
    Retrieves the path to the user secrets file based on a given .csproj file.

    This script extracts the UserSecretsId from the specified .csproj file and
    constructs the path to the corresponding user secrets file. It supports
    Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms. The script is designed to handle cases
    where multiple PropertyGroup elements are present in the .csproj file and
    extracts the first non-null UserSecretsId.

    The path to the .csproj file from which to extract the UserSecretsId.

    String. The path to the user secrets file.

function Get-DotNetUserSecretsPath {
    param (

    if (-not (Test-Path $CsprojPath)) {
        throw "csproj file not found at path: $CsprojPath"

    # Load and parse the .csproj file
    [xml]$csprojContent = Get-Content $CsprojPath

    # Extract the first non-null UserSecretsId
    $userSecretsId = $csprojContent.Project.PropertyGroup.UserSecretsId |
                     Where-Object { $_ -ne $null } |
                     Select-Object -First 1

    if (-not $userSecretsId) {
        throw "UserSecretsId not found in the csproj file."

    # Trim the UserSecretsId to remove any accidental whitespace
    $userSecretsId = $userSecretsId.Trim()

    # Determine the path for the secrets file based on the platform
    $secretsPath = $null
    if ($IsWindows) {
        $secretsPath = Join-Path $env:APPDATA "Microsoft\UserSecrets\$userSecretsId\secrets.json"
    } elseif ($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS) {
        $secretsPath = Join-Path $HOME ".microsoft/usersecrets/$userSecretsId/secrets.json"
    } else {
        throw "Unsupported operating system."

    return $secretsPath