
#requires -Version 5
#requires -Modules Pester

Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "../PSHealthchecksIO.psd1" -Resolve) -Force

InModuleScope "PSHealthchecksIO" {
    Describe "Trace-Health" {
        Context "When the script fails" {
            Mock Send-HealthchecksIOPing

            It "Rethrows the error" {
                    Trace-Health {
                        throw "My custom error"
                    } -CheckUUID "65378039-7210-44bb-b32f-39339fab0ac7"
                } | Should -Throw "My custom error"

            It "Reports a failure to healthchecks.io" {
                Assert-MockCalled Send-HealthchecksIOPing -ParameterFilter { $Type -eq "fail" -and $CheckUUID -eq "65378039-7210-44bb-b32f-39339fab0ac7" } -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope Context

            It "Does not report a success to healthchecks.io" {
                Assert-MockCalled Send-HealthchecksIOPing -ParameterFilter { [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Type) } -Times 0 -Exactly -Scope Context

        Context "When the script succeeds" {
            Mock Send-HealthchecksIOPing

            It "Doesn't throw an error" {
                    Trace-Health {
                        return "My success message"
                    } -CheckUUID "d4851a2a-2cfb-4874-b441-501693b32a31"
                } | Should -Not -Throw

            It "Reports a success to healthchecks.io" {
                Assert-MockCalled Send-HealthchecksIOPing -ParameterFilter { [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Type) -and $CheckUUID -eq "d4851a2a-2cfb-4874-b441-501693b32a31" } -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope Context

            It "Does not report a failure to healthchecks.io" {
                Assert-MockCalled Send-HealthchecksIOPing -ParameterFilter { $Type -eq "fail" } -Times 0 -Exactly -Scope Context

            # TODO: Using variable scoping to avoid calling this twice
            $result = Trace-Health {
                return "My success message"
            } -CheckUUID "d4851a2a-2cfb-4874-b441-501693b32a31"

            It "Returns the value from the scriptblock" {
                $result | Should Be "My success message"