
            headers = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"}
            body= @{
                dashboard = [ordered]@{
                editable     = $False
                hideControls = $True
                nav          = @(@{enable=$False
                                type = 'timepicker'})
                rows         = @(@{})
                style        = "dark"
                tags         = @()
                templating   = @{list = @()}
                time         = @{}
                timezone    = "browser"
                title        = "$DashboardTitle"
                version      = 5
                expires = $Expires
                name = "$SnapshotName"
            } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4
            Method      = "POST"
            Uri         = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/snapshots"
            ContentType = "application/json"


        Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams

function New-GraphanaGraphPanel {




        [ValidateSet('graph','singlestat','gauge','table','text','heatmap','alert list','dashboard list','plugin list')]










    begin {}

    process {
        $panelHash = @{


    end {}

function Remove-GrafanaApiKey {
    Deletes an API key from your Grafana Instance
    The ID of the API Key you wish to delete
    Remove-GrafanaApiKey -ApiId 6




    begin { $Null = Get-GrafanaConfig }

    process {

        If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("ID: $ApiId","DELETE")){

            $header = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"}
            $irmParams = @{

                Method = "DELETE"
                Uri = "$($Configuration.GrafanaUri)/auth/keys/$ApiId"
                Headers = $header
                ContentType = "application/json"

            Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams

function Remove-GrafanaDatasource {
        Removes the specified Grafana datasource
        .PARAMETER DatasourceId
        The ID of the datasource you wish to remove
        .PARAMETER DatasourceName
        The friendly name of the datasouce you wish to remove
        Remove-GrafanaDashboard -DatasourceId 3
        Remove-GrafanaDashboard -DatasourceName 'ElasticPuppies'



    begin { $null = Get-GrafanaConfig }

    process {

        $header = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"}

            'DatasourceId' {    
                    $irmParams = @{
                    Method      = "DELETE"
                    Uri         = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/datasources/$DatasourceId" 
                    Headers     = $header
                    ContentType = "application/json"


                If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("DELETE","Datasource ID:$DatasourceId")){
                    Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams

            'DatasourceName' {    
                $irmParams = @{
                    Method      = "DELETE"
                    Uri         = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/datasources/name/$DatasourceName" 
                    Headers     = $header
                    ContentType = "application/json"


                If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Datasource Name:$DatasourceName","DELETE")){
                    Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams




function Remove-GrafanaFolder {
Removes the specified folder from your Grafana instance
Removes the specified folder from your Grafana instance using the API. This is a highly destructive operation. Any Panels that are stored within the folder will be destroyed.
The folder you wish to delete
Remove-GrafanaFolder -Folder Duckies


    begin { $null = Get-GrafanaConfig }

    process {

        $Uid = Get-GrafanaFolder | Where-Object { $_.title -eq "$Folder" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty uid

        $irmParams = @{
            Method      = "DELETE"
            Headers     = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"}
            ContentType = "application/json"
            Uri         = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/folders/$Uid"


        If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Folder: $Folder", "DELETE")){
        $return = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams

function Remove-GrafanaSnapshot {
    Remove a Grafana snapshot via the API
    Grafana exposes an endpoint to delete snapshots. This cmdlet leverages that endpoint to let you remove them programmatically
    .PARAMETER SnapshotName
    The friendly name of the snapshot you wish to remove
    Remove-GrafanaSnapshot -SnapshotName SnappyMcSnapshoterson



    begin { $null = Get-GrafanaConfig }

    process {

        $Key = Get-GrafanaSnapshot -SnapshotName $SnapshotName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty key

        $irmParams = @{
            Method = "DELETE"
            Headers     = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"}
            ContentType = "application/json"
            Uri = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/snapshots/$key"


        If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Snapshot: $SnapshotName", "DELETE")){
            Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams


function Set-GrafanaConfig {
        Modifies the configuration file for the module
        .PARAMETER ConfigurationFile
        The path to the JSON configuration file. Defaults to Config\Grafana.json
        Your new API Key
        .PARAMETER GrafanaUri
        The new Grafana uri
        Set-GrafanaConfig -APIKey '10395j23oi2r' -GrafanaUri ''

        $ConfigurationFile = "$PSScriptRoot\Config\Grafana.json",



    begin { $config = Get-GrafanaConfig }

    process {


            'APIKey' {
                $config.apikey = $APIKey

            'GrafanaUri' { 
                $config.GrafanaUri = $GrafanaUri

        $config | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $ConfigurationFile
function Suspend-GrafanaAlert {
    Pause a Grafana Alert by Name, ID, or pause ALL alerts in Grafana
    This cmdlet provides a way to pause Grafana alerts via the API
    .PARAMETER AlertId
    The ID of the Grafana Alert you wish to pause
    .PARAMETER AlertName
    The Name of the Grafana Alert you wish to pause
    Pause all Grafana Alerts
    .PARAMETER Credential
    The credential to use to pause all Grafana alerts
    Suspend-GrafanaAlert -AlertId 12
    Suspend-GrafanaAlert -AlertName WebResponseTime
    Suspend-GrafanaAlert -All -Credential _username_
    Suspend-GrafanaAlert -All -Credential (Get-Credential)
    The -Credential parameter is required when pausing all alerts. This is due to how the API handles the authentication header for that operation






    begin { $null = Get-GrafanaConfig }

    process {

        function Test-Uri($uri) {

            $null = $uri -match '^((?<insecure>http://)|(?<secure>https://))'

        Test-Uri -uri $configuration.GrafanaUri

        $irmParams = @{
            Method      = "POST"
            ContentType = "application/json"
            Body        = @{'paused' = $true} | ConvertTo-Json



            'Id' {
                $irmParams.Add("Headers",@{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"})

                    If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Alert: $AlertId", "PAUSE")){

                        $result = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams

            'Name' { 

                $Name = (Get-GrafanaAlert -AlertName $AlertName).id
                $irmParams.Add("Headers",@{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"})

                    If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Alert: $Alertname", "PAUSE")){

                        $result = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams


            'All' {


                    If($($configuration.GrafanaUri) -match '^(http://)'){

                    If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Alert: $Alertname", "PAUSE")){

                        $result = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams



$PublicFunctions = 'Get-GrafanaAlert', 'Get-GrafanaApiKey', 'Get-GrafanaConfig', 'Get-GrafanaDashboard', 'Get-GrafanaDatasource', 'Get-GrafanaFolder', 'Get-GrafanaServerHealth', 'Get-GrafanaSnapshot', 'New-GrafanaAPIKey', 'New-GrafanaFolder', 'New-GrafanaSnapshot', 'New-GraphanaPanel', 'Remove-GrafanaApiKey', 'Remove-GrafanaDatasource', 'Remove-GrafanaFolder', 'Remove-GrafanaSnapshot', 'Set-GrafanaConfig', 'Suspend-GrafanaAlert'
If(!(Test-Path $PSScriptRoot\Config\Grafana.json)){
    $grafanaConfig = @{
    Write-Host "No config file found in Config folder. Assuming first run..." -ForegroundColor yellow
    Write-Host "We will now ask some questions to get things setup" -ForegroundColor yellow
    $GrafanaUri = Read-Host -Prompt "What is your base Grafana uri?"

    Write-Host "Adding URI and appending /api to config file..." -ForegroundColor yellow

    $ApiKey = Read-Host -Prompt "What is your API Key? Found at https://$GrafanaUri/org/apikeys"

    Write-Host "Adding API Key to config file..." -ForegroundColor yellow

    $grafanaConfig | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $PSScriptRoot\Config\Grafana.json

    Write-Host "Config file has been generated successfully. Run 'Get-GrafanaConfig' to verify" -ForegroundColor yellow