
function Convert-JwkToPem {
        Converts a JWK public key to a PEM.
        Converts JWKs (JSON Web Keys) to formatted PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail) outputs as well as converting JWKs to unformatted Base64 encoded public keys.
        Specifies the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the JWK set containing the JWKS to convert to PEM format.
    .PARAMETER JsonWebKey
        Specifies an individual JWK string to convert to PEM format.
        $jwkUri = ""
        Convert-JwkToPem -Uri $jwkUri
        Converts the JWKs in the JWK set found in to PEM format.
        $myJwk = '{
            "kty": "RSA",
            "use": "sig",
            "e": "AQAB",
            "n": "9te1S7Yps5jx1TZtVOo3R_jy157SO-XknHU4WJ5PJ9WdCUXj06PL4HqEgCrXuYLtO8Rl78S1KXD6NRed57fMxB3IhHGEZFuJ_lM6V6l9Y3RqSnOhs0cG_1NohjGeIPbk4u4j4PQDBsbe87qeerBeCsV5hmsQDTC11j_knkkl0cGvhHIcfDkoNS0KyY0LEqCLKaBKxJ7y7oVub5ZR1yHGOzTgFqHY2FcZ9d8wQhc65ngnXQUuI1BplFdEsRAUez5f1_ru3sTQQK7RikH_v2WGltBTQRnfJ4cP3d8SMfcAnKr8QVYdnIFTPocD-k3tkhJjhDpFig8CnN9xca_LWrFhHQ",
            "kid": "jSVgE1Q4he8hiX199BTlS-9YJQE"
        Convert-JwkToPem -JsonWebKey $myJwk | Select -Expand Pem | Out-File .\key.pem -Encoding ascii
        Converts the passed JWK into a PEM string and saves it to a file.
            An object containing the JWK ID, PEM and unformatted Base64 public key. .

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "URI", Position = 0)][Alias('OidcUri', 'JwkUri')][System.Uri]$Uri,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "JWK", Position = 1)][Alias("jwk")][ValidateLength(12, 1073741791)][String]$JsonWebKey
    BEGIN {
        function _TransformJwkToPem([string]$jwk) {
            try {
                $jwkObject = $jwk | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop

                if (($null -eq $jwkObject.kty) -or ($jwkObject.kty -ne "RSA") -or ($null -eq $jwkObject.n) -or ($null -eq $jwkObject.e)) {
                    $ArgumentException = 'JSON Web Key schema validation failed. Ensure that a valid JWK is passed that contains the key type expressed as "kty", a public exponent as "e”, and modulus as "n" parameters per RFC 7517.'
                    Write-Error -Exception $ArgumentException -ErrorAction Stop

                $rsaParams = [RSAParameters]::new()

                $rsaParams.Exponent = $jwkObject.e | ConvertFrom-Base64UrlEncodedString -AsBytes -ErrorAction Stop
                $rsaParams.Modulus = $jwkObject.n | ConvertFrom-Base64UrlEncodedString -AsBytes -ErrorAction Stop

                $rsaCryptoSp = [RSACryptoServiceProvider]::new()

                [byte[]]$publicKeyBytes = $rsaCryptoSp.ExportSubjectPublicKeyInfo()
                [string]$publicKeyUnformatted = ConvertTo-Base64UrlEncodedString -Bytes $publicKeyBytes -ErrorAction Stop
                [string]$publicKeyPem = $rsaCryptoSp.ExportSubjectPublicKeyInfoPem()


                $result = [PSJsonWebToken.PemFromJwkResult]::new()
                $result.JwkIdentifier = $jwkObject.kid
                $result.Pem = $publicKeyPem
                $result.PublicKeyUnformatted = $publicKeyUnformatted

                return $result
            catch {
                $SerializationException = [SerializationException]::new('JSON Web Key schema validation failed. Ensure that a valid JWK is passed that contains the key type expressed as "kty", a public exponent as "e”, and modulus as "n" parameters per RFC 7517.')
                Write-Error -Exception $SerializationException -Category InvalidData -ErrorAction Stop
        if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "URI") {

            $jsonWebKeys = @()
            try {
                $jsonWebKeys += (Get-JwkCollection -Uri $Uri -AsJson -ErrorAction Stop)
            catch {
                Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception -ErrorAction Stop

            foreach ($jwk in $jsonWebKeys) {
                try {
                    $resultingPemObject = _TransformJwkToPem -jwk $jwk
                    Write-Output -InputObject $resultingPemObject
                catch {
                    Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception -ErrorAction Stop
        elseif ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "JWK") {
            try {
                $resultingPemObject = _TransformJwkToPem -jwk $JsonWebKey
                Write-Output -InputObject $resultingPemObject
            catch {
                Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception -ErrorAction Stop