
function Install-IISCrypto {
        The Install-IISCrypto function, installs the IISCrypto application.
        The Install-IISCrypto function, installs the IISCrypto application by downloading binaries from the IISCrypto website to the default location C:\Program Files\IISCrypto or to the custom path entered by the user.
    .PARAMETER InstallType
        Standard: Installs the IISCrypto application to the default location C:\Program Files\IISCrypto.
        Custom: Installs the IISCrypto application to the custom path entered by the user.
    .PARAMETER CustomPath
        The custom path entered by the user for the IISCrypto installation. Example: 'D:\Software' IISCrypto will be installed to 'D:\Software'.
    .PARAMETER installGUI
        If the installGUI parameter is used, the IISCrypto GUI application will also be installed.
        Install-IISCrypto -InstallType Standard
        Installs the IISCrypto application to the default location C:\Program Files\IISCrypto.
        Install-IISCrypto -InstallType Custom -CustomPath "C:\CustomPath\IISCrypto"
        Installs the IISCrypto application to the custom path "C:\CustomPath\IISCrypto".
        Additional information about the function.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default',
        ConfirmImpact = 'Medium',
        SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Default',
            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "Select the Installation type. Custom or Standard install. Standard install file path - C:\Program Files\IISCrypto.")]
        [ValidateSet ('Standard', 'Custom')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Default',
            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "Please enter a custom file path for the IISCrypto installation. Example: D:\Software IISCrypto will be installed to D:\Software.")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Default',
            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "If enabled, the GUI application will also be downloaded and can be located in the install directory.")]
    begin {
    process {
        try {
            switch ($InstallType) {
                Standard {
                    $Path = "C:\Program Files\IISCrypto"
                    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Path", "Installing IISCrypto")) {
                        if (!$Test) {
                            $Test = Test-Path -Path $Path
                            Write-Output "IISCrypto not installed"
                            New-Item -Path $Path -Type Directory
                            Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -OutFile "$Path\IISCryptoCli.exe"
                            if ($installGUI) {
                                Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -OutFile "$Path\IISCrypto.exe"
                            Add-EnvPath -Path $Path -Container Machine
                            $Test = Test-Path -Path $Path
                            Write-Output "IISCrypto installed"
                        else {
                            Write-Output "IISCrypto already installed"
                Custom {
                    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$CustomPath", "Installing IISCrypto")) {
                        if (!$Test) {
                            $Test = Test-Path -Path $CustomPath
                            Write-Output "IISCrypto not installed"
                            New-Item -Path $CustomPath -Type Directory
                            Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -OutFile "$CustomPath\IISCryptoCli.exe"
                            if ($installGUI) {
                                Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -OutFile "$CustomPath\IISCrypto.exe"
                            Add-EnvPath -Path $CustomPath -Container Machine
                            $Test = Test-Path -Path $CustomPath
                            Write-Output "IISCrypto installed"
                        else {
                            Write-Output "IISCrypto already installed"
                Default {
                    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Path", "Installing IISCrypto")) {
                        if (!$Test) {
                            $Path = "C:\Program Files\IISCrypto"
                            $Test = Test-Path -Path $Path
                            Write-Output "IISCrypto not installed"
                            New-Item -Path $Path -Type Directory
                            Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -OutFile "$Path\IISCryptoCli.exe"
                            if ($installGUI) {
                                Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -OutFile "$Path\IISCrypto.exe"
                            Add-EnvPath -Path $Path -Container Machine
                            $Test = Test-Path -Path $Path
                            Write-Output "IISCrypto installed"
                        else {
                            Write-Output "IISCrypto already installed"
        catch {
            Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_
    end {