
function Rank
        Places specified nodes at the same level on the chart as a way to give some guidance to node layout

        graph g {
            rank 1,3,5,7
            rank 2,4,6,8
            edge (1..8)

        $odd = @(1,3,5,7)
        $even = @(2,4,6,8)

        graph g {
            rank $odd
            rank $even
            edge $odd -to $even

        Accepts an array of items or a list of strings.


        # List of nodes to be on the same level as each other

        # Used to catch alternate style of specifying nodes

        $values = @()
        $Values += foreach($item in ($Nodes + $AdditionalNodes))
            # Adding these arrays ceates an empty element that we want to exclude
            if(-Not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($item))
                '"{0}"' -f $item

        Write-Output ('{0}{{ rank=same; {1}; }}' -f (Get-Indent), ($values -join ' '))