
    Downloads a specific asset from a GitHub release.

    This function downloads a specific asset from a GitHub release, based on the specified repository owner, repository name, asset name, and release tag (optional). If no tag is specified, the latest release will be used. The function uses the GitHub API to retrieve information about the release, and the Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet to download the specified asset to the Downloads folder.

    .PARAMETER Owner
    The name of the repository owner.

    .PARAMETER Repository
    The name of the repository.

    .PARAMETER Asset
    The name of the asset to download.

    The tag name of the release (optional). If no tag is specified, the latest release will be used.


    Invoke-DownloadGitHubRelease -Owner "Microsoft" -Repository "PowerShell" -Asset "Microsoft.PowerShell.*.msi"

    Invoke-DownloadGitHubRelease -Owner "Microsoft" -Repository "PowerShell" -Asset "Microsoft.PowerShell.7.0.0-rc.1.msi" -Tag "v7.0.0-rc.1"

    This function requires access to the internet to download the asset from GitHub.


function Invoke-DownloadGitHubRelease {
    param (

    if ($null -eq $Tag) {
        $tagSuffix = "latest"
    else {
        $tagSuffix = "tags/$($Tag)"

    $downloadFolder = Get-DownloadsFolder
    $latestPowerShellRelease = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$Owner/$Repository/releases/{$tagSuffix}}" -Method Get
    $latestPowerShellInstaller = $latestPowerShellRelease.assets | Where-Object Name -Like $Asset
    $downloadFileName = Join-Path -Path $downloadFolder -ChildPath $

    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $latestPowerShellInstaller.browser_download_url -OutFile (New-Item -Path $downloadFileName -Force)

    return $downloadFileName