
function Convert-PSObjectToHashTable
        Converts a PSObject to a hash table.
        Converts a System.Management.Automation.PSObject to a System.Collections.Hashtable.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
         Specifies the PSObject to send down the pipeline.
        Get-Content -Path 'C:\groups.json' -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json | Convert-PSObjectToHashTable
        Gets the content from a JSON file, converts it to a PSObject, and finally to a hash table.
        $psObject = Get-ADUser -Identity $env:USERNAME -Properties * | Select-Object -Property Name, Description, UserPrincipalName
        Convert-PSObjectToHashTable -InputObject $psObject
        Converts the resulting PSObject from the Select-Object cmdlet into a hash table.
            A PSObject is received by the InputObject parameter.

    Param (
                Position = 0,
                Mandatory = $true,
                ValueFromPipeline = $true

        $hashTable = @{}

        $InputObject.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
            $hashTable.Add($_.Name, $_.Value)

        Write-Output -InputObject $hashTable