
    Sign scripts
    Sign target script(s) using existing certificate. If existing certificate is missing a new is generated.
       Target path for file to sign or folder name to sign all files.
       Suffix for files to sign. Default is ".ps1"
   If Path is a folder the signijng will be done recursive
    Author: Jack Olsson
    Changes: 2018-07-11 First draft
    Added support for file types to sign.

[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True)]
param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
    [string]$FileType = ".ps1",

#region Init

if (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole(`
    [Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator"))
    Write-Warning "You do not have Administrator rights to run this script!`nPlease re-run this script as an Administrator!"


#region local functions
function New-CodeSigningCert {
        Get a certificate!

    Write-Verbose "Create a certificate to use for signing powershell scripts"
    $selfsigncert = New-SelfSignedCertificate `
                -Subject "CN=PowerShell Code Signing" `
                -FriendlyName "Local self-signed code signing certificate" `
                -KeyAlgorithm RSA `
                -KeyLength 2048 `
                -Type CodeSigningCert `
                -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\My\

    Write-Verbose "Move the root cert into Trusted Root CAs"
    Move-Item "Cert:\LocalMachine\My\$($selfsigncert.Thumbprint)" Cert:\LocalMachine\Root

    Write-Verbose "Obtain a reference to the code signing cert in Trusted Root"
    $cert = (Get-ChildItem -Path "Cert:\LocalMachine\Root\$($selfsigncert.Thumbprint)")
#end region

Write-Output "Start Execution"

Write-Verbose "Enumerate Cert:\LocalMachine\Root"
Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\Root -CodeSigningCert | ForEach-Object {       
    if ($_.Verify()) {
        Write-Verbose "Found existing certificate Cert:\LocalMachine\Root\$($_.Thumbprint)"
        $cert = $_        

if ($cert -eq $null) {
    Write-Verbose "No valid certificate found. Generating a new one."
    if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("N/A", "New-CodeSigningCert")) {
        $cert = New-CodeSigningCert
        Write-Verbose "Copy cert into Trusted publishers"
        Export-Certificate  -Cert $cert -FilePath ".\$($selfsigncert.Thumbprint).cer"
        Import-Certificate -FilePath ".\$($selfsigncert.Thumbprint).cer" -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\TrustedPublisher
        Remove-Item -Path ".\$($selfsigncert.Thumbprint).cer" -Force

Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter "*$FileType" -Recurse:$Recurse.IsPresent | ForEach-Object {    
    if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($_.FullName, "Set-AuthenticodeSignature")) {
        $result = Set-AuthenticodeSignature $_.FullName -Certificate $cert
        Write-Output "$($result.Status);$($_.FullName)"

Write-Output "End Execution"