
    Retrieves the name of the script that invoked the function.

    The `Get-InvocationScript` function retrieves the name of the script file that invoked it. This information can be useful for debugging purposes or for generating log entries that indicate which script is using the function.


    This function does not take any parameters.


    The output of this function is a string that represents the name of the script that invoked the function.


    This example returns the name of the script that invoked the `Get-InvocationScript` function.

    This function relies on the `Get-PSCallStack` cmdlet, which retrieves information about the current call stack. The function filters the call stack information to include only entries that have a `ScriptName` property that is not `$null`, and then selects the last entry in the filtered list. This entry represents the script that invoked the function.


function Get-InvocationScript {
    $invocationScriptName = Get-PSCallStack | Where-Object ScriptName -ne $null | Select-Object -Last 1 | Select-Object ScriptName -ExpandProperty ScriptName

    return $invocationScriptName