
function Invoke-GraphQLQuery {
        Sends a query or mutation to a GraphQL endpoint.
        Sends a query (read operation) or mutation (create, update, delete operation) to a GraphQL endpoint.
    .PARAMETER Query
        The GraphQL query or mutation to send to the endpoint.
    .PARAMETER Headers
        Specifies the headers of the web request expressed as a hash table.
        Specifies the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the GraphQL endpoint to which the GraphQL query or mutation is sent.
    .PARAMETER WebSession
        Specifies a web request session. Enter the variable name, including the dollar sign (`$`).
        Tells the function to return JSON as opposed to objects.
        Query and mutation default return type is a collection of objects. To return results as JSON, use the -Raw switch.
        $uri = "https://mytargetserver/v1/graphql"
        $introspectionQuery = '
            query allSchemaTypes {
                __schema {
                    types {
        Invoke-GraphQLQuery -Query $introspectionQuery -Uri $uri -Raw
        Sends a GraphQL introspection query to the endpoint 'https://mytargetserver/v1/graphql' with the results returned as JSON.
        $uri = "https://mytargetserver/v1/graphql"
        $myQuery = '
            query GetUsers {
                users {
        Invoke-GraphQLQuery -Query $myQuery -Uri $uri -Raw
        Sends a GraphQL query to the endpoint 'https://mytargetserver/v1/graphql' with the results returned as JSON.
        $uri = "https://mytargetserver/v1/graphql"
        $myQuery = '
            query GetUsers {
                users {
        $result = Invoke-GraphQLQuery -Query $myQuery -Uri $uri
        $ | Format-Table
        Sends a GraphQL query to the endpoint 'https://mytargetserver/v1/graphql' with the results returned as objects and navigates the hierarchy to return a table view of users.
        $uri = "https://mytargetserver/v1/graphql"
        $myMutation = '
            mutation MyMutation {
                insert_users_one(object: {id: "57", name: "FirstName LastName"}) {
        $requestHeaders = @{ "x-api-key"="aoMGY{+93dx&t!5)VMu4pI8U8T.ULO" }
        $jsonResult = Invoke-GraphQLQuery -Mutation $myMutation -Headers $requestHeaders -Uri $uri -Raw
        Sends a GraphQL mutation to the endpoint 'https://mytargetserver/v1/graphql' with the results returned as JSON.
        gql -q 'query { users { created_at id last_seen name } }' -u 'https://mytargetserver/v1/graphql' -
        Sends a GraphQL query to an endpoint with the results returned as JSON (as a one-liner using aliases).

    [OutputType([System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject], [System.String])]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $false,
            Position = 0)][ValidateLength(12, 1073741791)][Alias("Mutation", "q", "m")][System.String]$Query,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $false,
            Position = 1)][Alias("h")][System.Collections.Hashtable]$Headers,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $false,
            Position = 2)][Alias("u")][System.Uri]$Uri,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $false,
            Position = 3)][Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession]$WebSession,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "JSON",
            Position = 4)][Alias("AsJson", "json", "r")][Switch]$Raw
        [string]$cleanedInput = ($Query -replace '\s+', ' ').Trim()

        if (($cleanedInput.ToLower() -notlike "query*") -and ($cleanedInput.ToLower() -notlike "mutation*") ) {
            $ArgumentException = New-Object -TypeName ArgumentException -ArgumentList "Not a valid GraphQL query or mutation. Verify syntax and try again."
            Write-Error -Exception $ArgumentException -ErrorAction Stop

        [string]$jsonRequestBody = ""
        try {
            $jsonRequestBody = @{query = $cleanedInput} | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception -ErrorAction Stop

        $params = @{Uri = $Uri
            Method      = "Post"
            Body        = $jsonRequestBody
            ContentType = "application/json"
            ErrorAction = "Stop"

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Headers")) {
            $params.Add("Headers", $Headers)

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("WebSession")) {
            $params.Add("WebSession", $WebSession)

        $response = $null
        try {
            $response = Invoke-RestMethod @params
        catch {
            Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception -ErrorAction Stop

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Raw")) {
            try {
                return $($response | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 -ErrorAction Stop)
            catch {
                Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception -ErrorAction Stop
        else {
            try {
                return $response
            catch {
                Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception -ErrorAction Stop