
function ConvertTo-GraphVizAttribute
        Converts a hashtable to a key value pair format that the DOT specification uses for nodes, edges and graphs

            ConvertTo-GraphVizAttribute @{label='myName'}


             For edge and nodes, it like this [key1="value";key2="value"]

            ConvertTo-GraphVizAttribute @{label='myName';color='Red'} -UseGraphStyle


            For graphs, it needs to be indented and multiline

            ConvertTo-GraphVizAttribute @{label={$}} -InputObject @{name='myName'}


            Script blocks are supported in the hashtable for some commands.
            InputObject is the $_ value in the scriptblock

        For edge and nodes, it like this [key1="value";key2="value"]
        For graphs, it needs to be indented and multiline

        Script blocks are supported in the hashtable for some commands.
        InputObject is the $_ value in the scriptblock



        # used for whe the attributes have scriptblocks embeded

    if($Attributes -ne $null -and $Attributes.Keys.Count -gt 0)

        $values = $Attributes.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {'{0}="{1}";'-f $, $_.value}

        $values = foreach($key in $Attributes.GetEnumerator())
            if($key.value -is [scriptblock])
                Write-Debug "Executing Script on Key $($"
                '{0}="{1}";'-f $, ([string](@($InputObject).ForEach($key.value))) 
                '{0}="{1}";'-f $, $key.value

        { # Graph style is each line on its own and no brackets
            $indent = Get-Indent
            $values | ForEach-Object{"$indent$_"}
            "[{0}]" -f ($values -join '')