
function Remove-BadStringCharacters {
    Remove bad string characters
    Removes bad character so it is easier to use within script, for example I am swedish and we have äöå alot in our language, this converts äöå to aoa instead.
    .PARAMETER String
    The string to convert
    Remove-BadStringCharacters("Hej är du hemma eller åker du bil?")
    Hej ar du hemma eller aker du bil?


function Get-ValueWithinString {
    Find a value within a large string.
    Find a value within a larger string, for example if you want to retrieve a a code within a large string set (Regex helpfunction)
    .PARAMETER InputString
    The string you want to look for data in.
    .PARAMETER Begin
    The text to begin with
    The text to End with, everything inbetween Begin and End
    $String = "Every email is sent with this text, here is a code: 23498 please use this"
    #This will get everything inbetween "code: " AND " please"
    Get-ValueWithinString -InputString $String -Begin "code: " -End " please"

    return ([regex]::match("$($InputString)","$($Begin)(.*?)$End").Groups[1].Value).Trim()

Function Convert-UTF8ToString {
    If your text returns some wierd UTF8 values
    There are some cases when PowerShell will give you wierd UTF8 Data when retrieving API requests and Content-Type charset=utf8 is not working.
    This solves that problem, mostly used if you have some sort of non-english language.
    The text to convert
    $String = "Powerlänk AB"
    Powerlänk AB
    General notes

    if ($Text -eq ""){ return $null }
    $bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('ISO-8859-1').GetBytes($text)
    return [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($bytes)

Function Get-ValidDate {
    Get a valid date and do not throw an error if it cannot be converted.
    Sometimes you retrieve wierd dates, this uses the powershell date conversion to convert the date to a valid datetime object and returns it.
    It does ignore the date if it is not parsable.
    .PARAMETER InputDate
    The date string you want to convert
    $Date = "2023-01-22"

    try {
        return ([DATETIME]$InputDate).ToString("yyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff")
    } catch { 
        return ""

function Remove-SpecialCharacters {
    Removes special characters
    Removes all special characters, like . - #¤%"#¤&/, basically anything that is not a character or a number
    .PARAMETER InputString
    The input string
    $String = "asidfar----srtjrstjrstjt....j"

    return [regex]::Replace($InputString, "[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]", "")

function IsNotNULL {
    return ![STRING]::IsNullOrEmpty($InputString)
function IsNULL {
    return [STRING]::IsNullOrEmpty($InputString)

Function Invoke-MultiThreads {
    Run multithreading on larger powershell objects
    Run multithreading on larger powershell objects
    .PARAMETER RunObjects
    The object to loop through
    .PARAMETER ScriptBlock
    This ScriptBlock to use multithreading on
    $args[0] = The RunObject
    $args[1] and $args[2] = Is used within the job to create separate workers for each 200 objects found, you need to add this to the loop like this ($RunObject in $args[0][$args[1]..$args[2]])
    $args[3] = API authentication, if you need to supply header to Invoke-RestMethod
    .PARAMETER APIAuthentication
    If you have a Header you want to use within the request, is refered to $args[3] in ScriptBlock
    $TestObject = Invoke-MultiThreads -RunObjects $LargerArray -APIAuthentication $APIHeader -ScriptBlock {
        $OutputObject = @()
        foreach ($RunObject in $args[0][$args[1]..$args[2]]){
            $OutputObject += @{
                parameter1 = data1
                parameter2 = data2
                parameter3 = data3
                parameter4 = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -Headers $args[3] -Method GET -ContentType "application/json"

    $HowManyJobs = [math]::Round(($RunObjects.Count / 200) + 0.5)
    $WorkerName = "PSMultiThreadingWorker"

    for($i = 0;$i -lt $HowManyJobs;$i++){
        $ObjectStart = ($i*200)
        $ObjectEnd = $ObjectStart+200-1
        Start-Job -Name $WorkerName -ArgumentList $RunObjects,$ObjectStart,$ObjectEnd,$APIAuthentication -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock | Out-Null

    Write-Host "Started jobs: $WorkerName"

    do {
        Write-Host "Waiting $WorkerName to finish..."
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
        $NotCompletedJobs = (Get-Job -Name $WorkerName | Where-Object {$_.State -ne 'Completed'})
    } while($NotCompletedJobs.Count -ne 0)

    $OutputData = Get-Job -Name $WorkerName | Receive-Job
    Remove-Job -Name $WorkerName
    Return $OutputData