
        Initiates the PSJet installer process, executing scripts sequentially with optional restarts and persistent state across restarts.

        The `Invoke-PSJetInstaller` function orchestrates a sequential execution of installation step scripts,
        handling script state management, optional self-elevation for administrative privileges,
        and conditional system restarts with installation state persistence.

        When `EnableRestart` is specified, the function ensures that the installer continues from the last step
        after a system restart by registering a scheduled task to re-invoke the installer on user logon.
        The scheduled task will be unregistered upon successful installation completion.

        During the installation process, individual step scripts are executed in a sequential manner. Execution is achieved via "dot sourcing",
        which is a method of script execution that runs the script in the current scope. The dot sourcing technique is particularly relevant
        when scripts modify variables that must retain their changed values in the calling script. The method looks like this:

        . $ScriptPath

        This ensures any variables, functions, or other items defined or modified within the script persist in the calling script's scope
        after execution, maintaining state and functionality across the different phases of the installation process.

    .PARAMETER AsAdmin
        If specified, the installer attempts to self-elevate to run with administrative privileges using the `Invoke-ElevateAsAdmin` function.

    .PARAMETER EnableRestart
        If specified, enables handling of system restarts and ensures the installation continues
        from the last step by leveraging scheduled tasks, registered, and unregistered by `Register-PSJetInstallerScheduledTask`
        and `Unregister-PSJetInstallerScheduledTask` respectively.

        Invoke-PSJetInstaller -AsAdmin -EnableRestart

        Initiates the installer ensuring administrative privileges and enabling handling and persistence through system restarts.

        - Installation step scripts should reside in "$installerDirectory\Steps\".
        - Scripts must be named to enforce execution order (e.g., 01-FirstStep.ps1, 02-SecondStep.ps1).
        - Step scripts use `$Script:State` for state management and persistence across restarts.
        - A step script can request a system restart by assigning `$true` to `$Script:State.restartComputer`.
        - User prompts on restart can be suppressed by assigning `$true` to `$Script:State.autoRestartComputer`.
        - The `Invoke-ElevateAsAdmin`, `Register-PSJetInstallerScheduledTask`, and `Unregister-PSJetInstallerScheduledTask` functions
        should be defined and accessible within the scope of `Invoke-PSJetInstaller`.

        None. Outputs to host and might restart the computer, terminating the PowerShell session.

        None. All inputs are handled through parameters.

function Invoke-PSJetInstaller {
    param (

    # Self-elevate the script if required
    if ($AsAdmin) {

    # Schedule the installer to run at logon
    if ($EnableRestart) {

    # Set state
    $installerDirectory = Get-InvocationDirectory
    $steps = Get-ChildItem -Path "$installerDirectory\Steps\*.ps1" | Sort-Object FullName
    $firstStep = $steps | Select-Object -First 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
    $state = Get-PSJetInstallerState
    $state.step = $firstStep
    $nextStep = $state.step

    while ($null -ne $nextStep) {

        # Set current step
        $currentStep = $nextStep

        # Execute current step via dot sourcing, ensuring persistence of variables and functions in the current scope
        . $currentStep

        # Determine next step
        $nextStep = ($steps | Where-Object FullName -gt $currentStep | Select-Object -First 1)
        $state.step = $nextStep

        # Restart computer if required
        if ($EnableRestart -and $state.restartComputer) {
            $state.restartComputer = $false

            Write-Warning 'The installer will continue after the computer is restarted. The computer will now restart.' -WarningAction Continue

            if (-Not $state.autoRestartComputer) {
                Show-KeyPressPrompt -Message 'Press any key to restart the computer...'

            Restart-Computer -Force

    if ($EnableRestart) {

    Write-Information 'The software installation is completed.' -InformationAction Continue
    Show-KeyPressPrompt -Message 'Press any key to finish...'